So this is different, a post? On Thursday?? Scott, what’s going on?!? Well, shortly before 2010 I said that I will be making the jump to a 5 days a week daily strip (now granted I’m going to try my hardest for this). There is much more discussed in the blog below on this subject, an official statement from your friendly sub-par artist 😉
Posts Tagged Chase
So in any of you have wondered, Chase isn’t really the type for direct physical combat, poor guy never even got to finish that sentence. For some reason when I writing that insult Hunter said (to Taryn) I leaned back and thought, “Ugh, that guy is such a dick”.
I like drawing Hunter, but man, he sure is not someone I ever want to meet 😉
ALSO, take a look at this, a reader did this for Nerf This, and her name is Allison (to which you may see her comment from time to time). She’s a graphic art student and I absolutely adored what she drew up, it kind of shows Chase and Taryn doing something I should do more of, being relaxingly affectionate 🙂 She threw in other members of the cast and they all look awesome, thank you Allison! (I will say thank you more so for fitting the Municorn in there too 😉
See you all Monday, have an awesome weekend.
Have you ever been told that you were “silky”, raise your hand if you were, then look around in shame that you may be the only one 😉
Crazy roided out ex-boyfriend on the left, and a plaid woman who’s strength is probably sung in greek mythology on your right (who’s in love with the monopoly man)… maybe I should put lighting in the background to show the full effects of this dangerous situation.
Thought some of you might be interested in seeing this. I haven’t had a personal art portfolio in a LONG time, tore it down years ago, used some freelance sites with some pieces on and mostly I did some contract work through word of mouth. Welp, I finally created one, its not done yet, but if any of you were interested you can see it here at
Sorry if this arc seems to be dragging, BUT! … there will be action in the next post, and action indeed! 😉 Also, I want to thank everyone so far who;s been reading Nerf This, all your comments, emails, and other forms of getting to know one another, you guys are awesome.
Ah… many of you guessed this scenario, and I was dreading this more “actiony” pose of Hunter. There will be one or two more comics then there is going to be a series of Monty only strips while the next story will begin. Everyone, I hope you have an awesome weekend, this is my first full week of doing daily strips, and I’m really happy I did, and I thank yo for everyone who gave their support 🙂
So this wraps up things here for now, I may have one more strip planned but this week will also mark a very special tale of Monty.
I want to say sorry for not getting to comments today, things became crazy busy with freelance, and I had a hankerin’ to draw a dinosaur for QUITE some time.
I thought I’d do one more dinosaur strip (since there is a soft spot in my heart for prehistoric monsters) I also did a guest strip for an awesome comic, and I couldn’t be more honored about it! Please check it out at Pictures of Crying Children, the comic masterfully and beautifully done by Nixon & Dash 🙂 (Right now they are having a bit of server trouble but I’m sure it will fix itself soon)