Their 1st Adventure
I am proud to post this outside of a closed place (in the rain at 2am) using their wireless… I feel like such a vagrant!  But luckily, I should have internet at my place tomorrow at some point in the day, so I should be active again 🙂
Oh, Scout updated too!
Man, Chase Is Becoming Badass On Some Many Levels As Of Late.
I totally checked this like a half hour ago or something and it wasn’t updated and it made me sad and then I decided to come on here just because I love it so much and boom there was an update =)
By the way that last panel is so ridiculously adorable
Chase has now become a sexy beast 😀 though I miss the double-monocle look he was rocking last time. Taryn is getting pretty awesome herself since she took on the shadow-dude. Keep writing, I love all your comics.
yeah where’d the monocles and top hat go?
idk…perhaps he left that at home for fear that creepy woman from way back would molest him again?
ah, a very good point indeed. touche!
you vagrant, you!
I wish I had somebody to call me adorably creepy.
Still too bad that Tony had to run off with the cheststache.
Chase is so cute in the last panel!
Thank you so much for the regular updates while you have been without internet! So many web comic artist would have simply postponed updates until their internet issues were rectified, and while there is nothing wrong with that I want you to know we all appreciate your extra effort of being a vagrant so that we get to enjoy your comics.
hnnnnng that second panel <3
Taryn lost her adventuring outfit? I miss the goggles already…
chase….can i have one of your badger eating badger fur mustaches? PLEEEASE??? i promice to take very good care of it and only speak in my best richard nixon impression while wearing it
Just stumbled across this and read the archives. I was either laughing or smirking the entire time, and now my face hurts.
This strip looks really nice!
Love the last panel. Tug some heartstrings!
He is adorably creepy.
I’d also like to point out that Taryn is ridiculously adorable looking in the second to last panel.
You know, I just remembered, isn’t chase in some sort of feud with koalas?
So why isn’t the mustache made of Koala then?
Badger is a finer material for mustaches.
Two things:
1) I look forward to this webcomic more than any other that I read (and that is more than several).
2) My boyfriend and I have taken to saying “SKEE” to each other whenever we are being particularly monstrous and/or silly.
I can hardly wait to see what comes next. (Okay, that’s 3 things.)
It’s adorable moments like this that make me think I’m too sensitive for a guy… TIME TO KILL THINGS WITH MY HANDS!
Taryn is looking gorgeous in panel 4 XD
Nothing wrong with badgers. Their hair makes excellent shaving brushes, so mustaches seem reasonable.
bah, you totally are a vagrant. Don’t even lie 🙂
This is actually cutesy in a GOOD way! Congrats!
If anyone confronted you then you should have launched into a speech about “squatter’s rights”.
Also, if there is a site that sells mustaches like that then they now have a new customer. If not, then I’m dumping my degree and opening one.
did anyone else notice that Chase looks exactly like the portrait over at Motokool? I’m serious, I think that’s going to be the much rumored crossover. He’s that King they talked about. He did have a dream where h was a prince and Taryn’s a princess right? something like that. I’d bet $5 dollars on it.
This page made me laugh, go awww, and think “Chase is sexy” all at the same time. Only you, Scott, have the ability to give me such a reaction ^^
“A man’s hands aren’t meant for hugging,…they’re meant for killing.”
that just made me love this webcomic enough to bookmark it. OH YES, you read that right. Keep up the good work! I look forward to Chase and Taryn’s adventure.
I just flipped through the dictionary to find a word to adequately describe this. The closest thing I could find was “yes.”
>3< That last panel is adorable. <33
I love the way you drew Taryn in the 4th panel. So gorgeous!