Rainbowingly Horrid
So, to get that splat effect on Zoey I had to splash watercolor on bristol board like a few dozen times, and at the end of that, I had to look in the mirror and say, “Scott, pat yourself on the back, you just hand painted a wizard rainbow money shot.” I wallowed in shame and yelled at spiders the rest of the day. Damn fine day.
That stuff always gives me the most uncomfortable diarrhea.
…Still tastes good though.
Does comfortable diarrhea taste significantly better?
Apologies for being curious but I’m quite out of my depth here.
Well obviously. You’re acting as though you’ve never tasted your own defecation. -__-
I apologize for for being a tad irritable, but I would be lying if I said that I’m not the least bit offended.
Weird as it sounds, i really do like the look of those colors :3
Contrary to popular belief, does not taste like skittles…
I’d rather not taste it knowing where it comes from.
https://youtu.be/iw6hvGtcquY hes essentially skipped the foreplay and just gone straight for the money shot
Wash it down with some Bear Murder and you’ll be good to go. Or Dragon Dick, you’re choice really.
Nergil is a, what, warlock? I think he is making up everything he knows about the mating habits of the lesser white wizard.
(Not a greater white wizard, obviously, for they have a staff with a knob at the end.)
I’m sure all the lovely witches out there dig a wizard with a long staff. . .
I suspect that the rainbow ends at her pot of gold.
She seems to be getting more than her share of ill-gotten money shots as of late. First a monster and now the white wizard. Nergil sure seems to enjoy watching her get it, too! But then, looking at my browsing history, I am no purer….. (hahaha)
I wonder how easily that stuff washes out of clothes and hair… and skin.
Well…since its his mark….not very
no. no. not again. no.
I’m with Zone on this one. Mental trauma for everyone!
Zoey* autocorrect is the bane of my existence…
Depending on volume of tentacle in the near future, Zone may be more apt. Correct. Whatever.
I know Scott’s some scene kid yanked straight out of the early aughts, but I still hope that Zoey just straight up says, “Why don’t you like me?” And then tongue. For fucks sake, please don’t make this one of those will they wont they stories. If I wanted that shit, I’d watch bad anime.
I promise I’ll do my best to end this storyline with explosive fucking one way or another, dammit.
I demand extra rainbows. >:V
Thank you. After all, only Nergil can give her the black nether-tentacles she so rightfully deserves. Needs. Whatever. I just didn’t want this to be a Shoujo situation. Wreck her vagina while ripping his dick-stitches. Sounds baws. Balls. Whatever. I’m gonna go play checkers with snakes.
Hopefully, she DID NOT swallow that…
I think this might be the most visually distraught we’ve seen Zoey, as of yet.
Dog go boom. Remember?
And now Zoey is officially “Art”
I bet this was the look on her face when she murder-exploded that poor dogs face with the Death vibrator a few pages ago.
Y’know….. Except covered in a lot more red…..
So wait, that means that Nergil is still available to her, ya know, being a dark wizard and all. Just kill the white and be done with it. No one needs a healer anyway *says the evil DM*
TASTE THE RAINBOW!!!! *this comment wasn’t paid for by Skittles, but damn it should have been*
I don’t know how or why that makes THE MOST PERFECT GODDAMN SENSE EVER!