Fatherly Vision
Been a while since Chase-O-Vision… this is basically how I see wild animals, like the baby raccoons of 2012. My only regret is that I didn’t wear thicker gloves.
The last proof for the book comes in this week, then after that is approved, the whole batch will be shipping over to our warehouse and will be mailing out to everyone. I’ll keep everyone updated to how things are coming along. If you’ve had an address change, you can email us at [email protected]
Ladies and gentleman, the prince is back!
Mr Mills does not look that happy :p
I wish Mr. Mills was my dad. My self esteem would still be abysmal, but at least I’d be able to “Yeah, my dad fights bears and wins.” I’d be a constant disappointment because ursine wrestling ain’t in me, but god damned I’d be proud of the old man.
I’m curious as to what he actually said, but, at the same time, wonder if it would come across any different to Chase. I mean, no, this is how it does come across, but wondering if he only interprets death threats like that or, well, everything.
The way I interpreted it was that panel three is the actual end of Mr. Mills’ sentence and then Chase-O-Vision adds on the fourth panel, hehe
On another read, that does make sense.
Still wonder if that’s how he interprets everything, or just things he’d rather not… wait, who’s in charge of his Center now, anyway?
“My only regret is that I didn’t pull out [before you were conceived].”
Also, I’d think he’d be regretful that Chase would be dating his sister if he was Mr. Mills’ son, but oh well…
Chase-o-vision is terrifying.
I’m more afraid of the Chase-O-Vision version of Mr. Mills than I would be of Mr. Mill.s
He’s having a case of J.D-itis
The fourth panel made me laugh so much. Thank you
Sadly, Mr. Mills is still more fatherly towards Chase than his own father was, regardless of whether you look at it from the horrifying Chase-o-vision or from reality.
To late, he’ll never convince him otherwise now.
Holy Jesus.
I’d call Mr. Mills to dispose of the Chase-o-Vision Mr. Mills, which is probably hiding in my closet waiting to terrify me with smiles. That’s just fucking creepy.
Woot! That Raccoon from 2012 looks like Rocket with his bitch face on!
Panel three needs to be a shirt, rage-stache and all. obviously needs to be edited down to “If you were my son/child…” but i would totally wear that shirt.