Thinking Loudly
EDIT: Thursday’s post will be a mid-day post such as today. Still playing catch up while I finally have a working computer. Please bear with me while things get back on schedule, and thank you for all your support, I truly can’t put it into words.
I love awkward humor most of the time, but the best is when it’s unintentional 😉
funny joke:
Dear V*gina,
I am requesting a pay due to the following reasons;
1. I do a lot of physical labour.
2. I work at great depths.
3. I plunge head first into everything that I do.
4. I work weekdays & nights, weekends and holidays.
5. I work in damp, dark and enclosed spaces.
6. My work makes me very prone to diseases.
Dear P*nis,
After long consideration, I am going to decline your request for a pay rise for the following reasons;
1. Your shifts only ever seem to be about 10 minutes long
2. You fall asleep after each shift.
3. You always have to be simulated, you never seem to be self motivated.
4. You are unable to work overtime or double shifts.
5. You work place is always messy at the end of your shift.
6. You have been constantly been seen entering and exiting the work place with to small, suspicious looking bags.
Ha! I think that may have made my day. Love the rabble rabble that Nergil spews as he flies away. Really added to the awesomeness levels that these panels projected.
If you liked these, check out their likely source, One of my fav sites, other than Nerf This, of course. =D
Haha, I checked that out, definitely chuckled sinisterly 🙂
f*** a duck….he looks pissed he is going to kick so much s**t out of chase it’s going to be to the Nth degree
Haha I hate when that happens to me… i really have to quit thinking out loud in a really creepy really loud way… >.>
Do your readers have permission to post your comics on other sites, so long as we give credit to you? If no, please explain why?
I want to share them so others know how awesome they are, and maybe get more people to read them. For you are now my god.
Also, Where has Snarky gone? I haven’t seen Snarky in a while….
I have no problem if you wish to show your friends my comics, thanks for the support 🙂
Snarky will be back, I made a bad habit of not keeping up with all my characters during certain stories (still proof that I have a lot to learn) 😉
I wasn’t planning on being frequenting the comments section, but with every new comment I just want to encourage and congratulate more…
These latest have been so freakin’ good!
Also, that link made my day. : )
gahh – “every new comment” actually says “every new comic”
so cute…
The bestest part is both she and Nergil are thinking the same words for drastically different reasons.
Even better is that Nergil is I am guessing saying it in a deep rage-filled tone and she obviously thinks thats her…. So maybe the inside of her head is a perfect match for Nergil. Just sayin! XD
Um why are you guys calling the shadow man Nergil? did I miss something? Does Nergil turn into the shadow man?
nevermind I did miss one WTH!
AWWWWW poor Zoey… She really needs a hug. Come to think of it I don’t think I’ve seen her really happy in quite a while
Whatabout when she found Demented the Pigeon? She seemed happy about that.
What exactly was she doing at the creepiest of carnivals? I can’t tell if I want to know, of if I really, really *don’t* want to know…
She was there to see the bears fisting, I should think.
Zoey has officially reached stalker-creepy.
Awww, she looks so sad!
I know you’re really busy, but it would be nice if, when you had time, you could update the cast section. Zoey and Taryn’s Dad are both absent from there and they’re pretty major characters. Aiden, too, to a lesser extent. It’s really helpful to new readers (or at least it was to me.)
This may be my favorite webcomics ever. It’s definitely up there with Boxer Hockey and QC.
That wasn’t even proper English. I meant webcomic.
I love this comic! <3 Poor Zoey… She's not too bright. Also, Nergil looks absolutely terrifying! 😀 I love him!
I’m waiting for Mr.mills to step out and be like, “hey remember me?”
Boobies. That is all.
When did zoey get hot?
she was always
Man, if I was Chase and not engaged to Taryn, I’d be with Zoey so fast it would make her diesel-powered past spin.
Yay for Zoey!!
Also, Scott, what news have you of the Nerf This book? I am dying to add that priceless piece of literature to my collection.
I’m holding out for the TV show, or movie.
Look for it next fall.
Heh. The unintentional hilarity thing led me to superdickery which had this cover where Lois Lane, for some insane reason marries the devil, and it had this line ‘Shades of Satan!’. It’s kind of become my new catchphrase. The general trend is that it massively confuses people and leads to all kinds of shenanigans… maybe shenanigans is the wrong word.
And Zoey is adorable. Like, ridiculously so. It’s been said before and will be said again, but… and much love for Nergil, as always, whose insane anger is somehow made even more hilaire by the fact my sleep-deprived brain keeps on saying that his head in panel 2 looks -massive-. I guess I’m just… sleep-needy.
d’awww, i’d been missing dear zoey. 🙂
I want zoey. she could be my wife @-@