Trying to push better lighting and line work into these posts, get ready for some very action-y things coming up 🙂
Posts Tagged indie comic
Had a pinch of trouble with this post, hope it turned out okay, also, flashback is almost over!
Again, to everyone, thank you for reading 🙂
Hope this page turned out alright, tried some new things, and next week is pretty much effects!  Effects everywhere!  I hope it’s effective 😉
Well, at least has a not so secret admirer/
Hey guys!  Sorry this page was so late, I wanted to have something up last week but ECCC threw a larger kink in the works than I expected.  Anyways, thank you so much guys for being really patient with me, AND the comic 🙂
Little fun fact, Finn calls Dillinger pigeon because Dillinger is always on a roof nearby watching the Indie Ink.
Oh, I started a DA account in case you wanna see some other stuff I’ll be posting soon 🙂
Hey guys, sorry for the delay on this comic.  As it is now, all my time is invested into freelance, Nerf This, and Scout Crossing.  It won’t be long before the next update, most likely in two weeks.  Thank you for your patience, seriously.  I don’t deserve to have an awesome bunch like you guys/madams who read my comics 🙂  To answer a question of sorts about Motokool, it does tie in very closely with Nerf This.  (and will be much more apparent as both the comics progress).
I want to thank everyone for the feedback from the last post, I didn’t realize how many people loved this comic, and I promise to put the best of what I can do in every post. Â Trying some new shading/lighting techniques, hopefully some steps towards a stronger inking style. Â Now, on to get ready for the next post!
Trying some new things with style changes, heavier inks for starters, hoping it’s turning out well enough. Â Also, a few more pages of Finn doing “Finn Things” and then we’re back to good ole’ Scout.
PS:  Thank you all for reading 😀