Innocently Bloody
EDIT: Wednesday’s Nerf This will post during the day hours, BUT… Scout Crossing updated today.
Also, some of you enjoy when I do zoomed in versions of panels, so here is this and this 🙂
I mowed over a bunny nest by accident when I was little… it kind of changes a man. The thought process of a bunny when it sees a mower (with spinning blades of death) is to stay still. Dammit, that only works with a T-Rex. Oh, they also try to blend in with the grass as much as possible.
Chase has a buttshitload of courage
Seconded. It’s about time he stood up to Mr. Bear-Murderology-Mills…
Actually… no it isn’t, it never is.
The man is wearing freshly killed bear as a KILT.
I’m going to take the stand that Chase just scored brownie points by standing up to Mr. Mills. It worked with my father-in-law at least.
Does your father-in-law also wears freshly killed bears as a kilt?
If the answer to that is “no” then we’re really not comparing apples to apples. More like coconuts to distributor caps.
One of 2 things can happen here… 1 Chase gets permission to marry Taryn or 2.. He is Mr.Mills new underwear..
Okay, with Ironreapers input.
Yes, yes he should totally do it.
Thanks a lot, now you made me cry. Poor bunnies.
I take it the koalas weren’t innocent?
They were assassins. So, yeah, not that innocent.
They were? huh. You know if I was trying to convince someone I was tough enough for something “I’ve fought off assassins” would seem to have a much nicer ring to it than “I’ve got innocent blood on my hands”
The first one speaks volumes. It says that assassins have been a problem for you. It says that you’ve lead the type of life that would make assassins a problem for you. It says that you’re a more effective killing machine than those who do so professionally. It says that you’re not afraid to get your hands dirty and do a job personally, despite the fact that your enemies can afford to have professionals do the job for them.
Really it says all sorts of stuff that would indicate that when push comes to shove you can keep his daughter safe. “I’ve got innocent blood on my hands” just means you strangled a toddler at some point. The ways in which it’s not actually a point in your favor could be dissected all day.
Took the words right out of my mouth. Lol.
Yeah, and Chase can even say “I fought off Koala assasins”
Koalas are never innocent.
Definitely not.
I think Logic may have been… ‘incapacitated’ again…
He may of just seen the bear kilt and realised that this is no place for logic either shot himself or had a nap
damn it
Dude, gotta have balls to poke a man that bigger than you while he’s angry
Surely standing up to a creature as tough as Taryn’s dad must give Chase some points at least?
am I the only one who think that after being brought to near death and still in a areana full of people. That having this discussion might be a bit to quick?
yes, yes you are
no way. not for this family at least. Mr. Mills has bear head everywhere, taryn threw wood stakes like javelins, and chase “BRICKED” tony. That much awesomeness can argue wherever they please.
Oh God, I did the same thing a few years back. They were so adorable, it’s just too sad.
Not to mention all of the koalas… and the people that the T-Rex ate probably count too…
*Spoiler* This is where the dad RIPS his arm right off and he gets a sweet new bionic one with bottle opener attachment!
Oh god…the bunnies..they haunt me….
He….he poked Mr. Mills…. Oh. Dear. God….. So, who’s the new hero of the comic, now that Chase is a dead man?
Chase seems pretty good at taking punishment, im pretty sure if you did half the stuff that has been done to him to a normal person they would be dead… Twice
i bet noone has even seen him get poked so….. thats his weak spot!
Thanks for the zoomed in versions of the panels!!!! <3
Also, I hope all this means is that supressed rage has not had his final appearance yet!
This is still happening with an arena full of people watching. IS THERE NO END TO THE SPECTACLE!? XDDD
Those poor bunnies. And poor you!
I think if I ever ran over bunnies I would be so scared for life that I’d have to be hospitalized in a mental institution…I really do…
Ok so I’m pretty sure it’s spelled scarred…my bad. Also I wanted to say that I’ve been reading your comic for a long time, just this it the first comment here I’ve made I do believe. So I have to say that you do a great job! Your comic puts a smile on my face and your talent is amazing! Keep up the awesome work!
I think Chase won the manly contest imo.
Taryn’s Dad killed 50 bears, ok.
Chase fought off and knocked out the cursed man that OWNED those bears.
oh, and not to mention last time Nergil nearly killed Taryn’s Dad, soooooo….
Scott! Make a close up detail shot of last Wednesday’s panel 2 Taryn as well. She looked amazing in that panel.
I imagine that the look on Mr. Mills face in the 3rd panel is the same one he had when he inevitably gazed into the abyss.
I also imagine that the abyss then pissed on itself in fear.
Godspeed, Chase. You will be missed.
I do love the zoomed in panels.
Poor bunnies. 🙁
Do not underestimate Chase and his internal buddies, particularly rage and emotion. Remember, he took Nergil. Also, where is Monty right now? He knows who his friends are.
So is anyone else wondering what Nergil is doing right now? bleeding out on the floor or napping possibly?
How is it that when you zoom in your art get’s better?
I seem to be commenting a bit on this page but can i just point our that there is a decent chance those bunnies were evil.
Oh my. That’s why I don’t ever mow. Let others have the innocent blood spilt. 😛
Anyways, I’ve been lurking for like a year now, and just felt like telling you that your art is amazing. <3 As is the rest of the comic. 🙂
SUCH DRAMA! I love it. First time commenting, lurked for a while. Awesome comic. I thought you’d like the following:
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If it spaced right, that is. Paste it on Omegle for the correct image XD
Dead bunnies changes a man……….. o.O
Yeah no dude bunnies are assholes! I used to get chased around by a large albino rabbit that would corner me on a trampoline for hours as a child at a cousins house. Thankfully the little old native american lady ate him for me. But yeah those suicidal sleeper cells have no sense of honor!*shakes fist at tiny bunnies*
is it weird that my Psych teacher told me a story about her running over a baby bunny with a mulcher the same day i read this…
Is it odd that the bunnies had a nest rather than a burrow?
I love how the crowd is still watching as if it were still the main attraction.
A man wearing a bear kilt isn’t worthy of the main attraction? Chase vs. Mr. Mills would be even more epic than the fight with Nergil.
Bunnies are hardly innocent creatures.
They’ve driven bilbys and other small fury creatures to near extiction in some parts of Australia.
If we see a wild rabbit here…… Boom!
(Hides the fact that I live in the suburbs and have never fired a gun in my life)
so, is chase you then? or does he just share some traits? do you have a monster in your pants that you call stds?
What happened to him killing koalas then then goading other koalas into revenge in a loop in order to get a koala fur suit?