Bionically Guilty
This is actually a semi-true story sadly. (I mean, why wouldn’t I at least ask them about it?!) A high point for me was buying insurance, and while it does NOT cover the common cold or a mild fever, it does cover bear attacks and volcanoes. (I call it adventurer’s insurance).
I remember watching a livestream of you drawing and you got a phonecall and started talking about bionic arms!
If I could, bionic arm would be great.
As long as it’s not the all mighty powerful artist arm :O
Dude, Deus Ex isn’t upon us just quite yet XP
Wait, are you serious? In real life, your insurance doesn’t cover the common, but does so for the extraordinary? What kind of life do you live!?
He lives an amazing life. With gallons of adventurous bears. It wouldn’t surprise me if, one day, he trained a bear to let him ride it around like an awesome horse-eating car. Or something.Seriously – Scott atop a bear. That’s awesome.
Does the insurance cover you if you are fighting a bear inside a volcano?
Aww man. No cybernetics? What a rip-off! Might have to talk with that bear…
How have they not dropped you yet?!