Keeping Composure
Oh, like you’re one to talk Howard. (Luckily for Monty, he wasn’t raised by a certain other cobra). Tomorrow I will show a preview of my new project, so I’m looking forward to that 🙂
Oh, like you’re one to talk Howard. (Luckily for Monty, he wasn’t raised by a certain other cobra). Tomorrow I will show a preview of my new project, so I’m looking forward to that 🙂
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah i am excite for preview
I think/hope/despairing hope it goes well, this one will be challenging for me, it’s a bit different than what I’m used to 🙂
There’s no small fluffy monsters or hipsters?
no no, so you can see I’m like a fish out of water… no antagonists with a knife in the face either.
But I like all those things! =[
haha, i think you might like this 🙂 If you are a fan of things of dapper quality.
I am. =D I’m excited, but I hope it also has lots of nonsensical rubbish and likable villains.
I wouldn’t create it any other way 🙂
ooh dapper quality you say sir? i am quite the catholic schoolgirl for such things or as it may be simply put a wolf in whores clothing
If that’s what you’re into. ;D
i will now ponder upon how monty would be if raised by cobra commander thank you very much for the idea
Maybe he would be a hero among troubled teens 🙂
After seeing the pic of the cobra guy kicking the puppy i link this!
That was AWESOME, haha, made my day 🙂
Haha, how did I know that would happen? 😀 I’m psychic, hehe
Thus far you’ve managed to put all things awesome in your comics (especially the pizzly and the frequent use of words as ‘dapper’ and so forth), so if the new project is not up to the same standards, it must mean the end is near and it is not to be. 🙂
Um… um… um… for the life of me I can’t think of anything witty or clever. I guess all I can say is I am happy/excited for you and your (WTF) fourth (?!?!?) comic! You have a lot more drive than I… But it inspires me to get my projects going. (grumblemutter if only i ca get my website nonsense taken care of first…)
I’m not inspiring in the least, I just really want to make this a career, and I love this industry 🙂 What website issue are you having by the way?? (also looking forward to your comic too!)
You can only take your kid out in public twice. The second time is to apologize for the first.
P.S.- Does Hallmark sell cards for this occassion? “Sorry my adopted devil spawn ate the fruit of your feathered loins?”
No, but you can find one here:
haha, that’s awesome 🙂
I’m sure they do, dime a dozen really 😉
ahhh Lulz. this is going to cause some problems at the barbecue later!
I mean, Fatherly ducks must see their young bite the dust fairly often…
…Does this have something to do with monty’s fight with quackington earlier on? Just a thought. =p
Also I adore all of your comics and am super excite for the next one. =D
Thanks! I’m really happy you like everything, and you are right, there is a “bit” of a connection between Monty’s earlier battle and this story 🙂
Your welcome 🙂
And yay! I feel like a detective!
the coolest kind of detective 😉
“Son of a bitch” Talk about not breaking composure…He used a curse that elegantly rolls off of the tongue. Deffinitely a gentleman’s curse phrase. xD
I’m happy you picked up on that, I was 2nd guessing myself when a friend told me the dreaded “I don’t get it” about today’s joke… that phrase cuts deeper than any gentlemanly sword could 😉