Fresh Out
I almost want to make panel 3 an advertisement for some horribly boring… we’ll say dentistry products.
Anyways, sketching out the next page, back to Dillinger and new character-ish girl.
PS: Follow other updates from my comics here, and spread the love 🙂
Finn looks awesome in 3 too 🙂
Finn, will forever be one of my favorite comic characters. Along side him being Nergil 😛
Teh fucks are all gone.
I’m a little in love with Finn, I gotta say haha. Also, his cup says “Not Piss”! Win! 😀
I like Finn’s stance on the situation:
Shit might be going down, but there’s always time for a good cuppa…
I love the skull in the cigarette smoke, nice touch
I would be so happy if the third panel was used for a wallpaper.. After Finn had his coffee and cigarette of course.
Either that, or the last panel.
Maybe I’m just looking at it wrong, but Finn’s cigarette looks like it’s floating and panels 3 and 4.
I’m seeing the same thing
Do we get to see Liz again? I miss Liz.
Is that mug going to be available for sale? Cuz it’d be fricken sweet!
Seriously. I’d buy one. And I’d buy another one in case it breaks. And then buy some more for every room of my house.
Finn, here, I have one to spare!
To be fair, if I had lost my best friend and my sight to a group of homicidal scensters and been forced not to leave a building for around five years due to a silent war against one of said scensters, my own bag of fucks would probably be well and empty.
Why do I feel that the crew is going to save the foolhardy girl, and she will either betray them later, or fall in with Finn…… … .
That or they come out as she dies, and someone flies off the handle and fucks that guy’s shit up.
Either way there is going to be a fight WOOOOO
I want last two panels as a poster XD
Love the last two panels!
“Filthy fucking mouth? Clean it up with Zorbitz gum! Or don’t. I don’t give a fuck. Now go away and leave me alone while I drink my goddamn coffee, you hideous little wanker.”
” I’m just fresh out of fucks. I don’t have a single fuck to spare.” I am so using that line someday. 🙂