Twelfth Marriage
Thanks to those who came to watch me draw this. And thanks to you all, I know that fisher cats are not this… but in fact, THIS. That will probably be the look it has on it’s face before I tame it and ride it to the post office. Here is an artist’s rendition.
That, sir, is an armored kobold riding a dire weasel.
Clearly, the author has been reptilian all along. It only makes sense, if you think about it. Retractable penises will do things to the mind.
^ Just excellent comments. Laughing so hard.
haha excellent. the change of final panel works nicely. and now you must get a fisher cat and ride it and take a photo. or photoshop it. either one
Fantastic creature! With a voice nearly as lovely as the fox xD
Well it was nice reading this comic. but unless chase becomes the ultimate adventurer in a moments notice… I’d give the comic 2 weeks. tops.
Remember Chase’s fight for Monty?
I’m less worried about Chase’s parent-induced scars and Tony’s distance from the proceedings, and more worried about where Destiny pulled that sword from. O.O’
Why do you say your cat can’t be used a musical instrument, exactly???
You, sir… have just made my day 🙂
Boy, Chase is emotionally scarred and still getting so much crap from everyone… Mr. Mills better help him in the situation …
Hehe still got your murder brick?
lol i never noticed mr. mills never opened his eyes and i want taryns mom with that sword as a wallpaper please it would be awesome.
Why is it Taryn’s mother rarely opens her eyes?
…Awww…Poor Chase…
Chase gets major sad puppy points. 8*C
To be fair, I don’t see a ring on HER finger either! *crosses arms* Hrmph!
Though it’s a few comics late, and not entirely relevant. I was catching up with Nerf-This after about a good month or so, and I had to check out DL. I am officially disillusioned with Learning that Scott is a real person. (Having seen his picture on the kickstarter along with Denis’) My mind had decided he looked like his journal entries’ interpretation of himself in person and I’ve always imagined the little guy drawing his own comics. My dreams. They’ve been shattered. Congratulations. ]:
I hope she was about to say “prepare your anus.”
Aaaand cue motherly instinct in three…two…one…
Way long ago, I would be irrate about how long it takes to get new comics… but then, as I got older, I learned patience…
And recently, something dawned on me.
Scotticus HAS to update rarely, for each page is a gem of pure epicocity and dappery. And too much of a good thing, and all that….
…. well.. that…. and if we got too much of these, we’d go insane faster than you could say “pussycock”.