I was a little sad that I didn’t find an opportunity to do a close up of anything, I love drawing faces and the lot, shame that I had to do things I dread… like distance. Hope the page turned out well, enjoy!
Sorry for the late update everyone! This week has been pretty crazy, but here is the new page 🙂
For those who may be curious…
keelie=young men of very low class urban neighborhoods
Thanks for reading!
Sorry about the post being a bit late, I do promise to get at least 1 or two updates done a week (even though it may be sporadic). Again, thank you for reading!
EDIT, I found a recent version sung by the Dubliners at the ending credits of Sherlock Holmes, so you can listen to it here 🙂
If you are wondering about the song he’s singing, it’s the “Rocky Road to Dublin”.
Trying out some nifty things with coloring and line work, which is always fun (maybe I could say dandy).  So this marks the spot in the comic where things will be bumped up a notch 😉
I’m really having fun writing this comic, and thank you all for sticking with me while I move this story along, it means a lot to me 🙂