And little do they know that all that secret talking behind someones back is really causing an inner turmoil that could change the world! Or something like that. 😛 Lovin’ that plot development!
Honestly, you shouldn’t say things about people that you wouldn’t find yourself saying to their face for one, and secondly, you don’t talk shit about people who can’t defend themselves. You know. Like dead people.
But people still do it. But they’ll die. And we can talk shit about them. ;D
I don’t know if not speaking ill of the dead is something one should always adhere to. I think it depends on the person who died, I believe speaking the truth means more then not being rude….none the less it is mean to talk about Scout’s brother like that when he’s right there.
I know what you mean. It pisses me off to no end when someone dies and everyone makes them out to be a saint no matter what they were like when they were alive. Maybe just don’t say anything if there’s nothing good to say about them? Oh well
He proclaimed himself to be an arrogant ass?
Oh god a Ludo poster…
he did, and there is (though I’m not a fan) but someone said the lead singer looks like Chase from Nerf This.
Oh yeah, a little I guess..
They’re kind of my guilty pleasure music. In fact, I’m going to have to kill you now that I’ve revealed this.
And little do they know that all that secret talking behind someones back is really causing an inner turmoil that could change the world! Or something like that. 😛 Lovin’ that plot development!
it’s been 29 posts, I guess I should get to that, hope everyone likes it so far.
OR cause all their throats to be mysterious split.
that would be sinister 😉
Indeed. 😉
Justified for whatever happens next.
To think that people actually do talk about people like that once they’ve past away… makes me so mad
Whether or not that person was a “shithead” or not doesn’t make it ok to talk shit about them being dead… bad karma
(Although I’m sure/hoping Chance Crossing was not a shit head and that it’s just scene kids being arrogant tools)
Honestly, you shouldn’t say things about people that you wouldn’t find yourself saying to their face for one, and secondly, you don’t talk shit about people who can’t defend themselves. You know. Like dead people.
But people still do it. But they’ll die. And we can talk shit about them. ;D
D: How mean and uncool of them. If they KNOW Scout’s there and they’re saying all those horrible things…
Clearly, Chase and Scout were too good to have sex with them.
But seriously, I hope Scout does something terriawesome to them.
Erm. Chance. @_@ So many ‘Cha’ names. I’m totally expecting the next girl to show up to be named ‘Charisma’, or something.
haha, maybe a Victorian female villain named Winnie Fondlebottom?
haha point out scout. where is he? man these people are bitches
the worst kind of bitches… passive aggressive bitches.
I don’t know if not speaking ill of the dead is something one should always adhere to. I think it depends on the person who died, I believe speaking the truth means more then not being rude….none the less it is mean to talk about Scout’s brother like that when he’s right there.
I know what you mean. It pisses me off to no end when someone dies and everyone makes them out to be a saint no matter what they were like when they were alive. Maybe just don’t say anything if there’s nothing good to say about them? Oh well
Is that really all there is to it because that’d be flabbergasitng.
You people do reluze that this is a just a comic and people on real life wouldn’t do that
You’re being a bit naive…. People are into bad mouthing other people as a whole anyways.
Yeah people will. I have been AT a funeral when it was going on. Its the most horrible thing ever.
anyway, Wonderful comic yet again Scott. Love it!
This comic just keeps breaking my heart over and over, but I think I like it better when it does somehow…
People speak ill against his dead brother and yet they live? What, is Scout out of ammunition?
its probably just the title but something in my brain connects this with Scott Pilgrim.