Snarky Returns
Whoa! ย Teen angst Snarky looks familiar… can’t place my finger on it though. ย Oh, If you missed it from last week, Motokool started up again with an update last week, AND Scout updated yesterday ๐
If you wish to catch when I update all my comics, follow me here (I also post when I stream, too).
Dapper Finery updated tonight, too!
This is amazing….
Alright, who gave Snarky a moonstone?
who could be?, maibe mrs. mills?
Scott’s already said that all his comics (except Dapper finery maybe?) are set in the same universe. There may be some connecting thread(s), but I’m guessing Motokool is a prequel to Scout Crossing/Nerf This the way The Simpsons is a prequel to Futurama. Even if it is a prequel, think about how long it took to get to this point. Scott’s playing a long game, and I suspect it’s VERY VERY long(In an AWESOME way, of course).
I think it’s the other way around, personally. Motokool has the grown-up Snarky, but even if Snarky and Iggy aren’t the same person and are just the same species, I’d wager Motokool is more like a post-apocalyptic sequel to Nerf This. Scout Crossing seems like it’d fit somewhere in the middle, maybe.
Motokool’s got to be the prequel. It’s the story of how Mr. Mills became the manly guy that he is. Inspired by his grandfather.
wait then how did mr mills grow his arm back?? I hope they catch up on the motokool. SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!
arms grow back as ragestakes grow instantly
Scott has confirmed that Motokool is a sequel to Nerf-This on his Facebook page.
o wait i have an idea! iggy can change his size right? snarky is actually iggy in his smallest form! that is my hypothesis.
It’s like being cuddled by a cushion! Made out of needles…
I like. I like a lot!
So that means that Nerf This is in the same universe as Motokool? And does by any chance the characters from Scout Crossing inhabit the nearby city?
Cuddles! Galleons of cuddles are needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A link between the comics! That was sooner, and more sudden than expected.
Well ain’t this one hell of a mindfuck.
…my mind imploded…awesome
I thought Mrs. Mills would feel sorry and sympathetic about Chase’s…less that savory childhood. I was WAY off…
I’ve never commented before. But I wanted to say that Scott I love all your comics! They always brighten my day/week/whatever time period. And you’re monsters are awesome, always.
Also, to the general commentary on Snarrky. Snarky can’t be Iggy. Iggy has four skulleyes, where as Snarky only has three. And I think Snarky’s horn may be smaller than Iggy’s? I’m thinking Snarky is Iggy’s relative/ decedent/ merely of the same species/ something like that.
Mr mills is grandad from motokool, also the kid from motokool looks like he could be chase’s son. Also since iggy can’t talk iggy is prbly just the name that the kid calls him which means snarkey could be iggy. And I just know ruggles fits in the mills family somehow. (He looks like a small mister mills)
Great art style and more plot line than most comics out there. Keep up the good work Scott.
iggy can’t be snarky cause he has a different number of skulls on his face. unless that’s an error on scotticus’ part
maybe its snaky and montys kid whos iggy and ruggles could be a young mr mills
Well since it is confirmed that Motokool is a sequel to Nerf-This, it may be very well that Iggy is an older Snarky. Maybe the creature grows more skulls as it matures. Perhaps the smaller skulls are the skulls of its victims.. and since Chase is implying here that Monty is younger and maybe still in a ‘child’ stage (like tadpoles to frogs) perhaps it is Monty that is Iggy. Who knows…
Considering that to be the truth… I am kinda worried about Chase and others’ future with that Dapper monster showing up and dealing with the Grandpa who is suspiciously similar to Mr. Mills. Of those events might be quite years ahead. Still doesn’t really make me feel ”hopeful” there. Damn my doomsaying….
Mills can’t be the grandad. Too much Scottish to be Mills. I could believe that when hardened with more battle experience, Ruggles could become Mr Mills, but neither could be that overly Scottish grandpa. Could be further descendants.
Plushies! ๐
My opinion: it all starts with Nerf This…then the Power Tat war in Scout Crossing blows up bigtime, destroying nearly everything. What doesn’t get destroyed…what remains…is Motokool.
I’ve been sitting here opening and closing my mouth like a fish out of water for about ten minutes… Now I have to go clean up my brains off of the walls.
OH MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING!!! I’ve never commented before on these either but honestly I’ve loved these comics since day one and they just keep getting better!!! Now that i’ve seen this comic my mind has exploded and my personal theories on the comic seem super true! My theories were that Scout Crossing is the prequel to Nerf This because Mr. Mills looks strikingly similar to ruggles and if he was growing up with Finn then I can see why and how he turned into the manly man he is in Scout Crossing and I also can believe that Mr. Mills is the Grandfather in the Motokool Universe… One thing that makes me think that Motokool is the future is that it mentioned something about the first and last Human King… And the little bit it showed looked an awful lot like Chase from the little fantasy comics awhile ago… God this is just so interesting and amazing!!! Again it nearly gave me a heart attack seeing Snarky/Iggy
Sorry meant to say the manly man he is in this comic Nerf This
If what the comments have been saying are to be taken into consideration…. *sigh* I guess I may have to start reading your other comics, Scotticus.
You are forcing my hand here.
i tink… what all the monster what have apeared and will apear in motokool where created by chase and nergil…. we know what them can do in monster breeding…
I don’t think Snarky and Iggy are the same character, same species or whatever, fine, but not the same character. Snarky and Iggy both have skulls on/for their faces, but the pattern and number of skulls is different, Snarky has one large skull next to two small skulls arranged on on top of the other, while Iggy consistently has four skulls, One large and three small arranged in a horizontally stretched diamond pattern. That being said though Iggy’s skulls are actually three different sizes and one could argue that Iggy is Snarky in the future after he has grown(?) another skull, as the one on the far right is smaller than the two in the middle.
As always Scott, your comics are captivating and the universe enthralling! Stay dapper!
So many questions….. Must….have…the …answers !
What’s going on with the comic? It hasn’t been updated in over a week and there’s been no word about why. I enjoy reading the comic, but the lack of consistent updates or of why there’s no update is really taking away from my enjoyment of the comic. I’m pretty damn close to not reading it anymore.
Just putting this out there, it has been said already that this comic was never on a fixed schedule, this was said by Scott himself. He was always able to finish comics quick enough to make it seem like it had a schedule but now he has a bunch of other stuff to work on too
I’d love to see some Koalas get in on this fight!
I’m having a pretty cool sword fight with my impatience right now! Lots of epic fencing and explosions going back and forth, all with witty banter. Taking a quick breather somewhere he can’t find me so I could let ya’ll know! ๐
(ps: I didn’t know I was spelling “Sorcerer” wrong this whole time! There isn’t a second “o” in it at all!)
Ya know, I understand that he said that this comic doesn’t have a set schedule…
But there’s a fine line between a few updates here and there, to disappearing with no word to readers and expecting them to be OK with it. Just my two cents.
dude, you could always just check his twitter to find out whats happening. rather than being a dick
Scott’s updates are fucked up and far between several times a year for various, repetitive reasons. I don’t really care but honestly I don’t think anyone’s being a dick to call him out on it. Updates are scarce enough over his three comics and he’s started a fourth. I know it’s not really anyone’s business to have expectations from a stranger for free, but it is sorta unprofessional.
His facebook hasn’t posted a single update since this last comic, and his twitter’s just as bare last I checked. Frankly, I’m worried about his health, as he’s always been at least semi-consistent w/ Nerf This above the other 3.
Nevermind, I hadn’t checked since Saturday, he appears to be coming back. A big relief, I’d hate to remove another comic from my bookmarks.
i had noticed the absence as well from social media and shared the concern about health. hence the dick comment. and apparently he was in fact having some personal issues, so i do feel i was justified at the time of my post for any name calling i did. but anywho the good news is the creator is returning.
Sooooooo are we going to get anymore updates or is this it.
Come back Scotticus, the withdrawls are getting bad!
Regardless of whether Snarky is Iggy, or Iggy is Snarky, or whatever… I just want to know how Snarky got so big!
Huh, the ‘Updates Monday’ page is gone now. Odd.
Scott; i’m worried about you. You mentioned an emergency and said you’d return, but you vanished. We would all appreciate it if you checked in to let us know how you’re doing. I’m sure there’s many readers who want to give you support, but don’t even know know what’s wrong. If it’s personal, don’t feel pressured to reveal anything you don’t want to, but please let us know that your still alive.
Did he just delete the page saying he would be back a few Mondays ago? Interesting…….
And now the ‘Soon’ page is gone. Brace yourselves, chillins.
so wait, are you back? are you OK? Can you tell us what happened?
It’s been quite awhile since his last update. At this point I keep coming back to see if he’s put up new comics just so i can read his explanation for his absence, I’m not upset about it, just wondering and worried. I hope It’s not too serious and I’m assuming from his post of Dapper Updates Resume Monday post. As a fan, I’d like some information if anyone knows what’s up. Until then, we’ll just have to wait.
Hey Scott, screw dem clowns who bash your update schedule. The real fans are patient and are happy to wait for ya.
We all have hiccups. Hell I post a Rant of the Day Monday through Friday. Some days I miss one, it happens. The fans who bash have nothing better to do than to bash about it and are they really fans if they be hatin?
If you want a Rant of the Day you can follow us on twitter: @rarpc
Beuller? Beuller?
Scott? Are you alive?…Do I need to call a doctor? A shaman? Weird Al Yankovich?
Now I’m really concerned about what’s going on in Scott’s life. What could take him away from so many updates? He’s made four comics, he must really love what he does…
Reminds me of GM_Dave. I miss that guy.
anything? anything? bueller? bueller?…i’ll check back on monday…
Scott has always been pretty great about updating us. Even when going through personal troubles he still tries to let us know what’s going on. He feels awful whenever he lets us down. I,for one, think he’s a great artist with a great sense of humor and I’m happy that he started doing this at all. Life can suck sometimes and get overwhelming. I just hope Scott is doing well and look forward to when he returns to updating.
Oh god it burns syringe HUGS AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wonder if this means that Monty is gonna grow up to be one of the Mocking Monsters.
I’m surprised this website is still up. I was kind of curious who would win the fight. I guess its as good of a time as any to kill this comic.
D8 I just read on slow updates…I just got back and read everything after being away for a year…IM…SO SAD…
Hope you’re alright Scotticus; your fans worry about ya, man.
So I’ve been re-reading the comic during the hiatus and realized that Chase and crew hang out at the Scene Bean from Scout Crossing….
….. are you alive? I really hope you are alive and well and working on an update (or three).
Guys, what if Scott is seriously ill, hospitalized or worse. How would you feel then, considering all the hate you’ve been giving him. Remember, he’s doing us a service, writing this awesome comic for us ALL to enjoy. Yes I do check this every day and each day it’s not been updated I am sad, but I am not in the slightest angry with the writer, and neither should you.
I would feel that more than updating the comic, he would at least let his followers know that he’s alive. We’re worried about him as you are, and would like confirmation that he isn’t actually dead. He’s always been fantastic about communication and transparency with his readers, and suddenly…nothing. Its really unnerving.
You know, I don’t think hes dead or dropping us. I think if that were the case a relative or close friend would tell us. There would be no way we didn’t hear or know about that by now. The internet is fast, powerful, and all knowing, after all.
I do think, however, that he was sick/injured, thought it was simple enough to return to work for in a week or so, and then it progressed to where he obviously wouldn’t hence the taken down “Updates resume Monday” page. If he was dropping us he could have just replaced that with a page informing us of such. And all of us that pay attention to his posts know he loves his art and job. So sad as it is to say, the most likely choice here is him being in very poor condition. Or family emergency.
I suggest that the best we can do is let him know we support him and are keeping him in our thoughts, prayers, rituals, sword fights, meditations, and bear-fighting routines.
And hopefully whatever ails our poor lad will be alleviated soon, and thus he will return promptly to his fans and exquisite works of Art.
Oh, of course. I always have his well-being in mind when I swing blades and wrestle mammals larger than myself. Even when he’s not in harms way, or dealing with family emergencies.
I’m not sure Clucky can actually reach the keyboard, so we may be out of luck if he does keel over.
I’d almost rather look at a ‘Be Back Soon’ sign.
There are no recent posts on his fbook, twitter, or any of his comics… nothing since march 4th. It’s unlike Scott to not keep us in the loop. I hope everything’s OK with him. D:
I am growing concerned. Last time a webcomic artist I read started going through personal problems to the point where they stopped updating, we lost a brilliant and talented mind (RIP Ricky). I’d just like some sort of say that “hey, I’m not dead yet!”
Are you okay man?
You know, for something that is given to us without charge and entirely free out of the kindness of Scotticus’ heart, people sure feel entitled to yell at him for not giving them more. I am concerned for his health and hope it is nothing too serious. these comics are great, but his health and livelihood come first. Just my 2 cents on the matter.
Guys, I love this comic, it’s one of my favorites and I miss the crap out of it. That said? Scott doesn’t owe us a damn thing, we don’t pay membership fees and scott didn’t sign a baby skin parchment blood pulled from hussy’s cloaca.
…I hope…
Anyway, it’s a FREE WEBCOMIC!
Why is it that as soon as i get into a comic, it turns out that it’s over, incomplete, or just plain lagging?. Case in point, Anders loves maria, Blip, and this one. is it a case of the artist burning out and not wanting to finish their work or something? this has been up for, what 2 weeks or more now?. I’m trying to not find offense in all this, but I don’t like being ignored. Im sure it’s not,…well, i HOPE it’s not intentional, but this lack of attention is really bugging me. That’s it! I’m going to make my own webtoon! With blackjack! And strippers!
Infact, forget the blackjack. And the webtoon.
From now on, if I see you anywhere else on the Internet, I will always read what you post in Benders voice.
Ok, enough time has passed. I’m sorry for whatever concern has caused this comic creator to be delayed, But I regret I am now going to delete the Bookmark. It is a bit inconsiderate to leave faithful readers hung out like this and I will not spend anymore personal time on this. Good luck and remember No Readers, No Comic.
dont forget to let door hit you in the ass on the way out
I do admit, the 5 seconds it takes to open this page, realize it hasn’t updated, and close it back, does take quite a bit of personal time out of my day as well.
Keep it bookmarked, put it in a folder. Check back once a week or so.
It’s not killing you, stop being a prick.
ZanAzoth is right. Dakota James, It took way more time to type that press release about you “going to delete the bookmark” than it would take to check the comic for an update. Considering Scott has always kept readers in the loop and works so hard on this and many projects (that we get to enjoy for free), this is uncharacteristic for Scott- signifying a deeper issue going on. You probably wouldn’t know his great relationship with his readers considering your asinine comment- We readers have his back, and you look like an insolent child. Good Luck and remember Respect doesn’t cost a thing.
i literally just got caught up with the nerf this comics today…. just in time for the big delay in updates :'(
its okay though. if its something serious i hope things get better!!!
Day 45.
Returned to comic. Still no update.
Plans to return tomorrow.
And the day after that, and the day after that….
Oh Scott, we’d wish you’d fill us in on what’s going on, even if it’d be a single, simple line of text. Couldn’t some one at LAWLS or I AM ARG fill us in?
Like, are you so sick or something that you can’t send a pal an email? ๐
seriously worried about hin… I mean… I’ve been a fan since, like, 2009 when his first strips came out… This is just not normal, he always says and updates about what’s going on…
This is a great website for advertisers now! Everyone will come here for a new comic, be disappointed and click on a link to a new, interesting, and updating comic instead. Hurry while you can advertisers!!
That sarcasm is so bitingly sharp, I think I just cut my sense of humor on it. That, or your comment just wasn’t all that funny.