Sex Appeal
Have any of you gone to a doctor and get complimented on your veins by nurses? I have, and while I say “thank you” my brain is making this face.
Again, thank you everyone for taking advantage of the buttons in the post and sharing the comic with your friends! It means gallons to me. GALLONS.
Sexy indeed, with his Rick Rollin’ hair.
what if it was all just for a rick roll?…..
then itd be the best rick roll of the century! XD
Any time you say “gallons”, it reminds me of Chase and Taryn talking about having gallons of sex…
No, no. It was gallons of babies.
Also, I love a pale dude…
And nurses always compliment me on my veins… My vascular system is so awesome that you can see the whole thing from head to toe when I’m naked… Even when I’m actually somewhat tan…
I’m Hispanic and not the least bit pale. I think you can see my veins from space.
same. im super pale for a hispanic person and when i have to have bloood drawn or donate blood the smile at my veins and it creeps me out. also one time a nurse did something wrong and when she took the needle out i squirted blood a few feet all she said was woops!
Jamie, respectfully, I would like to take you up on that offer.
Five bucks and a beer says that Nergil’s related to Chase.
I don’t think anyone is taking that bet…
I was actually thinking that too, I would laugh if he was, and take 5 bucks from the next person I see.
How could he be? He was cursed before he was married…to any human woman. So unless he and Marian got it on before they talked to her father…it doesn’t seem likely.
But it would be awesome.
You don’t have to married to have kids. Or to be someones great great uncle for that matter
hey boss, you put in its screams….. grammar error.
Pale, yes. It looks even pale-er because of the shadows covering him still. Drastic contrast.
I actually didn’t think he looked that pale… Even with the shadows covering him…
Same here, ourdo. Kinda the same skin tone as Chase tho, not to feed the fires…
So when the curse is broken..he’s going to be front of all those people..?
they just finished one show and theyre about to get another
I get complimented on my veins all the time. One time I said that it made doing heroin a lot easier, but they didn’t think I was joking so now I just nod and smile.
lol some people have no sense of humor.
Right?!? You claim to be doing hard drugs ONE TIME…*sigh*
Also love how he still has his evil voice.
Well his mouth IS still crusted over, logically his voice should be muffled with super sexy evil.
Totally called that one! I knew it!
Now he’ll be their goofy neighbor in the smash sitcom of the year!
He’s gonna look just like Chase, isn’t he? O.o
Ten bucks says Zoey starts stalking Nergil once he’s human again
If she can get past his “lets-not-forget-he-had-it” dapper-stache!
NOOOOO! Loose the Dapper-stache! He’d be so super sexy with out it!
Blasphemer! The Dapper-stache is a monument to all that is manly and beautiful!
I was once told that I have veins like hosepipes. I wasn’t sure if I should be flattered, offended, scared or aroused. Naturally a mix of all 4 was imminent.
I’d tap that.
I…I would to.
And I’d be down for seeing Zoey go after Nergil. You can’t help but feel a LITTLE sympathetic.
Blast, can’t edit that.
LOL he’s so full of it! That second panel is AWesome!
will the the awesomeness and entertainment factor of naked dude never end FIVE STARS MY GOOD MAN FIVE STARS
given the trend of characters looking similar (not the same, but similar. Tony and Scout have some basic similarities for instance) to each other cross-comics, I would propose the theory that the character design for this new character looks at least slightly similar to Finn, as he is the only person who looks remotely similar in terms of hair color/style that I can think of off the top of my head. He will then proceed to use a stop sign as a weapon for no reason other than irony, and that it will piss off archive readers who don’t bother to read Scout Crossing or Motokool.
wow. i read baby as babby
Nicely done, sir.
And frame two? Damn…
Nergil, I wanna do bad things with you.
wow just wow
NNNEEEERRGIIIIILL! Anguished cries and fist shaking aside, is it likely Nergil will become a cast member or tavel the lands as a wandering sage, delivering his wisdom to orphans and eventuly forgetting that he’s not immortal anymore with hilarious results.
Actually it was more desirable for the ladies to have the smooth creamy skin. It’s still funny though. lol
you know, I can actually hear his voice cracking when I read this strip
I feel bad for him, Marian’s got to be either a wrinkled hag or dead by now. Oh well, he can soothe his grief by beating up the family of whomever she’d been “chair sitting” with for the last 100 years. I figure he can just call it the sins of the father and the lays of the mother.
I suddenly wonder whether we’ve been off base. I thought that maybe Nergil, Marian or Jasper might be related to Chase but maybe…
Marian is the grandmother of Zoe!!!
Yes, let’s ship Nergil-Zoe.
I call it NeZo, leggo my nezo!
Nezo ^^ I like it!
Sexy people don’t tan, sexy people buuurrrn. As such, we irish folk are the sexiest bastards/bitches alive! Learn it, know it, love it!
PS: My other scottish half is in the same sexy boat as the sexy irish half!
I get compliments on my veins any time my blood is drawn. The ones on the back of my hand are prominent especially if I’m stressed. This resulted in my father’s wife, an aspiring paramedic, saying how she should use me to practice inserting IVs. I wish I thought she was joking.
If he dose look kind of like chase I do hope zoey decides to go after him and he accepts she deserves someone nice 🙁
Damn, I was born a century too late… 🙁
I wonder what Nergil will do with himself now that he is human?
Nergil, this is terrible! Your eye nipples are gone!
hahahaha YES this was the first thing I noticed. It made me sad xD
YES. My doctor compliments my veins all the time.
Am i the only one that thinks Nergil’s kinda cute?
heehee, no ^^’
Yay! I’m not crazy! Well…………..i take that back ^^
so there with you ladies. 😀
Nah, he is Dang Sexy!
Ahh… *bearer of bad news oft ignored*
So far, all we’ve seen of nergil so far have been in the flashback strips and as Shadow Guy. He’s only just starting to crack, as it were. There’s no way to tell what he’ll look like yet. Be careful what you put down, keheh.
For all you all know, he could look like a hillbilly and have teeth that could make keys. Or be young and swarthy NOW but end up having all his years catch up with him at once now that the curse is lifted, making him ancient or dead!
Feel free to keep swooning, I can be and often AM very VERY wrong, but it is the duty of the Gran Sorceror to spread Chaos everywhere!
In Panel 3, Zoey has just achieved infinite cuteness 🙂
Well, nergil, paleness doen’t just cover it. You have to roll around in glitter so u too can sparkle like Edvvard Cullen.
God, I know EXACTLY what its like to have that reaction when people see how pale I am. Do you know just how utterly white you have to be when a dermatologist tells you you should get a tan?
On the plus side, though, I haven’t scarred permanently since middle school. So there.
..I’ve got money saying Zoey finally has a boyfriend..Hear it first from here. >.>
Haha, I have relatives that are nurses… They like the veins that are visible because it means they hurt the patient a lot less digging around for them. Also, it just makes their job easier. I have difficult veins myself, I’ve been told. I absolutely love Nergil in the last one… “It screams sex appeal!” Lmao, it makes me feel so much better about being pale.
Woo! Nergil’s curse is breaking! Now lets just hope no one kills him once it does.
if any one does, its going to be chase.
Nah, Monty’s alive, Chase’s rage died the second he found out. Why do you think he passed out?
Blood loss.
My girlfriend told me she’d utterly hate to have to give me a catheter in any of my veins, as they’d very very easily “blow out” (extremely vascular, like even my capillaries on my hands are the size of silly straws). She did admit they’d be remarkably easy to find though.
Excellent comic as always!
last page, Chase’s emotions and anger were still rampant, so what if when he regains consciousness he pounds Nergil to dirt? D:
So my OCD is bothering me greatly.First in panel 1 you can see Nergil’s collar bone area is being revealed and in panel 2 it is covered up. Then in panel 3 his right arm is completely revealed and in panel 4 it is partially covered up. What is this curse doing?
My mum, who is a nurse, does that to my boyfriend all the time. Although, her exact words are more like “You have really nice veins… I just wanna stick an IV in there!”
D: the suspense is killing me!!! I wanna see his face!
Meh. I’m pailer
Meh, I’m palerer.
…. Wait… “pailer”? You, sir… are a bucket! Now get a stache and monocle (and a top hat for good measure) and you can be the dapperest bucket in the world!!
I think Zoey is just talking to him so that he’ll keep refacing her so she can continue looking down despite his earlier offense to her looking at his apparently freed lower regions.
Oh god thank you! XD I was totally thinking that with how her line of sight is angled in panel 3 combined with her blushing cute expression!
…I have the creeping feeling that once the curse is broken, Nergil and Zoey are going to become very… fond of each other.
More so if certain parts of him stay semi-misty and can change shapes in interesting ways.
Is it just me… Or did anyone else think Nergil looked extremely sexy as a cursed demon mist humanoid thingy..?
Yes, Yes he did. I can only hope (And I already think) he’s as sexy with out it.
Why, yes. Yes he did.
My girlfriend is a nurse and LOVES veins. She was poking my roommates and kept on saying how wonderful they were. Evidently mine aren’t prominent enough for her. Not that I mind because the next thing she said to my roommate was, “I’m going to sneak into your room one night and you’re going to wake up the next day with IVs all up in those lovely veins of yours.” A liiittle creepy…
Zoey can help him apply the self tanner.
And now that it has been openly stated that the curse is being lifted… CALLED IT! Twenty-some updates ago, actually… like… a month ago. Not that nobody else did, but yeah.
Also, PLEEEEAAAASE tell me he’s keeping the eyes… at least for a little while.
i would just like to say that i just read eVeRY comic in one sitting… it is now 3:30AM and i have class tomorrow… you are just THAT awesome lolxx
know what I just noticed?
this site. looking a lot like yours. had a weird moment there.
Don’t worry about the nurses. It’s the phlebotomists like me you should worry about. I prefer to think of those kind of veins as easy, though. Give me a needle, and those veins can’t resist me. Mwahahahahaha
I know I just upped my creeper factor by at least 1000.
all the rage! oh buddha! even now he’s sexy!!!!
I get the same kind of compliment.
My veins will occasionally do this thing where they bulge enormously, especially on the back of my hand and that long vein up the bottom of my forearm. It’s the complete opposite of my mom. When she needs an IV, it always takes multiple tries. It once took them three tries in one arm, then they had to switch to her other arm before they hit her vein.