Follow The Cursing
5-5-2011 – EDIT: As some of you who follow Nerf This will know this, my computer has completely thrown in the towel. I’m using a back up (ancient) desktop to post Nerf This, which for the most part is working despite being tedious. Scout Crossing however, due to file size and the effects that go into a finished page, are utterly impossible with what I have (never had so many warning: insufficient ram messages in one sitting before).
So, my limitations are line work and anything beyond that are impossible until I move some funds around and get a new workstation laptop. I’ll most likely see what I can get this weekend as a replacement. Sorry about the bad news.
Right now, it looks pretty good that I can go back to once a week updates. I’m also really trying some new things with lighting/shading/drinking more coffee 🙂
Discussion (93) ¬
Aughhh!!!!! What an intense part of the story!!! MUST HAVE MORE NOW! 😀
Panel 2’s list is quite possibly the most epic thing I’ve seen. 😀 Very well written, I laughed hard.
Oops, I thought “reply” was for the whole discussion… haha lol. I fail at webpages. >.<
lol, dont worry, i do that too sometimes. comes with being a newfag on 4chan
OMG FINN. I kind of want to take that stop sign and beat that guy about the ears with it for what he did to Finn!!
So he’s blind?
The lack of pupils or irises, or any of the components of the eye necessary for sight would certainly point in that direction…
I just thought the blank eyes were an aesthetic thing in his character design. Plus, he never showed any signs of it. Finally, a blind tattoo artist? That sounds like a bad metaphor used by a blue collar comedian in an attempt at somewhat-offensive humor. Poor Finn.
NO hammer time under the stop? Scott, I am dissapoint.
back home me and some friends went around doing that to the stop signs when we were in high school. Good times
I still haven’t got my SC mini 🙁 Love the comic though
I can’t hear anyhting over the sound of how awesome this article is.
Aahhhh! I seriously hang out for this comic every week. I have to go back and read the last few month’s comics just to remember where I am – really though that’s just an excuse for reading them again.
Your style and humour and suspense and awesomeness never fail to amaze me, Scott. Your comics are so far ahead of all the others I read in both storyline and art. I am in deep awe of you – and deep gratitude to you for letting me read these awesome comics all the time.
Obviously Finn doesn’t die.
See what you do to me, Scott???
I am in nauseatingly amounts of love with you.
I am emotionally invested in the lives of your characters in a way I haven’t been since I first met Marten Reed. I hope you keep up the amazing work because you never cease to surprise me and I love it!
emotional investment in comics is difficult, they always break your heart
So…Finn is a blind tattoo artist?
He is the epitome of epic.
And yet he can still draw a pretty mean, My Little Pony tattoo XD
I am in love with the second panel. It looks so beautiful. 😀
Keep up the fantastic artwork and plot development, Scott! I really respect what goes into this comic.
First Motokool, now Scout. You, Sir, have perfected the art of making comics SO DAMN AMAZING that they send shivers down my spine. Congratulations. 🙂
holy hell o.o this is the most intense thing i have seen today. kudos to you sir. wants sooo much more.
For a second I misread that as “holy hello”.
dude… thank you so much for the great incredible characters!! BEST WEBCOMIC OUT THERE!
Scott!!! You are gonna be the end of me!!! Each time leaving us on such a hang…I wanna know what happens next!!!
But that is why I come back each and every time 😛
You sir has got me good 😀
He blinded Finn! That bastard!
holy… freaking… crap…
i never leave comments, but this is seriously the best web comic page i’ve ever seen. between SC and Nerf, you are definitely my favorite comic guy.
This is one of the most well done pages I have ever seen.
The lighting may or may not have made me cream my self.
Just…amazing as always.
Every Update I read makes me want to read this more..
This would be amazing as a regular print comic
Holy shit this looks amazing. I like the different angles that you drew from. Fourth panel is really nice.
Finn’s BLIND? Wow… mind blown…
ps love the added bits and pieces to the art!
You can’t win, mysterious black-haired man of poor dental upkeep. If you strike his eyesight down, he will become more awesome than you can possibly imagine.
Wait…FINN IS OBI-WAN KENOBI?!?! I knew there was a reason I always liked him…
If im reading the list in panel #2 correctly… Finn Callaghan is a member of the “Kills things with their bare hands” club
Well technically, the only thing he killed on that list he had to bite to death, which is using the teeth rather than bare hands… So would that still count?
It’s even better. Un-armed combat taken to it’s farthest extreme. Look, ma! No Hands!
What exactly is it with Finn and the bears? Does he have some kind of grudge against them? We now have three documented cases of Finn punching three separate bears. As far as we know the only one that was being aggressive towards him was trying to save one of his other bear victims.
“Finn! Why the hell do you keep punching bears?!”
“Because they’re there”
Well, technically we don’t know one of the bears he punched before losing his eyesight wasn’t Pizzly, though it’s probably safe to assume not even Pizz would be dumb enough to get Finn to punch him twice.
Also, isn’t that Finn’s shark in panel 4? Does that mean that he got a new one, or was he somehow able to repair it?
Good spot. I’d been assuming that the shark was an actual shark he had killed and taxidermized. Shame to see that’s not the case.
In this page his current day shark seems to be patched up in that same spot. So it’s probably the same shark.
Seeing you refer to Finn’s shark caused me to notice the pun for the first time 😀
Wait, no. It has that bandaging there in today’s strip too. Could just be what he uses for a grip. I have no idea if he’s in the habit of replacing the shark or not, but it’s probably not too hard to do if he wanted.
Remember that this is a world where people break into pieces when they die, and their hair cracks like cement after being punched hard. I still think it’s an entirely fair assumption that Finn’s shark is very much a real shark.
I thought it was just hipsters that do that when they die. What with being mystical, magically created, non-human entities or something. Scout’s face never cracks when he’s punched, and Penny nearly died without showing anything more than typical human bleeding and bruising. Now I don’t know what to think.
That’s true, but I don’t think Laylor was mystically created or whatever. I think the world just works on the premise that the world doesn’t work that way for the protagonists, just the people around them.
that picture of finn breaks my heart. my gosh.
so angry. ugh. lol. probably one of the most emotionally influential of your comics, yet.
This is such a bad ass strip XD Awesome.
Please, Please, PLEASE make SC your priority! I love this comic, I’m giving my self a hernia waiting for updates
This is the best page ever!
Im quickly loosing respect for Scout as hes wearing that scarf. Maybe StopSign boy will chop it off.
Holy shit……….awsome awsome awesome awesome cant wait for more this comic is insanely good
Finn doesn’t need eyes to see anyways, his aura of purely concentrated AWESOME bounces off everything and sends the signals straight to his brain.
I’m a big proponent of more coffee. Great looking panel, by the way.
Perhaps its only temporary blindness…but how in the hell can Finn see Scout’s ink in the future and even more importantly if he is, how can he tell they faded.
Ok…. so Finn is blind. A blind tattoo artist. That is both confusing and amazing.
This is epic, Finn being blind and a tattoo artist raised his bad ass meter off the scale, and I would have to say you draw blood quite well good sir.
now i will never look at stop signs without fear striking my heart.
When this started out, I thought it would be generic and didn’t think I would like it. Now I can’t wait for the next update and love the plot. Bravo, sir, bravo.
Oh my god this is AMAZING!!! I just found this today, and already, I am in awe. I mean, this is just spectacular… I can’t wait to see what happens next!!! Or, is this one of those, I REALLY don’t want to see what happens next ones, because it’s gonna be AWFUL. I mean, we don’t even really know what’s going on here yet, but still. Wow.
Oh, forgot to mention, Finn is a badass. A complete and utter badass. You look in the dictionary, right next to badass, there’s THIS PAGE’S VERSION OF FINN!!! I mean, he’s clearly blind, but he can still see? Does it have to with his ink? Did he, like, tattoo eyes onto the back of his hands or something? Whatever, doesn’t matter, Finn being a BLIND tattoo artist just makes him that much more of a supreme ruler of all that is awesome…
This is getting cereal, guys! 😮
Like, super serial?
i wonder how a motorcycle gang would be in scout crossing…
It would be a demon hipster motorcycle gang.
so epic…
I just went back and looked amd u cam rlly tell in animal undies finn rlly dosnt have pupils i totly missed that
Here I was, clicking the next button when I realized-There weren’t any more updates. Cannot wait for more 😀
this angers me. pretentious people don’t like it when i’m angry. Finn, you shall be avenged.
What the eff are these guys into??
A cave, apparently.
Man, I’m just the height of hilarity this afternoon.
Absolutely gorgeous. You’ve shown so much progression just in these past few pages. Seriously awesome.
One thing: in panel two it should be “I’d” rather than “I’ve.” He’s speaking in the past tense. (:
Yeah, except “I have seen” is the past perfect, which is the correct tense for what he’s saying.
*present perfect. Present perfect is what I meant to say, but the point still stands, my brain farts aside.
Panel 2 has to be the funniest fucking thing i’ve EVER read. MOAR! NOW!
New Shirt:
Front: My Resume/List of Achivements
Back: (List from Panel 2)
and my heart just beat a whole lot weaker….
I do beleive my heart sank to my stomach just now
awesome, but reminiscent of madness
I like this comic , so I’ll try to suppress my wonder at the cornea and pupil being damaged by a strike like that without compromising the eye completely.
That said…I wonder when the eye damaging blow landed: early would mean that this guy didnt want to fight Finn without a serious advantage. Late would mean this guy has rocked Finn in a fair fight until he decided to finish him.
astute observation. many hopes to the “early” theory, along with a probability of ambush = they’re all dirty, underhanded fighters that only go for what seems like a sure thing, after the odds are guaranteed.
This becomes even more interesting when you consider the blood splatters/stains in almost every panel. If Finn was blind fron the start, that was a hell of a fight that the guy probably would have lost if it ended fairly (especially since Finn somehow landed a hit hard enough to crack his teeth and draw blood)…
Or possibly he was already blind and somehow just got blood in his eyes. Of course that theory makes him that much more bad ass.
No! Dont die!
seriously, like, got the shivers seeing that last panel. @_@
dude, favorite character? sparticus. He is god flipping awesome!! i really love you art, and its cool to see how it improves. I really love your comic.
WTF I can’t take this cliff hanger stuff anymore! i love this comic but you NEVER update it! I like nerf this too and I think i could like motokool but that ABSOLUTELY NEVER updates…. PLEASE do another page of Scout crossing
Omigod PLEASE put up a new page… it’s killing meeeeeee
Having just been introduced to Nerf This and Scout Crossing in this last week, I’m proud to say that these are the two most awesome comics ANYWHERE! But now… I need to know what happens next!
Well that explains the lack of updates. Ever since I discovered this I’ve been checking in way too often and praying another page comes up. But a reassurance you haven’t just given up on it altogether was nice. Here’s hoping things work out soon so you we can get back to more Scout Crossing.
greetings all scout crossing, Nerf this and Motokool fans!! Most loyal fans will know that Mr. Ferguson’s computer has crashed, keeping us all in a state of wonder and anticipation waiting for the next update. He has provided us with a great comic to look forward to (usually) once a week. I do not think it would be beyond too many people’s means to pool some small amounts of money together to help out the (hopefully not starving) artist!
If anybody feels like this would be a good idea we should seriously start thinking about sending some funds his way. possibly through paypal or maybe another method that could be better.
what are some thoughts on the matter?