Arousingly Uncaring
Not sure if some of you might recognize panel 3 from another comic I did a looooong time ago, but yeah D: (hintz)
Chase is gonna bounce back.
Not sure if some of you might recognize panel 3 from another comic I did a looooong time ago, but yeah D: (hintz)
Chase is gonna bounce back.
I recognize it! i think….is it Motokool? i re-read all of motokool so far…..cant wait for it to start up again.
Panel 3? Sure ’bout dat?
Panel 3 reminds me of Motokool, certainly. I friggin’ love the “Nergil” over there, though I can’t recall his name off the top of my head. Also, your artwork just gets better and better with every strip. Keep it up man!
Reminds of derringer in scout
Reminds of derringer from scout
Wait, doesn’t Nergil have a knife inside of his genitalia? How exactly can he even HAVE an erection? …You know, on second thought, I don’t need to know. I’ll just deem it as magic, and leave it at that. from right here
Well, bloody hell… I’m not sneaky at all D:
Does this mean motokool is being updated again soon, or is Nerf This going to become a flashback/flashforward sequence that eventually catches up with the events of Motokool?
it’s either derringer or that fool with the knife in his face, which would add to some wonderful parallelism to the fact that she aimed for his head. As far as similarities in the smiles go, i really appreciate it. It conveys that all three characters undergo a specific appearance and persona when they have this feeling of bloodlust.It’s a great connection to all three comics.
Its from motokool… which means we already know how this fight ends, and the one following it.
Except there’s still no note to stab in his face and there’s still not a company.
You can’t make Chase the bad guy from Motokool, I mean, that would just be mean. Besides the bad guy from Motokool could talk in complete sentences that made sense, not a trait Chase is well-known for.
I like Chase, but I’m not sure where this idea he is a good guy is coming from. He did monstrously sick, twisted, and psychotic things to the Koalas and he loved it, either in his mind or in reality. Then there were the brutal murders at the beach that everyone was pretty OK with. Then there is the current violence. The whole cast are clinically psychotic. Now we can write most of that off as dark humor asides that didn’t really happen, or we can take it at face value.
Let me put it this way. If Chase decided you and your family were Koalas, would you have warm fuzzies at the thought of him paying your family a visit? Are you sure it was really Koalas he was doing those terrible things to as opposed to people? Also I would point out that when he was fighting the Koalas he was diabolical and intelligent, a lot like Templeton.
NO! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! He better not be the bad guy from Motokool! I like CHase, I like this story, and I don’t want to see it end like that! Please let snarky be the only character from both stories.
****sits in corner rocking back and forth*****
My guess: Chase is dying while having killed Mrs. Mills. Nergil, being the nifty little wizard he is, fuses himself with Chase to keep him alive. The downfall to that plan is their personalities fuse too. THUS! BECOMING TEMPLETON! :3
That…is incredibly plausible. After all, Nergil’s already a very powerful wizard that can take enormous damage (a.k.a. a knife to the face). Chase is a badass physical fighter that doesn’t feel pain. I think Nergil would be down, especially to assimilate Chase’s power.
So Motokool picks up again soon? I hope the Motokool bad guy is Chase, I mean with everything happening it seems likely that it would be.
hmmm, that would be an interesting plot twist.
So, taryn’s pregnant with Jarvis. Killing destiny turns Chase into Templeton (somehow) and Mr. Mills gets a scottish accent. huh.
Chase might be Templeton. Chase might be the last Human King. Chase might be both. Jarvis might be his and Taryn’s son or even grandson. Those aren’t new speculations, but I will also add that I think it is possible even likely that Chase is related to Nergil. The beach trip felt like a father-son bonding.
If Jarvis is his and Taryn’s grandson, wouldn’t that make him /Grandda/ from Motokool, and Templeton someone else who successfully offs Taryn at some point?
Without knowing how much time has gone by it’s hard to say.
? If Jarvis is their grandson, and if the guy who Jarvis calls ‘Grandda’ in the first few pages actually is his grandpa (calls Jarvis his grandson within the same few pages), it’d have to be either Chase or whoever the fathered the other half of his family, wouldn’t it? Just according to that theory.
Sorry what I meant to imply was that Motokool could be many generations later. Nergil is ageless / immortal, why not Templeton? Or it could be vice-versa, Motokool is the possibly distant past, Nerf This is the present. I’m just saying we don’t really know which story is first and what the time spans are between them.
Yeah, I know, and have heard the theory on it being generations later, was just picking at that theory (Jarvis being Chase’s grandson) in particular to see how it would work. That is to say, it could, but at that rate Chase’s character changes /a lot/ between series’ and in the meantime his kid had a kid and went missing/left/died between stories.
I’ve wondered the same thing! They [Chase/Nergil] even look kind of similar.
Another thing is that the assumption is that Templeton is the bad guy in Motokool. That is highly likely but not 100% sure yet. We don’t know yet why her removed an arm from Jarvis or how it was replaced or what it was replaced with. It may turn out that Templeton had a very good reason for removing an arm and he might have been the one to replace it.
Now here’s my speculation. Templeton was aiming to remove Jarvis’s main arm to give him a more powerful arm. I think Templeton wants to help Jarvis. I think the arm he gave him has powers because it is covered in magical tattoos under the wraps. I think all three strips are connected – Scout Crossing, Motokool, and Nerf-This.
oooh man. I love the work you do scott. i personally would love it if chase WAS templeton.
Although Chase being Templeton might be the ”TWIST” that may bound the stories together, I am not sure if I can follow the story after such turn. Sorry, I am a softie at heart and such drastic change with everything that has been built being destroyed like that… don’t think I can handle it personally. It doesn’t mean the twist would be bad , infact it sounds quite smart, it is just that I personally can’t find the same enthusiasm to continue reading after such drastic change.
-Read new strip
*munch munch munch*
-Read comments on new strip
*munch munch mun–* “And Felix thought I was the crazy one.” *munch munch munch*
Ok, here is my two cents. In motocool, templeton murdered the old mans wife. The old man (To me anyway) Looks ALOT like a certain someone, who’s wife is currently in a fight… Also, the old man was the kids GRANDfather, so we haven’t seen his real dad. If his grandfather is who i think it is, that must atleast make his mother taryn, and his father would be… DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUN! Chase! Who also might be templeton.
If you read the bit of the letter you can see, your theory makes no sense:
I can’t even read that D:
Wait a moment… What if the Grandda is Chase, having moved away to get away from Templeton. Say, Templeton is Chase’s father, or the villain from Scout. Chase decided to take on a look similar to Mr. Mills out of respect for him and Templeton murdered Taryn.
Due to the fact that Templeton does not have a scar on his hand where Chase was just stabbed
To be fair, Templeton also has a knife in his face and is getting around just fine. Kinda hints at some either magic or monster-blood (if another theory related to Scout Crossing is to be believed) induced healing properties.
I think it is the other way around. I think Motocool is from the past. It would make more sense as the mocking monsters are more common then. Nerf this also seems to take place in a more modern era; Motocool seems to take place in an age long past. Chase is perhaps a decendent of the main character from Motokool?
Could be but it has to be a really, really long time ago, pre-history mythical age of Hyperborea type of long ago. It’s an interesting idea though, worth keeping in mind. It would mean this story spans thousands of years. My money however is on a post monster-apocalypse future.
Motokool doesn’t seem to be set in the past, as the main character wears modern sneakers and there are electrical outlets on the wall in the Motokool office.
Hey buuuuuddy… y’do know that response went to the guy saying “it’s probably in the future” instead of the guy saying “it could be in the past,” right?
Shall we go over the ways ‘past’ and ‘future’ tense can be used, again?
Wow, that’s *suuuuuuccchhh* a big deal.
Also, Douglas said “could be” and further speculated if the Motokool was set in the past, it was ancient past, so the comment applies to both of them.
I agree. It would have to be set in a lost ancient civilization that had very parallel development to the modern world. That is ‘possible’ but unlikely.
Assuming any of the assumptions are correct and Chase is Templeton, it’s Destinies bloody fault it all happened so if she dies and it all goes tits up then what did she bloody expect when she randomly starts trying to murder her daughters boyfriend and his pet without even giving a concise explenation as to why she hates the little monster so much.
Also it’s hard to imagine Chase as Templetion. Right now he might be uber badass strong but he’s pretty much Feral, Templeton spoke more like how Nergil did, all dapper and shit, not something Chase has ever been good at.
Someone’s forgotten the DoubleMonocle. Who knows, behind that note on his face, Templeton might just be wearing a pair.
Also, remember, her hurting Monty was an accident propagated by her pinning Nergil to a tree and Chase’s head being about level with Nergil’s groin on the other side of said tree at the time. Sure, she could have and still could apologize, but doubtful that it would stop him.
To be fair though it’s not like she wasn’t after killing monty, it’s simply that the way she did kill monty was unplanned.
Everything that has happened here is a result of her actions, I mean even Mr Mills tried to stop her and his opinion of Chase is not the most positive, and I imagine he’s privy to the same information as Destiny and he’s so far managed to not murder Chase and Monty.
Maybe it’s just wishful thinking on my part that Chase isn’t Templeton, but if he is and he does kill Destiny, I’m going to have a rather hard time feeling as though he’s in the wrong considering.
Not like she wasn’t ‘what’? And ‘to be fair,’ he’s not dead, and she /did/ give Chase permission to ‘use’ Monty in their fight.
That said, she said herself that she likes Chase, which is why she “gave” him the choice of trying to beat her or never seeing Taryn again. She never actually properly threatened Monty even once outside of mentioning she’s killed a lot of ‘his kind’ and that (she thinks) she actually did him a favor by doing what she did.
That said, considering that NergilWorm couldn’t properly hold up against RageChase and that she’s been doing pretty well (her still-yet ‘possible’ status as the physical manifestation of destiny considered), so I wouldn’t be too worried about her full-on dying.
‘Course, this is me committing to actively believing a character will be just fine in a certain situation, which I never do, so that’s probably jinxed now.
I agree with you that Destiny’s name is a touch more than just a name. That is kind of funny isn’t it? How well she, supposedly human, has been holding up against RageChase.
Honestly, I think a big hint toward Templeton being Chase is the expression changes Templeton shows on the note during his fight/dialogue with “Grandpa”. Doesn’t it remind anyone else of Chase’s “characters” in his head? I could be off base, but there does seem to be a TON of parallels between Chase/Human King/Templeton, and Grandpa/Taryn’sDad. We would have to know the time frame, I suppose. We’ll have to wait and see. Regardless. MOAR UPDATES 0_O The story must be known O_0
I just had a thought. As far as I know, we don’t know Chase Connors middle name. I’m betting it starts with a T. As in Chase T. Connors, middle name Templeton.
I’ll hate it if Chase ends up being Templeton and this leads to yet another motokool reboot.
Nirgil, fuck off backdrop?
This fight has been the greatest one I’ve been positively VIBRATING with excitement for the next page of.
For those who think Chase turns into Templeton, you can read the note that was knifed to Templeton’s face in one panel. It’s a rejection letter, with the woman (presumably the wife he killed) expressing she is flattered by Lord Templeton’s advances, but her heart belongs to someone else (presumably gramps). That situation makes absolutely no sense in the current Nerf This storyline.
More specifically at
I agree, I don’t think Chase is Templeton, but I do think there is a relation. The similar expressions on their faces, the similar hair and body are part of it. Next the note calls him “Lord”. I think Chase was / is the Human King in the future. Templeton as a ‘lord’ is part of this new nobility and is related in some fashion to Chase but is probably not Chase. By the same token I think Jarvis’s grandfather is related to Mr. Mills but is not him.
I can’t help wonder if Scott just likes to make non-meaningful references to his other works. If Motokool was drawn by a different author, we would see it as an homage, not a sign they take place in the same universe. But I haven’t read a lot of commentary by Scott so maybe I’m unaware of explicitly stated connections.
I would agree except that the monsters being present and very important in both stories and identical in form is far more than a homage IMO. If they were plushies in another strip that would be an homage. In addition the coy hiding of faces really only makes sense if there is a connection that Scott does not want to reveal yet.
I’d say its guaranteed theres a connection since he references the familiarity of the pose to a previous comment and says its a hint, although you are correct the original backstory for templeton and gramps doesn’t really work with Mr. Mills and Chase, same pose though so we’ll see i guess, could always evolve the story to make it fit although i don’t see it, i mean the “filler” and nergil didn’t exactly seem to fit or even be related at first :P.
My theory.
We are not witnessing the beginnings of Motokool
The three comics are showing a battle between clans (or within differing lines in the same great clan by the time scene rolls around) throughout the ages.
Assuming that the order of the three comics in time is Motokool, Nerf this, and Scene…
Chase is the ancestor of Templeton, and I would not be surprised if Dillinger is the ancestor of Chase.
Meanwhile, Gramps and Jarvis are the ancestors of Mr. Mills and family, and Scout is their ancestor.
Time will tell. You’ll need to explain why there are power outlets in the Motokool offices if it is the past though. If it is recent past then you need to explain how hordes of monsters existed recently without anyone in the wider world knowing about it. Nerf This is almost certainly modern day, so Motokool has to be the past.
Also in your theory why the king’s face is partially hidden? If Motokool is first and this is a series then the first and last human king is someone totally new to us so there is no ‘reveal’ in showing his face.
Hordes of Monsters that Destiny thought she killed years ago?
As for the face, yes there would be no reveal unless the last king was an existing character. If Templeton is the king, however, then hiding his face in the photo would make sense even considering Motokool as standalone. Templeton was an existing character when the photo was shown.
In Motokool several things are stated that you are ignoring or downplaying to keep your theory alive.
1. Mocking Monsters are quite large and they run in packs of up to thousands.
2. There are areas in the world where humans don’t live any more other than oddballs like Jarvis because they are controlled by monsters.
3. Motokool foundation was the place where humans and monsters worked together and it was founded by the ‘first and last human king in this world’. World suggests a global scope to his influence and power.
So for your scenario to be true, the first and last human king was the ruler of some tiny postage stamp sized nation no one every heard of that had thousands and thousands of giant monsters no one every heard of and all these monsters were killed by Destiny recently.
I’m not saying you’re wrong, I’m saying that it seems unlikely unless the Earth in Nerf This / Motokool is a bizarre alternate reality from ours, which is very possible.
But in your scenario, Destiny would have had to have failed to killed two mocking monsters (a breeding pair [and both Monty and Snarky are male, eliminating that pair as a possibility]).
Thus far, there is no evidence to suggest that Monty has a possible mate in the world.
If there is a potential mate (or more terrifyingly if Monty can reproduce Asexually), then to get up to the thousands necessary to cover the hoard in Motokool anywhere in the near future would require…extreme breeding. Extreme enough that Destiny would have fought a sizable unseen hoard anyway.
And really, assuming that the mocking monsters were rare before (or created during) the fall of the kingdom such,extreme breeding would still be required to reach the numbers seen in Motokool.
Yes, in my scenario a lot of monsters get created very quickly. This means something other than normal breeding is going on. Possibilities could be pathogenesis, getting them wet so to speak (Gremlins joke), or if a monster bites you you become a monster, or something else like that.
there are a lot of pigeons in the world, and monty is ready, willing, and able XD
No, both Templeton’s face and the last human king’s face were hidden. It makes no sense to hide BOTH faces if they are the same person and this person has never been introduced with their face revealed. It only makes sense if we would recognize either face if revealed.
Anyone else remember the Municorn? All Monty had to do was get some alone time with a TOY unicorn to create another monster. He called him Mr. Wiggles.
I don’t agree with you, but you made me re-evaluate a few things. Here is my theory.
Nerf This and Crossing are concurrent. Motokool is the post-monster apocolypse future. Templeton removed Jarvis’s arm and replaced it with one of the magical ‘inked’ arms. That is why it is all covered in bandages and a different skin color. Chase is the first and last human king, Templeton is the last human king gone mad after his loved ones were killed, thus Chase is Templeton. He likely changed his name on a lark when he was made into a ‘king’.
The reason Jarvis has the odd expression on his face when he looks at the portrait is because he recognizes Templeton. He is at Motokool because of what Templeton did to him and what he was told, which is yet to be revealed.
As for the other issues, I think they will work out. The letter on Templeton’s face does not yet make sense in my scenario, nor does the issue of Monty vs. Mills, who seem like they might be but might not be the same person. However I think the Chase – Human King – Templeton line is correct, so the rest has to follow suit if I’m right.
Oh, and I think it likely Jarvis is Chase’s son. If this story follows the Cambellian model he has to be the lost royal heir who must reclaim the throne. It was no accident if this is true that Templeton came by when he did, he decided it was time to ‘activate’ his son.
*munch munch munch*
So Chase is secretly immortal? Unless you meant ‘descendent’. Because Chase being Templeton’s ancestor (‘forefather’ if you will) means that he was around while Gramps and Jarvis were around, if (still assuming you meant ‘ancestor’) they’re the ancestors of Mr. Mills.
I hope you’ll continue with Scout Crossing and Motokool in the future.
Just to throw a spanner,
Nergil seems to look quite a bit like Finn, he even has his jacket…
One thing I’ve noticed is that Snarky looks very much like Iggy…And with where Chase had punched Snarky, and where Iggy’s bandage is down below his stomach, it could be possible to connect Snarky as being Iggy from Motokool.
I’m also thinking that Chase in panel 3 looks like that guy from Motokool with the piece of paper stuck to his face with a knife.
Guys. I was rereading Nerf Now for the heck of it and stumbled across this gem. Read the next couple pages after this one.
Scott – First, awesome comic, as always. Second, the banner at the top of the Nerf This site links to Scout Crossing and Nerf This instead of Scout and Motokool.
What if this is because Motokool and Nerf-this are one in the same? there’s already a large number of similarities, this could be an indication of things to come 0_o
She’s just given him a knife. Chase fun time to follow.
Oh and I found the koala king.
Is it possible that all three storylines are just alternate universes with the same characters but with different names and personalities? It fits, if only because any evidence against somebody not doing something or being somebody exists in an alternate universe and is therefore nullified. I would love somebody else’s opinion on this.
I know it’s been three months, but I think Motokool is more connected to this universe than Scout Crossing. I mean, look at Grandpa, he looks like a slightly older (and more Scottish) version of Mr. Mills. A direct connection? Maybe not, but Monty and Snarky are clearly Mocking Monsters, and there seems to be an incredible amount of overlap between the two.
Or maybe Motokool is just Chase’s insane imagining of what he thinks his life is like.
Seriously, that must be Nergil’s catchphrase.