Dammit Jennifer
Trying some new things with style changes, heavier inks for starters, hoping it’s turning out well enough. Also, a few more pages of Finn doing “Finn Things” and then we’re back to good ole’ Scout.
PS: Thank you all for reading 😀
Trying some new things with style changes, heavier inks for starters, hoping it’s turning out well enough. Also, a few more pages of Finn doing “Finn Things” and then we’re back to good ole’ Scout.
PS: Thank you all for reading 😀
A+ page. Finn is probably one of my favorite characters you draw and write out.
I’m flashing back to the hoggle joke from the labyrinth! <3
Also thanks for coming back to this comic! I missed it a lot!!!
Oh my GOD. I had COMPLETELY abandoned hope but it’s back! Eveeytime I look at this webpage and see a new comic it sends me into an uncontrollable fit of giggles and spasms caused by sheer glee. Scott, keep it going! You write my favorite comics out of them ALL!
Yay! I’m getting more. But not just more, shit loads of more. Shit loads of glorious more. All this Moreness!!!!! I love you. That was probably a bit extreme. But waited sooooooo long do this much scouts crossing…… Thank you
THIS IS FUCKING AMAZING, with nerf would’ve kept with this style, but I just can imagine scout with any other way, thanks you for making this amazing comic
I’m glad that this is back and looking fantastic. I love the dialogue pacing of the page being heavily set around Finn’s absolute lack of interest to properly remember Johnny’s name.
I’m so happy to see more Scout. It really is one of my favorite webcomics, comics in general really.
Have to comment again because I decided to glance back through the old archives, your growth is incredible. I would love to see some of those older pages in this new style. Your current style brings a certain, I don’t want to call it “edge” because that’s not correct, and trite. I guess the best way I can describe it is heavy, it has more gravity. It draws you into the scene in a way that the older styles didn’t.
Oh god, thank you for updating this again! I was so sad when updates stopped, now 3 in relatively quick succession! Awesome stuff!
Finn is my spirit animal XD
So happy to see this receiving updates again. I love this and Nerf-This but Finn strips will always make this one my favorite. You just stay on Finn as long as you want, I can’t even remember who Scout is.
Do you ever consider streaming while creating strips anymore? I’d love to watch you work cause I love your style.
Finn is pretty fantastic and this sorry is one of the more amazing and original things I have read. Thanks for coming back it!
“Please tell me your name so that I may properly wipe my ass with it.”
I want to be like Finn when/if I grow up.
well, I guess the blind part is easy, the tattoo artist part not so much, but the magic ink…
It’s not a question of IF it can be done… it’s a question of HOW it can be done…
Finn smokes Pall Mall blues!
I smoke Pall Mall blues!
JOY! 😀
Hah! So do I (even though I shouldn’t) BUT IT FEELS SO GOOD
no fucks given about names XD