Caringly Considerate
EDIT: FRIDAY’S NERF THIS WILL BE DELAYED UNTIL FRIDAY AFTERNOON, I’m sorry for the inconvenience. I really want to thank everyone for their input on Taryn, I was experimenting with a way to draw women in Nerf This, and I wasn’t happy with the final result (and happy to see that many of you shared similar thoughts).
Well, I am watching the sun come up through my window, so I’ll take that as a sign to sleep (which is boring compared to what I really want to do).
Discussion (28) ¬
I love that “I guess”. Also, he really shouldn’t have held on to the poor guy’s meds. Crazy chase. *raises Disney glass with water* Heres to watching the sunset doin’ either work or reading things on the internet my friend. Sleep well.
oh goodness me.
Lol, I love the look Chase and Taryn exchange in the second to last panel.
I give my friends the “did we just accidentally murder someone?” look all the time.
That’s pretty grim.
Brah, gotta burn these things before they smell! that or get the ebay buyer to pick it up early!
Dreams and nightmares can be interesting and not boring
I really don’t like how Taryn looks in this comic. It is my humble suggestion that you go back to how she looked a few comics back, when she was slightly less angular. Justasuggestiondon’tbemadatme?
don’t change the mood of the comic, though. frickin hilarity.
Thirded. :<
Taryn's got scary glarey eyes.
Fifthed, like a bottle of jack. LOVE the word balloon, though!
6thed, and balloon looks good seconded.
kind of snooty looking
9thed…I don’t really like the number 8…
tenthed…makes her look…stuck up.
GAH!! 11th’d. Taryn’s face will give me nightmares forever! Please make her forehead human sized again, and her eyes…. they frighten small children…. lol, na i know web-comic artist experiment with characters looks. Just please don’t pull a QC and make every character fugly for some reason…. they don’t have to be supermodels, just not horrendous.
I mean, it looks like shes an alien or something….
is it only me, or has your art style changed? it reminds me of scout crossing and motokool, which were a tad different in lineart from nerf this (i know both are yours)
poor Mr. Persnickey. That’s what you get for being in the same hospital as Chase…
but… but…. wasn’t that mr. persniky in motokool. Either that or his brother I would guess. IT looked exactly like him
Taryn’s eyes seem slightly slantier than I remember them being.
Yep. Definitely slantier. Is she getting a case of the azn?
I agree with most of the comments above, Taryn looks kinda wrong from the way she looked a few comics back. Her head looks huge and her eyes make her look like a secret villain. I think you nailed her pretty well before, but that’s just my personal opinion. I love how Chase looks, but he looks a little less like the goof that we all know and love.
Other than that, I DIED when I saw Mr. Persnickey. Love that.
In the last panel of “envious entitlement” I think she looks perfect <3
I think the slanty eye can work on her, it just needs a little tweaking still. I mean we saw with Chase how the tweaking can work. its one of the things i like about the comic, you can see it evolve alot more openly
Jesus, does she have fucking down syndrome in that first panel? Keep it together, man.
hahaha, poor Scott.. but yea… Taryn looks a little off.
I think the height of her perfection you achieved in Dec 29th’s (Envious Entitlement) comic. Humble opinion from a webcomic reading nerd 😛
You are still a pro, keep it up.
there no freckles on tyrna. Why??
Whoa with the flies! That was fast!
Maybe he just… smells bad? *poke poke*
Also agree with all the above about Taryn. I like the softer look of the characters in past comics. She’s too… Idunno… fierce and angular to really fit in with any of the other characters. Not even the meanest dudes in the comic look fierce and angular (save for the heroically rugged moustaches). Even the big baddie and the insatiable little monster look like they popped out of Disney. Unless you’re making some kind of bold artsy statement about Disney and Hellspawn. In which case, touché, good sir. Touché, indeed.