The Guessing Game! on January 24, 2012 Series: Dapper Finery I’m terrible at guessing games. I imagine what if there would be a game, it’d be the Game of Adventure! Happy everyone is liking the way the art is going, seriously, thanks for all the feedback 🙂
This makes me sad but somehow in a funny way. Oh Scott how you like to make us feel confused.
“Troo Yovv”…dawww 😉
XD even the little filler type strips make me laugh.
How in the hell did you find that bear picture?
Dawwwwww XD
aww =( you lost true love… that’s almost as sad as losing an ipod =(
I lost My ipod too *sniff*
Today’s strip–and the accompanying bear picture–made me giggle out loud. Thank you for once again brightening my day, Sir.
I really don’t know what’s funnier sometimes – your comic strips or the hilarious pictures you seem to find.
For the record, if you’re ever within about 50 miles of Houston, I’ll buy you a drink. Who needs money when you have adoring fans willing to get you drunk?
I will be there to refill that drink when your done.
The “True Love” made me laugh! He’s obviously full of emotion, just look at those eys!
why did you change it?
change es no bueno
Why change?!
Also, uummmm I ordered one of those fancy book things way back in the day… what do I need to do about that?
you’ve done an excellent job with the artwork and encompassing everyone’s feedback – keep it up scottius!
Well, now I’m confused…I guess it used to say “True Love” instead of “Emotions”? Did that invite too much speculation?
looking great on the change [just as a btw] and love the comic!
I got confused at first because he was on the right, then jumped to the left. I thought his friend might have stolen his hat and vest.
where do you get the pictures that you tag onto your comments?