Bearly a Problem
Scout Crossing updated tonight, too!
I’m such a whore for “bearly” jokes! I think it’s from a job I had years ago where I did nothing but design apparel with bears on them for the Adirondacks. I think I said “beary messy” for everything for like… a year.
Oh, I said I’d have the book preorder up today, but it’s being pushed to tomorrow since I’m working a few things out with PayPal on how to set up such things.
Discussion (38) ¬
minor in bear murderology? damn, wish my school offered that.
This was the closest I could find.
Can we get a detail wallpaper of the last panel please?
i can’t believe how many mississippi community colleges offer hunting degrees
Not sure if I should feel sorry for him, what with the whole “not seeing bears fisting”-thing. It’s probably for the best… Of mankind.
Man that sounds like the best degree ever! I know what im switching my major to next semester!! btw love your comics!!!!!!!! also second!
You forgot a t in toasty in the second panel D:
perhaps Chase is loopy from blood loss, and is starting to drunk speak?
And imma major in bear murderology. Thank you for my new life path 😀
He looks totally badass in those last two panels. He normally looks awesome, but here he looks awesome-ER!
This is amazing! Where do I have to go to get a degree in bear murderology?
Everyone’s gotta have a hobby
Man i hate you so much right now that’s a great Machine you got I’m Jealous. Great Comic though I’ve always wanted to fight a bear Fisty cuff style
There really doesn’t seem to be an upper limit on how badass Mr. Mills can get.
Along with my major in Asskicking, I’m actually minoring in Bear Murderology. I hope to soon receive my PhD in Badassery. I’m also joining the Killing Things With Their Bare Hands Club.
Major Badass/Awesome points to you, my good man.
Mr Mills wouldn’t join the club… he’d punch his way through the clubhouse doors, grab the club president, secretary and board in one fist, throw the entirety into the street, and take command.
<—id love to see him fight my friendly bear. he has machete
perhaps this one :p
gee my gravatar aint working on your page
He despises Chase with all his being, but Mr Mills is starting to sound just like him.
He can also add to his resume “single-handedly keeping the bear rug industry alive”.
more like “bare-handedly keeping” the bear rug industry alive”
Have them both. If Taryn’s dad had it, would you argue? 😀
I think I see where this is going.
yep. Chase and Nergil’s fight will be the best show ever! (of course it will)
and thereby lifting the curse.
aww, I wanted to predict it first
In return maybe Nergil will teach Chase magic.
If he minored in Bear Murderology, what did Taryn’s dad major in?
Bare handed murderology
if thats his minor then whats his Major…..?
I’ve got a good theme song for Mr. Mills…
“Another one Bites the Dust” by Queen…especially for those last 2 panels
i would buy a shirt with minored in Bear Murderology, on it. perhaps “best degree ever” on the back
Aw, man they offer all the cool degrees in America!
I think I know where this is gooooiiiing, and I like it =D damn I love your Comics. =]
If hes a Minor in Bear Murderology then i dont even wana think about how bad ass a major would be…..
Ooh! Will I see your bear designs if I look in gift shops in Lake George Village?
You know, I’ve lived my whole life in the Adirondacks, and have yet to see a single goddamn bear. Or a moose. Oh, and let’s not forget that the closest you get to a freshwater lake, but more restaurants pop up offering lobster.
But seriously, there are some cool and cute bear designs in those stores. Which ones are yours?
oop. change my mind again. i’m in love with taryns dad!! but nergil and chase will be on the side concubines…. only if they wear the mustaches tho…