Finn and Pizzly
Happy to get back to Scout, you have no idea how much I love sketching out these pages, and when I start streaming I’d bite a hole in my tongue to not say anything that’s coming up. Plus I’m looking forward to drawing some city backgrounds, TERRIBLE CITY BACKGROUNDS.
I believe the bear is about to become very compliant
More impressive is that Ruggles snuck up on him in that area of the shop where most of his eyes are.
Ahem. Uh… yeah. I guess I’ll go now.
Nice touch with the ciggie
It’s a bad post if there isn’t at least ONE cigarette in a Scout Crossing post!
Best seeing eye dog ever. Of all time.
Woo! Awesome job as always.
I thought he wasn’t blind? Somehow I think dillenger will still be there.
Ah, sorry. I’m sure that I wasn’t very clear on it in a few posts back, but he can see through certain graffiti-ed areas around/inside his building (such as the glasses drawings on the walls). Outside of the Indie Ink he’s unfortunately blind as a bat. Hope that answers your question a bit 🙂
I’m surprised he still hasn’t added eyes to his coat to see where he’s going or something
I will try to explain some limitaitions to what he can and can’t do. The challenge is while the pages upload at a snail’s pace I want to move the story along while not holding things up on explaining too much in detail. Obviously there will be some answers coming up, especially back story on characters (ruggles especially).
Question Sir Scotticus, Why can’t Finn see Ruggles? If he can see the entire interior of the indie ink, how did Ruggles sneak up on him?
I read all of your comics, and I would not be mad at you if you put them all on hiatus and focused on this one twice a week.
I would say no background on Ruggles at all…or start one where he is about to say something about his past and then have Finn tell him to shut the fuck up, lol. But thank you! I’ve missed this comic so much.
It’s good to see this update again.
EEEEEEEEE Scout updated!!!
This made my day 20% better.
Found this comic ages ago and just started reading again.
And I am still impressed and awed by how well everything is done, the panels, the flow and the characters are all great. Granted I wish there was more pages more often like everyone else I am sure, but I understand that life isn’t always so easy for talented people so I will be content to wait until you can produce another awesome page.
Hats off to you and please keep up the great work!
Just remembered Nerf-This, saw that you updated Scout Crossing and now moving to Moto Kool…ALways nice to come back here
This comic is fantastic. I love reading, and hope to see you update it soon. Its given me some ideas for my own ink!