Singing makes Violence Fun
EDIT, I found a recent version sung by the Dubliners at the ending credits of Sherlock Holmes, so you can listen to it here 🙂
If you are wondering about the song he’s singing, it’s the “Rocky Road to Dublin”.
EDIT, I found a recent version sung by the Dubliners at the ending credits of Sherlock Holmes, so you can listen to it here 🙂
If you are wondering about the song he’s singing, it’s the “Rocky Road to Dublin”.
Singing a happy tune always makes the punching go by so very quick, doesn’t it?
Is that a real song, BTW?
I think I’d hold a great amount of respect for someone who can wreck shop singing a tune, I’m not sure if you remember this, but it reminds me of Beowulf from this old cartoon I’d watch as a kid called Mighty Max.
as for the song, it is a real song 🙂
I remember that actually! He was singing a jaunty Norse ballad while punching the crap out of a bunch of Tim Curry’s minions.
HAHAHA, I remember that near the end of that series, it was a lot darker than what I would have thought. I think all the “heroes” that helped him in that one episode died.
Didn’t he say he was Scottish, though? Odd song for a Scottsman to sing, no?
it was also in the ending credits by the Dubliners, at the ending credits for Sherlock Holmes, let’s see if I can find it…
How does The Engineer’ profile fit me? Like a glove. I’m in good cpnoamy with Descartes, Socrates, Einstein, and Rick Moranis?. Also, the career profile works. Included on the list are things that relate to what I do professionally (Computer Programmer, Consultant, and Mathematician) and things that I would enjoy professionally if there were money in it (Philosopher, Teacher/Professor, and Musician). Strangely, Historian is also on that list. That job keeps popping up on all sorts of self-assessment tools.I sometimes like to think that I am a Strategist , but then I remember that I have very little in the way of leadership skills (I tend to be indecisive and sometimes not very pragmatic). I tend to have a lot of admiration and respect for that personality type.Saniti’s fits him as well. I’ll put his up here once he creates a badge. I can see him running a large cpnoamy quite well if given the chance. Also, his knack for leadership has been obvious to our family even since he was a kid.The only surprise was in the Multiple Intelligences. I thought I was more visual/spacial and less verbal/linguistic. I’m good with maps and directions, for instance.
I’m really exeticd to get your wonderful info and am looking forward to Spring and planting. We live in Lehi on the West side of the freeway just South of Thanksgiving Point. Are we on the same schedule as Pleasant Grove?? Thanks so much.
Hello Bridget,The description may be brnoig, but you certainly are not. And you are adventurous. You have a ton of outdoor adventures. How many people are willing to (much less enjoy) carry everything they need on their backs for four days and walk 25+ miles?
I enjoyed reading this immensly
I only wish this and Scout crossing updated as frequently as Nerf this, although I know it to be impossible.
im just professing my smitten state with your comics
Haha, thanks Rusty, I’m really more than happy you’re reading everything, and believe me, I wish as much as you do that I could update all my comics daily. Hopefully as time goes on I’ll be able to update more frequently 🙂
Aww heck yes! music for the slaughter….
And what’s nifty, I know Dropkick Murphys and the Dubliners have done a cover for this song, I think it was in the ending credits of the Sherlock Holmes movie.
Boxing match. Awesome scene in the film.
Thats. a. Tree.
I Lol’d, Especially at the one beast thats all, “LolWHUT!?”
Haha, it didn’t feel right having that one monster say “hello”
Now that is a shillelagh! And you know that Scots and Irish are tough, tough people. My dad is both – he has the toughness of the Scots and the looks of black Irish (that means black hair and blue eyes as opposed to the more well-known Irish appearance of red hair and green eyes). He’s in his mid-70s (I think 75, but I’m not so good at keeping track) and still rides the broncs on the ranch to break them. (horse talk: breaking a bronc = taming a young horse in order to make them ridable – they don’t just come out of their mama that way!)
Coming from a primarily Scottish family, they are very tough, and we had a horse farm way back in the day 🙂 I’d say that it’s extraordinarily impressive if a man in his mid 70’s can break a horse!
Not gonna lie, I am pretty confused as to why a Scotsman is singing a song about Ireland. I’m from Scotland, and I can tell you this right now, a proud Scotsman probably wouldn’t be singing this song as his arse kicking song. It’d be ‘Flower of Scotland’, definitely
Hey Scott, 😛 What took so long on the update man? Great work as usual though. I’m wondering, who would win in a fight between Taryn’s dad from Nerf This, and the bad-ass fellow from this comic who’s name I cannot remember? o0o0o, or a moustache-off!! Cheers.
haha, sorry Kaz, I’m currently reworking the some of the art a little (tiny changes mind you), and I wanted to rework the script so when this gets moving, it won’t be quite so slow.
As for your question, I’ll say that Taryn’s dad, while insanely strong, can’t pull rotted trees out of the ground 😉 But Taryn’s dad’s mustache would tear gramps apart 🙂
Ha ha, well I’m willing to wait for it if the reworked comic is going to be even better than it is right now. Hope it didn’t come off as rude, glad it wasn’t a “my grandma died, asshole” kind of thing 😛
No no, it wasn’t rude at all, Motokool and Scout are my 1st attempts at trying to do a graphic novel, so many of the things I’m trying are completely new to me, so I want to make sure I get it right (plus I completely changed Motokool’s story last second haha) I think you’ll like the coloring style, it’s going to be similar to Scout somewhat 🙂
Welcome, Pharoah_omega. I can see why The Advocate fits you.If you want your results to aepapr in your comment, go to your results, click on the Your Account tab at the top of the webpage, then click Create a Badge . Once you’ve made a badge, email it to me (of Bunnies4Buddha) and I’ll publish it in your comment. You can always call if you want more instructions.
i think i just peed myself a little
haha, just wait till Monday!
One, two, three, four five,
Hunt the hare and turn her
Down the rocky road
And all the ways to Dublin,
Great Old Irish Tune.
It’s one of my favorite songs, for the story being fairly depressing, it’s catchy as hell 🙂
So, I could imagine reading this entire comic whilst listening to the Sherlock Holmes soundtrack.
In fact…
Yeah, about as epic as can be imagined.
YES! Go all Arbor Day on those copypasta monsters!
I just have one question. Why’s he singing an Irish tune if he’s a Scot?
it’s not a load hurray but loud hurray. understand though song isn’t to easy to understand what they say
The link doesn’t work anymore.
I love you for including this song in your comic 😀
man… I love your cracks in objects… just how it looks is awsome~
I pictured this being sung to the tune of “The Walrus and the Carptenter” from 1951 Alice in Wonderland x33
OH MY GOD. The Rocky Road to Dublin. Seriously one of my favorite Irish folk songs! <The way it's meant to be played. 🙂