Damn, The one time I had a chance, and my internet lagged.
Anyway now for a real comment:
That ‘stache and that face must be one of the most rage filled drawings I’ve seen so far. And those eyes, they are up there with the rage filled eyes of the Emperor Bulbax in the final stage of Pickmin 1.
Here’s one to feel proud about Mr Scott.
Is this all because of Chase’s daring poke?
*secretly hopes for Chase vs Mr Mills showdown. I mean, he took on Nergil and came out alright?*
I WOULD say we need a wallpaper of that third panel… but I think that might just send me into frightened convulsions every time I minimize my windows. PLEASEDON’TKILLMEMR.MILLS.
Do not go gentle into that good fight,
Old age should burn and rage and wear their bears;
Rage, rage upon the moustache of the might.
Though neat men at their end know wax is right,
Because their combs had trimmed no errant hairs
Do not go gentle into that good fight.
Good men, the last wave by, dapper and bright
Their sharp shears might have gleamed in the white glares,
Rage, rage against the moustache of the might.
Wild men who spritz and daub bay rum in fright,
And learn, too late, they can’t make beards from hares,
Do not go gentle into that good fight.
Grave men, near death, who shave with razors bright
Blind eyes could see with monacles in bright stares,
Rage, rage against the moustache of the might.
And you, my barber, chair on its sad height,
Clip, trim, me now with your fierce shears’ repairs.
Do not go gentle into that good fight.
Rage, rage against the moustache of the might.
quick someone get into chases head and unleash the might of repressed rage with candy and a crap load of violent images to make him go wild! as for the rage in that face…..i’ve only ever once shown mine and people from my high school still fear me frm what i did to that guy. god knows what mr mills can do with it.
Discussion (37) ¬
Maaaan I wants me one of those!!!
Nope π
Damn, The one time I had a chance, and my internet lagged.
Anyway now for a real comment:
That ‘stache and that face must be one of the most rage filled drawings I’ve seen so far. And those eyes, they are up there with the rage filled eyes of the Emperor Bulbax in the final stage of Pickmin 1.
Here’s one to feel proud about Mr Scott.
Is this all because of Chase’s daring poke?
*secretly hopes for Chase vs Mr Mills showdown. I mean, he took on Nergil and came out alright?*
And there it is. the MANLIEST thing I have ever seen.
It’s so… so bristly… O_O Chase is doomed.
Seconded. Also, I think that mustache just made me gay with it’s sheer awesomeness.
I wonder if the boys dad feels all inferior now compared to that? I know I would π
where on earth do you find all these lawls dapper cats?
This is the MANLIEST and MOST EPIC comic I have EVER seen!!! Mr. Scott, you have made my week THAT much better!
LOl it’s freaking me out, that’s for sure. π
The focusing of those tiny red beads of hatred in Mr Mills’ eyes, and the ragestache…
I wonder how many bears you have to kill to get one…and you misspelt our.
“.β¦only in out hearts maybe”.
hehe I caught that too
I was reading the comments to see if anybody else noticed lol. normalyy it is the first comment to notice.
For some reason with the eyes you draw, it all ends up looking as though they’ve eye shadow above. Just saying, I like it.
You could smother babies with that.
That panel with Mr. Mills… It is the single most beautiful image I have ever seen you do…
That third panel, my dear sir, is the most glorious thing I have ever seen. It’s truly…MAGNIFICENT.
I WOULD say we need a wallpaper of that third panel… but I think that might just send me into frightened convulsions every time I minimize my windows. PLEASEDON’TKILLMEMR.MILLS.
Can we get a wallpaper of the Ragestache panel?
Is it wrong that I wanna see a female equivalent to the family for today? XD
Do not go gentle into that good fight,
Old age should burn and rage and wear their bears;
Rage, rage upon the moustache of the might.
Though neat men at their end know wax is right,
Because their combs had trimmed no errant hairs
Do not go gentle into that good fight.
Good men, the last wave by, dapper and bright
Their sharp shears might have gleamed in the white glares,
Rage, rage against the moustache of the might.
Wild men who spritz and daub bay rum in fright,
And learn, too late, they can’t make beards from hares,
Do not go gentle into that good fight.
Grave men, near death, who shave with razors bright
Blind eyes could see with monacles in bright stares,
Rage, rage against the moustache of the might.
And you, my barber, chair on its sad height,
Clip, trim, me now with your fierce shears’ repairs.
Do not go gentle into that good fight.
Rage, rage against the moustache of the might.
Respect earnt
Indeed. This one wins nearly as much as the ragestache itself.
Holy crap, my voice just deepened reading this!
If his arm hair shreds wallpaper and his beard shimmering in sunlight, what dastardly power does this mighty stache contain?!?!
his mustache exploded π
quick someone get into chases head and unleash the might of repressed rage with candy and a crap load of violent images to make him go wild! as for the rage in that face…..i’ve only ever once shown mine and people from my high school still fear me frm what i did to that guy. god knows what mr mills can do with it.
I wonder if I’m the only one that wants a collage of all the epic pictures of Taryn’s dad from the past few comics. It would be awesome!
This really reminds me of this.
oh my goodness i want the exist cat so bad it makes my brain bleed!!!!!!!
Spines activated! Launching in 3…2..1.
Ragestach returns