Awesome page, I like where the story is going.
Btw I think when Finn says “they’re” it should’ve been “their”. But I may be wrong.
(Is that the rage Chase look I see in the last panel bottom left corner?)
I originally had “He’s what they’re after” and changed it before saving, not even thinking. I usually get way to finicky when I’m almost done and overlook the easy things 🙁 It’s fixed now.
Your website needs and archive page, I dislike stopping on a particular chapter and then having to go clicking through them all to get back to the page I was on. Or at the very last having all the URL’s number like you did with the first 20 or so comics so that I would only have to memorize a number to get back to said page -.-
Abraham Lincoln. Why do you think Booth tried? Luckily, Lincoln faked his death and became America’s third immortal wizard, the first two being, of course, Benjamin Franklin and the ever-repentant Benedict Arnold.
Discussion (23) ¬
Awesome page, I like where the story is going.
Btw I think when Finn says “they’re” it should’ve been “their”. But I may be wrong.
(Is that the rage Chase look I see in the last panel bottom left corner?)
“i may be wrong.” so polite ^.^
Love this! I love Finn’s angry little emoticon response to Scout.
What he said ↑ other than that, awesome page! Lovin’ the art and the storyline
EBM is right. “Their” not “They’re”. “They’re” = “They are” and “He’s they are goal” makes zero sense.
I originally had “He’s what they’re after” and changed it before saving, not even thinking. I usually get way to finicky when I’m almost done and overlook the easy things 🙁 It’s fixed now.
No, you’re right. Their is the correct form, not they’re. But honestly, they’re just words. The meaning is still conveyed.
Dude I just gotta say that every time I see your avie pic I check my cameras and panic… lol?
Oh gosh, oh gosh, oh gos, oh gosh!!!! I’m so excited for the next post!
This is awesome but sad at the same time…
tatoo ink is made of people ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! awesome page cant wait for more
Soylent ink?
Dude, you totes beat me to that joke.
Beat me too >_<
You did an amazing job on panel 5, in my opinion. His facial features and emotion really convey the situation. Kudos! Can’t wait for another post. 🙂
This is amazing!! I feel like I wait for these comics to upload for an eternity.
Every time I see Finn I love him a little bit more
Your website needs and archive page, I dislike stopping on a particular chapter and then having to go clicking through them all to get back to the page I was on. Or at the very last having all the URL’s number like you did with the first 20 or so comics so that I would only have to memorize a number to get back to said page -.-
Abraham Lincoln. Why do you think Booth tried? Luckily, Lincoln faked his death and became America’s third immortal wizard, the first two being, of course, Benjamin Franklin and the ever-repentant Benedict Arnold.
I stand behind this statement.
I must also marry my socks, so excuse me.
I love this webcomic it is pretty epic