Logically Proposed
I am absolutely TERRIBLE when it comes to trying to write sound effects, but Emotion is sounding out “Here Comes the Bride” (I’m sorry!)
Also, I can imagine if Logic had to make a face right now, it’d be this.
I am absolutely TERRIBLE when it comes to trying to write sound effects, but Emotion is sounding out “Here Comes the Bride” (I’m sorry!)
Also, I can imagine if Logic had to make a face right now, it’d be this.
WHERE do you find all these gifs to link to everything on your mind for every comic. Pure brilliance
sorry its a jpeg :3
I wish it was a gif… it’d be the best gif ever!
I <3 You!
Best combination of avatar and comment xD
Awwwww. Poor Logic. 😉
I love emotion, and how it’s always going behind logic’s back. It’s so true. <3
i totally knew what emotion was singing. NAILED IT!
Everybody say it with me now!
Tyran is getting bigger and bigger breasts the older she is. I have to say, Scott, how old is she?
heh, I’m not even sure, I never determined an age for any of the characters in Nerf.. maybe mid 20’s?
I was trying to imply puberty but i failed miserably. Please excuse my stupidity, i think reasoning killed himself that day.
Or shes pregnant HMMMMMMMMMMM.
Just keep telling yerself, “it’s all in the angle, it’s all in the angle, it’s all in the angle” until the scary busty thoughts leave your head….. Huh… a boob-loving personification. If it exists, it’s in chase’s head.
She looks to be about DD years old.
Knew what song he was singing, good job 🙂
Everyday I come home, steal the interwebs from my mother and I come online hoping the interwebs would save me from the day at work. Today Scotticus, you made my day with this strip. Another wedding in Nerf This yay!
WTF is Emotion wearing???
A wedding gown, mayhaps?
I can’t wait until Nergil, Hunter, and Wren form a Legion of Doom to try and take Chase and Taryn down. Then Chase, Taryn, Monty, and Snarky can form Voltron!
I can just imagine Chase….”And I’ll form…THE HEAD!”
Throw a bear and a koala on the Legion of Doom!
Totally thought emotion was singing the Jaws Theme. Made it sooo much funnier lol
Today’s comic was adorable! ^__^ I just recently got hooked on Nerf This! and it always makes me laugh. One question though.. is Emotion supposed to be a chick?
Oh wow, thank you for the kind words! Emotion is a guy, I think I made him to act like a squirrel on 8 pots of coffee…
That sounds suspiciously familiar…
Is emotion’s middle name Hammy? 😉
Okay 🙂 I was confuzzled cuz he’s worn wigs in the past. Figured either cross dresser or chick. Lol.
Skeeee!!! ^o^
Taryn has a spine made of magic!
Mr. Mills isn’t going to be happy about this…but I sure am 🙂
I love that when we left chase he was talking with mr mills, and when we come back he’s been knocked flat on his ass.
I think you’ve done a fine job of communicating sound effects with text.
It always seems harder than it is.
The wedding dress and stuff gives it context, and makes it work.
CONGRATULATIONS: You have achieved the Perfect Ending!!!!
I dunno… I think Scotticus might have some secret endings in store…
beware wild mr.mills! useing rageshache that calls upon the four horsemen and every other end of days being at once!
This is a nice mix of awesomesauce and cake in one serving… Brilliant.
I think I might use this to announce when i’m getting married lol! I think these emotioncons are the young ladies 😛
I love that there is a nicely defined bra type supporting pad on Emotions’ wedding dress. It makes everything better. Also, FINALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, this made me da’aaawww..
I actually got the sound effect immediately, so you’re doing pretty well for me at least.
This made me think of your comic!! http://coffin-comics.jesterbrand.com/2011/08/22/a-gentlemens-duel/
By the way, I totally love all of your comics! 🙂