Here is the start of a new arc, and in other news, I will be starting another comic next next Monday, so look forward to that. It will be very much unlike Nerf This, and will follow a graphic novel format. I have the fabric approved for the stuffed Monty monsters, this weekend… production 😀 See you all on Wednesday.
Posts Tagged clubbing
So this makes me wonder, I’m sure this has happened on some occasions to most of you as well… have you ever had a clothing style you found embarrassing to this day? I didn’t quite have the clothes Tony did but I had my share of some horrid styles, even looking back I can say that there were some dark days for me, extremely dark days indeed. (it was a miracle people still talk to me) 😉 Also, go see Boondock Saints 2, gloriously awesome movie.
So we’re back to the story, and in some news, the store will be relaunching this week, most likely on Wednesday. I am also happy to let everyone know for the time being I am self employed, and its going fairly well, so I’ll be able to invest more time into Nerf This and Motokool. So what does this mean? More frequency in updates, more extras, and also more time for other projects I’d love to get going, like more webcomic ideas 🙂
Oh wow I’m beat, finally wrapped up all the holiday freelance, to which this will delay Motokool for one day. ALSO, who is this guy talking to Taryn? There will be drama, and Chase may be roughly taken advantage of as well!
Finally! First I want to apologize for the late post, I had some huge amounts of router problems last night and had to wait out the trouble. The good news about what happened last night is that Denis from Anhedonia Blue linked up and put together the new pieces to my site. These colors are going to be a bit more recurring and honestly when I revamped the comic two months ago I didn’t like how inconsistent things were (tore me up inside) ;).
Welp, here is the comic, online problems are now fixed, and I’ll see everyone on the new year (i think we have a 2010 thingy… not sure about this debacle).
So I hope everyone was/is safe on their New Years adventure, mine unfortunately will prove to be pretty treachorous, there is a nasty sleet storm outside, and I will be venturing into it… if only I could find something to ride, something reliable, and built for adventure.
So we are back to the story now, and things are heating up, Chase makes his escape, Steph and Tony wonder who is Taryn talking too… Monty is just doing his thing, being furry and somehow uselessly supportive 🙂
So this is different, a post? On Thursday?? Scott, what’s going on?!? Well, shortly before 2010 I said that I will be making the jump to a 5 days a week daily strip (now granted I’m going to try my hardest for this). There is much more discussed in the blog below on this subject, an official statement from your friendly sub-par artist 😉
Have you ever been told that you were “silky”, raise your hand if you were, then look around in shame that you may be the only one 😉
Crazy roided out ex-boyfriend on the left, and a plaid woman who’s strength is probably sung in greek mythology on your right (who’s in love with the monopoly man)… maybe I should put lighting in the background to show the full effects of this dangerous situation.