Parental Assertion
Don’t worry, Pizzly is fine, he’s just not up to snuff with handling Finn. In fact, Ruggles deserves a medal for dealing with Finn. Next post will be by far the most challenging post of Scout Crossing history, and maybe, just maybe, one of the awesome-er? ones.
Discussion (40) ¬
<3 Love it 🙂
I’m having difficulty figuring out exactly why this post is so awesome. And why I like Finn so much. But I do. 😀
The expressions on the characters are looking really good. 🙂
>.< Finn
Poor Pizzly! What does he have to do with this? >:(
Please make your comics into movies!
amazing comic as always. Thank you!
So Awesome. Shame on scott for letting his tattoos fade
its scout
I’ve read all of Scout Crossing so far and I’m not 100% sure that I now what is going on, BUT I LOVE IT!
I’ve heard that establishing a character as awesome without it being an “informed ability” is fairly difficult, especially for that kind of person.
I think that knocking the wind out of a polar bea- I’m sorry- Pizzly firmly cements him in the horns-flashing, nearby-women-fainting, sunglass-wearing badass section. That is all.
i must say he is getting towards dave’s bro and snoop dogg (as huggie bear) level of badass
I’m swooning, so I believe your assessment is correct. >3
Oh wow, what an amazing art shift o.O I like it.
Wow, Finn is losing his shit…
Finn is now my favorite character. I’d hate to see him sober.
Meet the amazing Pizzly! A bear with a fashion sense, and abs of pure flub!
Pizzlyyyyyyyy… I’m glad he’s ok.
The tatto artist is pissed! Run!
Finn needs played by Clint Eastwood in his prime if there was ever a movie. Just saying. I think it needed said. So I said it. Now it has been said. So…yes.
Dapper shark! Poor Pizzly, he was just trying to help Scout. Finn you meanie…..
So… the Pizzly is a Pizzly and his name is Pizzly? I thought it would be
like “Pete the Pizzly,” or “Pizzly Pete,” or something else with pleasing alliteration.
i have got to say, this is quite possibly my favorite one in the series EVER
Fading tattoos. Nice. It’s so refreshing to have tattoos in a story where the author knows what they’re talking about rather than just using them as cheap marker of “edginess”.
Scott once told he had tattos with similarities to Scout’s. So he has to know that tattoos fade with aging. I said similarities, but who knows, maybe he has feathers that can draw when he gets angry.
I want to go to Finn for my next tattoo <3 I understand his anger however, he put a lot of time and effort into Scout and he feels like it's being wasted, like he's been taken for granted because well, he has been. I think being disappointed by someone you cared for in that way is hard for everyone to handle.
i have to say Finn is my favorite character ever since he thought he drank laundry detergent he’s pretty much the coolest dude ever in one of the best webcomics ever i must applaud your awesomeness
Not gonna lie, I miss Scout’s beard.
so am I. Maybe the beard is gone seeking allies?
awwww, scout looks so cute,
especially when he’s saying “but you’re the one who put….”
love all the characters, except Finn, you should kill him in a bloody way and keep Ruggles, poor, sweet Ruggles and his scarf
Ruggles’s scarf is definitely the next antichrist
Finn is amazing and you’re terrible. Just terrible.
I love Cid! I mean, uh, Finn! Yeah, Finn! He’s awesome!
This comic is a joygasm of happy fun pokeshark-in-eye goodness.
I wish updates were 2x weekly. I know you do what you can, o mere mortal Scotticus.
WTB graphic novelties of graphical paperiness.
I recall “Steam Punk Krunk” being the title for this arc: is the shark gonna go “more than meets the eye” on Scout’s arse soon? :3
a certain elegance, indeed!
Finns punch gave Pizzly people eyes! So cute!
I had this idea in my head that Finn would turn out to be Scout’s dad or someone else closely related to him. Only time will tell. Insert spooky music here.
buahaha, papa Finn. He MAAAAD. Poor pizzly!