Nice Things
Thought we’d check in with how Chase’s head is holding up (I know you guys are anxious for Nergil, but next week will have a bit going on in the carnival end of things) 😉
A very small change happened on the site last week, and I want to give a heads up for a way to help me (and help other’s see the Nerf This). In this section you’ll see a little Facebook, Stumble, and Google + buttons. If you might feel inclined to share, I’ll be forever grateful 🙂
Also, I know I’ve said this a lot, but I can’t thank you all enough for the help with the book, I’m truly blown away.
How did i get first… pure luck, and a need to nap from 6 to one in the morning.
Love you Scot, and i hope Nergil is Chases father… and still tries to kill him.
With your name, I just can’t imagine you as anyone other than South Park’s Butters.
it be my last name.
oh yeah.
Awesome is it not?
You should also make emotions repressed rage and all the other ones, plushies.
YES! Do this! I want one.
Momg you totally should and give them little saying cards, suppressed rage’s could be rgrrrgrgrgrgrgrrgrrrrr
Oh my gosh yes! Along with Monty and Snarky!
Every time these guys show up, SOMEONE mentions the plushy possibility, myself included, it must be a REALLY good idea *hint hint, wink wink, nudge*
No body puts the stopper on RR’s fun. Your not the boss of him!
I’m like %90 sure it’s either chases father, or his ancestor…or Chase himself. Okay. so maybe not 90. more like…%20×3.
I was thinking that Chase is related to Marian.
I think that Taryn is related to Marian just maybe… Or possibly Zoey is… o.O
percentage sign on wrong side makes my eye twitch o.e
Nice things are hard to keep. Especially when Rage gets his hands on them. Too rage-ey and strong for his own good.
He CAN’T be chase’s father! We saw chases dad in an earlier strip…. you know, the ladies man?! and he definitely wasn’t black
DAMN YOU, RAGE. DAMN YOU!!! this page is too AWESOME!
Oh, Scott, you’re horrible. Now we have to wait till next week!
Repressed Rage’s faces are hilarious.
“This is why we can’t have nice things.” “HURR!”
Also, I very much second Insectoid’s remarks.
Rage certainly knows how to spoil the moment, doesn’t he?
Hey Scot, in your news post, you have an apostrophe miss use, others is plural, thus not needing an apostrophe.
Your comic is too good to be dragged down by something like this, so I’m pointing it out here.
Oops, that should be “misuse” my bad.
Happens to anyone.
My most favoritest strip ever! I wish we could clone you so that we could get a whole other Processing Station comic of it’s own. <3
Can we please please please PRETTY PLEASE WITH DAPPER DINOSAURS get a repressed rage desktop background <3
A background with all of the thought process characters would be pretty nifty.
I shall take example from Legend of Zelda and like it like a Like Like.
Rage’s angry and “take that” faces in the last two panels are hilarious!
I miss denial… 🙁
I totally didn’t realize Repressed Rage had facial expressions. Now I get to go back and look at them again 😀 Yay!
so does this mean chase has now completely lost his ability to be logical…..i guess it wont be much different than before
awwww, someone should give rage a hug….. so anyone want to give him one? I’m not going near him, I prefer to keep my head in one piece 🙁
I wonder how Chase is handling himself right about now. Also just got up to speed top 5 most favorite webcomic.
Maybe I missed it reading all the comics but I was just wondering….what the heck happened to Snarky? Taryns pet monster? I believe right after the black market games I never saw him again… 🙁
Logic just become a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle… ooo! FUN!
It’s a shame Logic isn’t around to solve it 🙁
Please Mr Scot, fix that apostrophe.
don’t know you, AT ALL, and when not properly medicated i probably say this all the time with no filter to everyone and everthing and anything, but whoever the author of this comic is… ILOVEYOU!!! i’ve been stuck in this house for days now with nothing to do and all i’ve done is read your comics! theyre completely awesome and you said you had a chicken named hussy please don’t let her smoke like in the journal thats bad, but funny and i’m rambling and tired. i’m going to drinl some mocha and go to bed.
To be fair he wasn’t really using that one much anyways.
To be fair he wasn’t really using that one much anyways.