Shopping with Hussies
Well… I’m nowhere fit to rule the land of beef jerky and awkwardness, but I could very well in the worst possible lighting pass for a duke.
Well… I’m nowhere fit to rule the land of beef jerky and awkwardness, but I could very well in the worst possible lighting pass for a duke.
I would high five that man so hard. First?
*HUG. Not high five. High five as well. But mostly hug. Hugs are awesome.
Right! On to the hugs.
Clearly Beef Jerky is a food group
Your links are as awesome as your comic. Keep up the great work.
Nothing wrong with that diet at all! Just add nicotine and coffee!
I once bought nothing but 20 packs of lil’ smokies. That was awkward.
I once went up to my local supermarket to get condoms… my mum asked if while I was there I could get mouthwash and dogfood as we had run out … -_-
THAT was an awkward checkout…
At least you didn’t also need lightbulbs and/or chocolate syrup. At 2am. (I don’t know if it helped or hurt me that I was living in a college town at the time.)
That is quite a lot of jerky…. but I’m so glad my grocery cart will never have to look like that… again. I got a dehydrator so time to make my own jerky!
I now see the horrible ramifications of this… oh well ^-^
No offence, but if you’re holding true with tradition, then you should be eating “gallons of shit”.
So the other hussie is you right?
All hail the Jerkylord! High five! (I don’t do hugs…)
D’aww Scott, taking Hussy shopping with you is so nice. I would give you a high five AND a hug! especially if you shared some of that beef jerky with me!
Wait… so you do your grocery shopping in back alleys?
haha, as we speak I have pig (not cow) jerky dehydrating in my kitchen =^.^= oh the joys of dehydrated meat
I love beef jerky!
check out this guys stach, is this Nergil?
ok, for some reason, the art style (and, some of the characters like chase and tony) remind me HEAVILLY of boxer hockey.
definately going to be keeping up w/ this one, in addition to lawls
Tch, that hussy can’t do nothin. *gives you the highest of fives*