Magically Awkward
Please forgive me for this filler, I got fairly stacked on projects today, but the sliver of good news is that, tomorrow, a pre-order for “Kills Things With Bare Hands” shirt will go up in the store 🙂
Please forgive me for this filler, I got fairly stacked on projects today, but the sliver of good news is that, tomorrow, a pre-order for “Kills Things With Bare Hands” shirt will go up in the store 🙂
Yay! Not to sound ungrateful by suggesting more shirt ideas when you’re posting that you just finished making a reality of another shirt idea… but the skull/top hat/monocle/mustache/police badge design on your Dapper Decorum banner would make an AWESOME shirt, too. Just sayin’
As would “There are no hugs in a gentleman’s battle.”
Er. Just. You know.
While you’re taking suggestions.
I think that would make a better button, than a shirt.
Good sir, where may I go to learn this particular spell? There are quite a few people in good need of it, if it really does what I think it does. 😀
So are we talking keep-a-browser-tab-open-and-press-f5 kind of tomorrow, or a rofl-I-said-tomorrow-so-I-released-it-at-11:59 kind of tomorrow?
Why would you cast such a spell for a knife? You’re clearly already possessed of a far superior means of stabbery. Was the knife just that awesome?
He needed another for his friend, of course.
O_O oh wow Nergil is quite the powerful sorcerer. I wouldn’t want to mess with him. (Not without someone like Uncle to back me up anyways…)
I vote your new advertisement banner is “Magically Awkward”
I can’t wait for the shirt…<3
I would of liked a “Kills things with bear hands” but you know. can’t have anything. and thank you for adding “Stabbery” to my vocabulorium, it is much appreciated.
Can’t wait for that shirt. It’ll be the best. Keep the comic rolling.
you know, at least your filler is of a high quality. 😀 Love your stuff Scott. all of it.
hey, is the “Kills Things” Shirt going to come in a 3X? I wanna purchase one, but yeah, I am one with a larger body. (OBVIOUSLY, because I am a world class weight lifter.
Ummm…did I stumble into Wondermark?
I will definitely be purchasing this shirt…. Also, any news on the book?
Passing the murder weapon off, Nergil you deviously wonderful bastard!
Those twoooooo! lol
I feel like my world will be a better place if I own said shirt.
“Stabbicus in his Facecus.”
Nergil’s quite a violent fellow, isn’t he?
I love these fillers!
And guess who’s purchasing a shirt…
Merci beacoup pour le tee-shirt, monsieur! C’est tres bien, vraiment!
This, to me, is a major problem so I would like to address it.
To someone who is not up to date with your comics, older fillers are quite a bother. I recommend moving the fillers to another area of the site after your next true Nerf This update (since deleting them would be losing a part of the site’s history).
Go back through your comics on the site and see how the filler interruptions make the experience. You may have a different opinion on the mater, as you created those fillers and to you they hold sentimental value – but for people like me, those fillers do not have a purpose anymore and are only negative to a user’s experience.
Well, that comment was long. Sorry.
A very good point, while I’m not sure how I can move these posts to another part of comicpress, I’ll look into it, and I’m sure Joenis might have a very good idea about it too. If I can’t relocate them, then I may have to move them to another site all together, or delete them.
Deleting them would be a sad, sad thing- while completely irrelevant to the story, they are quite humorous and worthwhile. Perhaps re-uploading them to a second section once you pass them in the comic would be the best idea, but outright deleting them would be a true loss to us all.
I’m not familiar with WordPress (found out it’s WordPress through the page’s source, where I also found a div with a humorous id), but it should be possible.