Beautiful Perrywinkle
Thanks for the feedback on yesterday’s comic, Honestly, I’m always trying to push things in a better direction for my comics, and I really appreciate people adding insight.  So here is a bit more normal Taryn 😉
Also, don’t forget that, if you haven’t yet… join the fan page for status updates and such 🙂
Is it supposed to say “what was Percocet” in the last panel, or was it supposed to be “THAT was Percocet”? The way it’s currently phrased makes it sound like she’s on Jeopardy.
heh, it’s fixed, it was “that”.
Tee hee. Perrywinkle Sparklepony <3
I love the look on Perrywinkle’s face. Classic.
You’ve done so well, Scott!! I’m proud 😀
Yay! Taryn’s freckles are back!
Yay! It must be a overdose induced hallucination.
I hope he sees this way 4ever! Fun!
Is that buck teeth and drawn on stars?
I preferr the old design for Taryn better than the one you are using now.
But here goes a big question, you don’t deliver internationally but I used one of you drawings to make a T-shit for myself (The one Married with destiny…)
I don’t know if you have a donor thingie so I can clear my conscience, just love this comic.
Today’s shirt reminds me of you! And looks like you couldn’t drawn it, too!!
I’m really glad that one of your tags is “pony pageant”, as if someone would specifically be looking for pony pageant related items. I did. There are some scary things out there…
delicious dream Chase is delicious.
I really like dream Taryn’s hair.
Holy! I wouldn’t eat that horse, let alone ride it. And I have weird eating habits. I mean I eat bones. bones! Seriously though… they’re good for you. So are apple cores, and citrus peels, but no one believes me…
Derp Horse, truly the finest of breeds
Looks a little like the horse from the “My Horse is Amazing” Song thingy.
Just finished up with the archives today.. it took me a while, but only because my husband and 2 month old are needy. They demand I feed them, clean the house, and do laundry. Psh.
Anywho, I am in love with this comic! I look forward to reading through the archives of your other comics! I’ll also add that not only do I love your comics, but your little blurbs underneath the comic are usually just as entertaining. It’s not often I make a point to read the posts by the authors (I just skim), but yours are the exception!
P.S. Please tell me I haven’t missed out on the Monty plush or the monocle/mustache boxers!
Just read through all the archives in one go….excellent!! 😀 will definitely keep up with this one!
Thank you for being awesome…especially about our issue with the new taryn look… I personally really appreciate that you actually listened to us and took our feelings into consideration… cause to be honest, it kind of hurt to look at that new taryn…lol… the art was great, she just…looked scary… anyway, Love todays comic, and love your writing even if you end up making the characters look scary in a bad way, I will still read for the story…:D
I didn’t want to complain because it seems rude to nitpick tiny flaws in an awesome comic, but I really am glad to see the old taryn back.
Also, this is the perfect punchline to the dream arc. Made me laugh.
Also dream chase is still stunning. I wonder though if this is his self image we’re seeing. If this is how Chase believes he looks he might be flattering himself a bit…
Look at that horse, that horse is amazing.
scary teeth on that pony
I think that the pony is amazing. I think that change is good, but I agree that in the last strip, Taryn looked a little scary… But I love this comic and am getting to work on checking out the other two! ^_^
YAY I can comment again!
loving the new look of the comic =)
After one whole night, I’ve finally read all of Nerf This!
Can…Can someone please make that horse a reality? That would make me quite happy :3
… History is written by the victors, history is fi- oh wait, wrong place, hehe
On another note though, you -could- make dream-Taryn less bald. Otherwise, luving this
…All this dream ones are messing with my view of Chase… You’re making him too attractive.
(Love it)
Holy shit, that horse’s face is amazing
Dream chase looks like the last human king from Motokool….