You know what Chase needs? Kitty Amazing, somebody showed it to me on Youtube. I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. Though given Chase’s track record that boy be fucked. Not in the good sexy way either.
I love it how now the filler comics are going to be back story instead, unless theres going to be a different filler comic now that its become evident that Nergil is the shadow guy 🙂
Scott, you never cease to amaze, you wonderful creature you. I gotta say, the more I read, the more I love Shadowman/Nergil. It’s fascinating to see the change between the past and present. And his sadistic rage is amazing. You sir, are a brilliant write and comic artist :]
P.S Could I request a wallpaper of the fourth panel? Or something similar? It’s awesome to see Nergil when he’s all demonic <3
Is it tomorrow yet? The suspense has been killing me all weekend!!! 🙂
I hope Chase is ready for the chase scene…. HA!
Chase should ask to be Nergil’s Apprentice!
Every wizard should have an apprentice…. its almost like a rule or something.
*thinks of the hilarity that would ensue if Chase worked at the carnival.*
Enraged!Nergil looks AMAZING. Very well done!
I know that I, for one, require emergency pants.
Omg… He looks like a cross between Venom and Hexxus… Mostly Venom.
Hexxus? That is seriously ollllllllld school.
I actually had to google “hexxus” because I completely forgot who he was.
Best way to accept an apology:
and that worked out fine for them 😉
You know what Chase needs? Kitty Amazing, somebody showed it to me on Youtube. I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. Though given Chase’s track record that boy be fucked. Not in the good sexy way either.
“Oh Chase, you are so random!” in my best Rainbow Dash voice,
Nergil looks so cute in the 3rd panel <3
whoops…4th panel heh
Do you write your O’s like that in real life? please say yes.
haha I do, and “x” my “i” most of the time out of bad habit.
Your O’s remind me of Slenderman… come to think of it, Nergil kind of does too…
This makes me happy.
That fourth panel is… positively frightening. O_O
Nergil has such a big happy grin on his face.
How unlucky for Chase.
Nergil is scary!!!! I still have a hard time calling him Nergil. Shadow Guy. Whatever. He gives me the heebie jeebies!
he’s really a softy when he’s not maniacally killing.
so he’s like a honey badger?
Definitely my favorite character. 😛
Wow, took the art to a new level in this one.
Great job!
Thanks for the kind words Mike! I really appreciate it 🙂
So if Shadow Guy is really Nergil, should we expect some allusions to chair love in the near future? 😛
I really hate to point out the Nergil seems to have grown an extra finger.
But other than that, he’s Terrifyingly Awesome!
Oh wait, disregard that statement I’m seeing things.
no, I also see an extra finger. 5 fingers and a thumb.
the fifth “finger” is actually part of the tent behind him that has a crease in it, you can see if you look carefully at the colors.
No thats just the space between his fingers.
Nvm. Im an idiot
He’s made of shadows…I think it’s forgivable and probably well within Nergil’s powers to grow extra fingers as he sees fit
Or possibly part of his curse.
Oh my sweet baby jesus… Nergil is terrifying!
I love it how now the filler comics are going to be back story instead, unless theres going to be a different filler comic now that its become evident that Nergil is the shadow guy 🙂
Oh Chase…
does he have six fingers on his hand?
The o’s make him seem like Slender Man- there goes another week of sleep, thanks. 🙁
I was just thinking the same thing!
Scott, you never cease to amaze, you wonderful creature you. I gotta say, the more I read, the more I love Shadowman/Nergil. It’s fascinating to see the change between the past and present. And his sadistic rage is amazing. You sir, are a brilliant write and comic artist :]
P.S Could I request a wallpaper of the fourth panel? Or something similar? It’s awesome to see Nergil when he’s all demonic <3
Hmm… It does kinda’ look like he has an extra finger their.
I noticed that, but realized it was the tent.
Great job Scott! I’m spreading the word!
This and scout crossing.
Initially I was confuzed beyond all reasonable doubt. and not. I’m still confised but entertained!
I think Nergal’s fed up with Chase’s crap. Just going on a hunch here.
That extra finger is part of the tent behind him.
Aghhhh, Nergil! DB
This is gold. I love the contrast between Chase’s indifference and Nergil’s UNSTOPPABLE SATANIC RAGE.
why. wont. this. darn. next button. work!????
I still think the best threat ever, was choking someone with their own spine.
god nergil is a badass…
Judging by the Os in Nergil’s statement, methinks the artist watches Marble Hornets.
Oh my gosh! I thought I was the only one that noticed that! I can totally see Nergal and Slender Man scheming together…
Chase is just so naive, I feel like I should make some hot coco sit him down and explain that some people don’t feel bad because they do bad things.
Just read all three of your comics in two days! Can’t wait for more!
OH chace!!! you are such a dummy (not to say other adjectives) yet, that’s why we love you.
just caught up since feb, and all I have to say is: OMG *SQUEE*
Hey…just noticed that Nergil has six fingers O.O…I say just noticed because I was too petrified by his face to notice earlier.
Just. Awesome.
…but why doesn’t “SOCKETS!” have the AWESOME “x” through the “O”?
Here, I will have to post this:
Your art has improved unbelievably! Well done!
It upsets me how i’m about a year behind….and i have dial up….:C