The Fake
Ruggles waist size is probably the ones you see on pants in the front on clothing racks… you know, the ones that have an ungodly 26″ inch waist… barely enough room for one of my ankles of manliness.
Ruggles waist size is probably the ones you see on pants in the front on clothing racks… you know, the ones that have an ungodly 26″ inch waist… barely enough room for one of my ankles of manliness.
Absolutely love this comic. I wish you could devote mroe time to it Scott!
Now I’m curious. Just what kind of garbage is, Ruggles?
And those skinny waisted mannequin sizes just look breakable.
Oooh, Ruggles backstory?
I have a feeling Ruggles is more than he appears.
Love this page, love you’re work, keep being awesome.
Initiate origin-story-side-arc! Also? I know those jeans. I couldn’t fit my Mills-worthy mustache into a pair of those.
Why do I feel like Ruggles is scout’s brother chase in disguise or something?
Well I personally hope that verbally abusive twat Finn gets his fucking jaw broken
so you feel that Finn having all his friends hunted down and killed, losing his sight and ending up with a god damned stop sign in his shoulder isn’t enough reason to be a little ornery? I’d hate to try to live up to the standards you set dude, just sayin
this might sound harsh but if he is shit to the commrades that stick with him still makes him a cunt, i say this while having a father who is a veteran from the Iranian revolution i’ve met people like finn they’re still cunts.
Unless perhaps he has good reason for hating Ruggles? As much as I love him, I have a feeling that Ruggles could have a seriously twisted past.
Something tells me that Ruggles is grade A terrifying. Like, a Grizzly coming after you after chewing off your best friends face and making him like it scary.
I’m thinking Ruggles is actually Scout’s Brother.
Finn has to be in my top ten list of coolest characters
really odo? stealing my guess? be original dude
dun dun duuuunnnnn
give them the hate Ruggles
Ruggles… what the fuck did you do?
I’m kind of hesitant to find out because I go over all the options what it could be, and they are increasingly horrifying.
my money is on ruggles being a former king of the city
I think Ruggles is a Former enemy that Finn Converted using the Ink. I also think He might be the most Lethal Weapon in Finn’s arsenal.
Hrm… false tash and dyed hair, Ruggles could be a girl under all that heavy clobber
I am so fucking curious now.
I don’t care how long the updates take. Take your time. Take my bitten nails.
*looks at nails completely bitten off* I’ll take the latter please.
Ruffles was in Scott’s memory when chance was alive, so I don’t believe he can be his brother being alive.
Ruggles must be Nergil! Dyed his hair to look like the greatest badass he knows!
*waves* Are you aware that nerf-this seems to have dropped offline? Database connection error.
I noticed the same problem Scott. You might want to speak to your hosting provider…
Sooo its been over a month, and nerf this has been down for a while now…Is everything all right Scott?
Hey, hope everything is okay.
Nerf-This is showing http 500 error, and we haven’t heard from you for awhile.
i do hope everything is going fine.
*Looks at Chase’s mustache in Nerf This (Dec. 22nd-ish 2014). *Looks at Ruggles mustache.
The link in the add on your page for Alt is broken, just thought your webmaster would like to know. Oh, awesome comic, keep up the good work!