Coping Mechanisms
Just a heads up to everyone, apparently I found out it’s possible to get almost a foot of snow before Halloween (I know, right?!) As awesome as that is, I kind of haven’t had electricity or power since Saturday morning. Luckily I have an angry station wagon that’s ready to carry my tank ass to the local university library 😉 Anyways, I think updates will be fine this week, and I “think” I can have Scout updated this week, too.
Time for the vodka.
A shot for every man hug he gives. *GULPS*
Station Wagon puts Snowplows to shame.
… The look Chase gives him in the last panel. It’s just four kinds of creepy, and all four can only be fixed with liquor.
you has a virus infested advert that installs virtual strippers onto the clickers computer you may want to check it out unless you put it there on purpose. but other than that I LOVES YOUUU DADS
Chase face 8I
Induces alcoholism.
Chase’s face in the third panel…
Chase’s face in those last two panels reminds me a lot of Boxer Hockey.
that is boxer hockey face dude, YOU TOTALLY RIPPED IT OFF,but i can deal with it with the alchoholism
lots of bear killing alchoholism
lol thats it? thats not even that much snow. Go to the North part of Norway in the winter months and you will freak out.
Nobody likes a one-upper. Also, the expressions in panels 3 & 4 are amazing 🙂
Just wait till they have kids… wonder what his coping mechanism will be then?
Simple.. Murderology classes for the grand kids.
There won’t be any grand kids. Mr. Mills will wait for the dead of night, slip in to Chase’s room dress in his bear kilt and cloak, and beat his privates repeatedly until they are mush
I live in Buffalo, NY. We had that nasty october storm however many years ago and regularly get snow before Halloween (not this year though!). Quit yer compainin! *waggles old man cane and hobbles off*
Yes I’m from Ogdensburg, but going to school in Potsdam right now, and I’m surprised it hasn’t snowed here yet! I’ve never been to Buffalo in winter but I hear it can get bad. I do not envy you.
Sucks that it lands before Halloween (don’t really celebrate it here in Australia except as an excuse to get a shitload of lollies). Hope you get power happening again soon.
But the score for you currently stands:
Scott – 2, Crazy Weather Patterns – 0
Well, at least Mr Mills knows what sort of horrors are in store for him. 😀
Alcoholism is a good coping method…lots of alcoholism is even better…that’s pretty much how UW students deal with everything.
Sorry to hear about all the snow. Hopefully things improve and the power comes back. This is completely unrelated to the comic(which was awesome!) But did you consider bringing the Monty plushes back? I kinda missed the boat on it and would love to have one! ^__^
I’m pretty sure there were some a long time ago cuz I read one of his blogs and it said something about making them. But I checked the store and they weren’t there. Not sure if he made them or sold out.
Cripes, with his metabolism, he’ll go through a whole liquor store just to get hammered ONCE.
Gallons of alcoholism! 😀
Thanks to the snow and resulting power outage, I learned that I would make a lousy pioneer. The more you know right?