I was thinking my Green Cheeked Conure would either attempt an emergency finger amputation or perform a “you’re never putting that on me, you moron” threat display dance. She’s normally well-behaved, but she doesn’t stand for any weird stuff like that hoodie.
If there was any question of whether or not Nergal was going to kill him, this answered that question. Nergal is going to introduce him to the darkest pits of hell… HIS CIRCUS!!!! And then brutally murder him with his trained bears and other monstrosities.
Looks more like a Wizard of Many Colours. Not likely to succeed as a Zoekeeper. His robes make for nice elephant ears, but the rainbox trunk looks fishy.
Bukaki, wizard style!
That caique was so cute!!! Mine would not love that hoodie though XD
I was thinking my Green Cheeked Conure would either attempt an emergency finger amputation or perform a “you’re never putting that on me, you moron” threat display dance. She’s normally well-behaved, but she doesn’t stand for any weird stuff like that hoodie.
Taste the rainbow…
Did you know that you’re the ONLY PERSON who had the foresight and good taste to make that joke?
I swear….. We’re surrounded by savages.
They’re our savages though.
Rainbow-gasm. Trademark.
Read the alt text and confirmed it was rainbow jizz.
Wizard shit…gross, good fertilizer though.
That is never coming out of her shirt…or her hair.
Oh god
So is that how they get the flavor base for Wizard Shit coffee?
Because if so I’m sticking with Cat Reflex espresso.
If there was any question of whether or not Nergal was going to kill him, this answered that question. Nergal is going to introduce him to the darkest pits of hell… HIS CIRCUS!!!! And then brutally murder him with his trained bears and other monstrosities.
Looks more like a Wizard of Many Colours. Not likely to succeed as a Zoekeeper. His robes make for nice elephant ears, but the rainbox trunk looks fishy.
Shit flavour or not, that Dragon Dick sounds absolutely delicious to me…
Welp. This has killed me. I am officially dead. I am dead now. That face…. that facial. I have died. X3D
no… no…. noooo. I just… no… XD oh no…
“Oh, Jesus, no.”
that too.
I NEED a wallpaper of the unexpected wizard shit.
Clearly, he’s a Jizzard.
Skittles: Taste the rainbow!
bwagah? I…think this has reached reality levels of nonsense…
I… what? O-o
That last panel…Needs to become a wallpaper!
they dont show this in MLP lol