So you may notice a little bit of a difference with Chase, and I would like any input you guys may have, and that is if you like his eyes being darker shown above? Just trying out a few new things 🙂
Posts Tagged Monster
This happened to a close friend of mine once, it was sad…
We had a little bit of snow today… and that’s a car under there.
While I’m posting… the word “snaffle” comes to mind, simply because it makes me smile slightly, so I google this… its actually a word… here is a picture of a “twisted wire snaffle“. I felt pretty much the same way with scrapple.
Looks like we have a little artist on our hands 😉
You’d be amazed at what duct tape can achieve… I’m sure someone could create… awesomely awesome things.
So a brief note, sorry if I’d been quiet for the past few posts, truth is my awesome internet provider has not been very “providery” so I’m without internet until I can get to the bottom of this mystery… I may need a team of experts to figure this one out. So I’ve been uploading at night from a wireless cafe… the staff is on to me. I want to thank everyone who has been keeping up with Nerf This, reading your emails and comments have been awesome 🙂
Sometimes even my stone cold assembled heart can create something like this 😉 This marks the end of this little mini, and the new story will begin tomorrow. I’m finally beginning to get stuff for sale, you’ll notice I did the lettering by hand today, and you have the option to buy the original strip below (which is inked without color on 7″ x 17″ bristol board)