The Most Dangerous Game
I was actually pretty shocked at the amount of dislike Steph received yesterday, it was surprising. I will also stress that when a character looks different, it’s mostly because I’m not pleased with the design and want to push a little harder for something different. Usually this calls for trial and error, in my case trial and error is like slipping on a banana peel and falling into a volcano 😉
Discussion (50) ¬
Yah, Steph’s design in the panel is a little unnerving.
About the comic; So. many. scary. thoughts….. poor man.
It’s not her design, it was just that panel. I dunno, something about her eyes or something. Looks much better in this one.
I’ll admit that in yesterdays strip Steph had the appearance of a major B-itch. Not as much in this one.
And wth do they do behind closed doors? lol.
In panel one, her left hand is on her right arm. Just pointing it out.
That’s Tony’s hand.
Yep, definitely Tony’s hand, but it is definitely confusing. Character overlap like that can be very delicate.
You’re very right,looking back, the strip would have still worked without Tony’s hand, just made myself work a bit more than I had too.
OMG, Zombie survival night. Lol.
Please tell us, How did you think that up?
Heh, I blame mainly little sleep, an unending heat 😉
….dear god….so many bite marks….
loving this side story
Awesome, glad you like it, always like Tony/Steph banter.
i’ve had Taryn’s look many a time, for walking in halfway through such conversations.
It is not.
I like Panel 2 Steph, in this one, but it has been a while since you drew her last, and you haven’t since changing your style.
So, uh, I guess, why bitches be hatin’?
You’ll settle into something terrific soon, I’m more than confident in that.
I just get finniky, Steph is one of the character designs I was never happy with, noses are getting a change, hair styles, trying to make more exaggerated expressions… granted, if I softened up Steph a bit, I’d be scared she’d look like Taryn and Zoey (who already look too similar as it is) 😉
if you’re playing left for dead yea rofl
I get this feeling that although he may have been a “survivor”….he may end up helping Chase anyway….either that or be drug into it involuntarily somehow as per the usual antics 😛
Taryns face in the last panel is priceless.
O_o That is some kind of kinky.
I think its just her forhead being a bit large is the only unnerving thing. She supposed to be kind of a bitch though guys
It looks like you’re taking inspiration from Diesel, right? Not that it’s a bad thing, you can see Tyson’s influence in every drawing I make. Just curious.
You are right, among the few artists I really look up to, Tyson Hesse of Boxer Hockey, and Tessa Stone of Hannah is not a Boy’s name are just a few. I wish that I had half the talent those specific two have, I also pull a lot of insight from Pixar as well (I’m a whore for Pixar movies).
Hanna is not a Boys Name is one of my absolute favorites. Not many updates though…
Apparently Tessa has vanished and the publishers wont say a word about where she’s gone to. I miss {…} and the gang, and I’m worried about Tessa :c
Teryn is way too hot…just saying
Figures I’d post this pic cause it’s awesome and goes along with people hating on Steph.
What happened to Tony’s hat?
Tony took his hat off in this:
Page, and never put it back on.
Feb 4 was the last time he drew Steph. In five months, he may have changed his mind a bit about how he wanted her to look. Truth is, if you compare the old Steph to this one, the main differences are her hair, darker make-up, and the fact she’s wearing a shirt with cleavage. Actually, if she was wearing a t-shirt and washed off the makeup she has under her eyes, she’d mostly look like her old self. Same pointed chin, same oval shaped/slit eyes, almost same curve to her nose.
The truth is, most people liked it when Steph looked ‘plain’. Little make up, unstyled hair, ect. It kinda fit her bitchy personality. It’ll take some getting used to, but when you compare this Steph to the Feb 4 Steph, the differences aren’t as big as most people seem to think..Just not used to seeing her anymore.
Here, I made a comparagraph from the old Steph to new.¤t=Steph.jpg¤t=Steph-1.jpg
Updated version cause I actually forgot the stuff about her chin/lower facial shape. Still, stand by my thoughts that it isn’t that different.
Zombie Survival…just wait, there will be thousands of sites dedicated to this offshoot of S & M.
My favorite steph design so far
Also my favorite tony design
Also also i miss snarky a bit…..
“Does this look infected?” “YES”
On the Steph thing: I think part of it is because we haven’t seen her since February, and your drawing style has changed a bit since then. I for one don’t mind the change at all. 😀
In a word; hawt :3
… I can see ‘Zombie Escape’ Being the next plot for a b-movie lol
‘They we’re on their honeymoon, just having a good time…Then the Outbreak occurred..’ dun DUN DUUuuUUNNNN lol
I always knew Steph was out there but cripes, I actually feel bad for Tony O.o
As for yesterday’s Steph, I think it’s mainly just 5th panel Steph that looks weird. To me, it’s because of the eyes and her forehead. Yesterday’s 4th panel Steph looks amazing, but 5th just looks off.
Today’s 1st panel Steph looks a bit wonky, too. I really think it comes down to the forehead proportions. 2nd panel Steph is pretty, though.
I just don’t think I realized how massive a forehead Steph has…
Btw, Scott…you’ll totally have to come up with rules for Zombie Survival…I’d hate to see where else he has marks…
Steph’s hot factor just multiplied by ten.
that looks like one of my games…
actually those look like some pretty awesome marks. I wouldn’t oppose receiving those. Just sayin.
Taryns face tho