The Fancy Chair
I didn’t want to post this comic today, but I’ve gone back to the drawing board with the design of Chase after reading some of the feedback. Â So i’ll be making hopefully some more tweaks (tweaks of improvement) to make him more “Chase like“.
Hopefully I can show you guys something awesome very soon 🙂
Aww. Poor Scotticus. Hussy hates you.
Hehe. so adorable.
Nooo I love the new Chase D;
So does this comic count as Monday’s comic? 😛
For the record, the new Chase was awesome. Watching your artwork evolve has been a real treat, which is why I ordered your book. Not only is it a hoot that I love to laugh at each day, but it’s an evolution of your skills as an artist.
I didn’t comment on it, but he did seem a bit off. It probably didn’t help that Taryn and that strapping young lad… er, little girl… I mean, Aiden didn’t seem to be any different design wise. Either way, do what you will, so long as what you will leads to… this comment is too serious right now…hmm… M0AR comics. Meaning no nude puma wrestling for you, even if you really want to do it. Don’t. Bad Scotticus. Stop thinking about that. You will not be able to dominate the big bad kitty. No! Stop screaming! Put the shirt back on! Hey! Don’t you run off towards the nearest mountains! Dammit, do you even know if there are any cougars around here! Keep those pants on! HEY!…….
Probably shouldn’t have gone for the overnight change with Chase (unlike with the old comics where change was definitely better). Maybe have him settle into his new design, but not go all “bad 60’s sitcoms dad” all at once.
(He did sort of look like one of those dads from one of those crappy sitcoms, or is that just me?)
I personally liked new Chasr
My god, those two images pretty much summed it all up. I can’t wait to see how Chase will emerge from this. 🙂
I thought Chase looked pretty good 🙂 what happened to Monty and Snarky? Haven’t seen them in a long time
New Chase seems too…manly. And normal. But he’s your character, you’re the artist, as others have mentioned New Chase could just be a reflection of the maturity and manliness gained through his battle with Nargil. New Chase doesn’t look like someone Taryn’s father would be embarrassed to call male.
i think the girls lately: steph, cloey, and taryn all look the same but with different hairstyles.
I’ve always wondered who the nameless person who accompanies you in these journal comics is.
He has an eerie resemblance to this guy. ^_~
Nah it can’t be that guy. He’s not handsome enough to be that guy.
Again apologies for the critism that (at least) *I* gave about Chase, but, well, while I’m sure I’d get used to Chase’s “new” look, it would be rather awkward reading the comic while he looked so different).
I liked how chase used to be stupidly hilarious. But his still epic though. I’ve read web ages just fond this the other day and its already my favorite. QQ are the Koalas ever coming back?
I don’t understand.. why… why would you shit in everything O_o
So…like my husband?
You people and your “comments”… this is why we can’t have nice things. 😀
Dear Sir,
I feel that now is the pertinent time to ask, to beg really, for some fancy Hussy based merch. I would be ever so great full.
I say. I can see this is a gentleman of dapper finery 😉