And we’re off to the next chapter 🙂 Thanks for reading.
Posts Tagged Chase
Not much to report today, but I want to say that my other graphic novel comic Motokool had a website design rehaul. I’m still working out the kinks like the favorites button and making a fanpage, but its getting there 🙂 I’m really having a lot of fun with that comic, playing with line work, light sources, camera angles… (squealing with glee)
I’m going to love drawing this story 🙂 Thank you all for reading, you guys are awesome 🙂
Ah… sometimes we try our whole lives to reach perfection, only to find ones who are better than us 😉
So you may notice a little bit of a difference with Chase, and I would like any input you guys may have, and that is if you like his eyes being darker shown above? Just trying out a few new things 🙂
I want to thank everyone’s input today with Chase’s eye color, it was a huge help, I’m going to stick with brown eyes and hopefully find a way to improve on them. The cardigan story is nearing it’s end as well! Another quick note, Anders Loves Maria has finally wrapped up, which is very sad to see, it was one hell of a ride, and a very powerful ending, I might even say a strong ending as well… and one of my favorite webcomics to read.
This happened to a close friend of mine once, it was sad…
We had a little bit of snow today… and that’s a car under there.
While I’m posting… the word “snaffle” comes to mind, simply because it makes me smile slightly, so I google this… its actually a word… here is a picture of a “twisted wire snaffle“. I felt pretty much the same way with scrapple.