Yeah, He Really Said Tutz
Readers, you have witnessed a rare day today… the day wrote toodles and tutz in the same post (NEVER AGAIN)!
Also, I really want to thank all of you who joined the FB Fanpage over the weekend, it really meant a lot to me, If I had gallons of money, I’d probably send everyone cupcakes or something (shaped like sharks or dinosaurs)
Scout is also updated 🙂
Discussion (53) ¬
I scoured around to see if “tutz” or “toots” were the same, and which one was used more, sadly they seem to be used the same amount, so I wasn’t sure which one to do D:
And wow, dick move Mr. Tony’s Dad.
I’m glad you went with the “tutz” spelling. “Toots” is interchangeable with “farts” in my mind, which would have completely changed the 6th panel’s dialogue.
I, for one, have never been sure how to spell that word at all. Nor have I been inclined to learn. And as for the FB page thing, I was already a fan! =D
I have been for quite a while. And I probably always will be.
Great new comic. I had a feeling he could see what was going on.
I did think about having Tony’s dad join the fight, but that fight scene would last another few weeks! SO I had to wrap things up. THIS outcome may provide me with some new angles though :
So….. is Mister Macho Cop really all he says he is, or does he just act tough?
I think he’s probably all he says, but that doesn’t make him any Mr Mills. Just because he’s badass with a handgun when he’s taking out methlabs wouldn’t necessarily mean he can do much against shadowguy.
As a side note, Taryn’s father may have severely skewed her view of what words like “badass” and “Hero” mean. It’s probably why she didn’t end up with a tough guy. You can’t win playing that game with her.
I will gladly aid in the baking of sharkakes and cupsaurs.
umm…. i love you?
oh how you pull at the strings of my heart!
I will bake them with love and arsenic, just for you, darling.
Arsenic really is the only ingredient you know how to mix with love innit? 0=]
those are some damn good ingredients!
You never cease to have the best little “blog” posts under your comics. I wish my dog would let one of those costumes on it, she would flip.
I could never forgive myself if I didn’t add a little “flare” to my blog snippets. I’m really happy you like them 🙂
I thought he would pop into the battle as the secret weapon or as backup. Now I’m disappointed in him. Almost makes me ashamed to have a beard…
It all depends on what color your beard is, so don’t lose hope!
*sigh* It’s black…
I’m extremely sorry, this also depends if it’s an Italian beard…
Sweet Salvation! Time to be proud of my German heritage 😀
whew… close one 😀
i’ve gotta say those are some quite snazzy words though. Also whats this tony’s dad, a wuss? say it ain’t so boss, say it ain’t so…
p.s. i don’t think i’ve commented in a while but boy does it feel good to be back! ^_^
More on Tony’s dad will be explained, but for now, yeah, he’s not the “helping” type.
Glad to have you reading regardless 😀
wouldn’t miss a day for the world
your comics are better than any cupcake they have awesome-ness filled centers but carnivorous cupcakes do sound freakin’ sweet
haha, thanks Marth, but anything that is a danger to man in cupckake form is pretty spectacular.
That’s why all my cupcakes look like robot Freddie Mercurys.
I only implied baking, you sir, have implied the dark arts of alchemy 😉
Truly, we have gone beyond the impossible here.
man what dick not helping ur own son
Such formal wedding attire Mr. Tony’s dad… Also, to make your exit be spelt out in such beautiful cursive would be an awesome superpower.
Wow…Taryn is tough, If that were me I’d probably be a hysterical mess =p
Or scorpions! =D
Wow, the… “antagonist” has sound effects with very curly writing.
Like all good dandies should.
I think its the epic moustache that gives him the ability to make dick moves at anytime :<
YAY to Taryn being an absolute champion
BOO to Mr. Tony’s dad…
YAY to his shirt (he wore that to the wedding? lol!)
Wo wo. Bad guy won with Montey? I wonder how this next arc is gonna turn out. Great art as always.
Swish! Great way to exit I think, great way indeed…
you know how he just insulted the badasses daughter he might invoke a revival in the guy and spark another fight. which i don’t think the church can’t take she just can’t take it! hmm but then again that would make for a better fight then the one sided smack around of a shark vs whale.
Im not sure if I should feel upset and disappointed about Tony’s Dad, or proud that hes sticking to his badass selfishness…
Did anyone actually see Tall, Dark and Scary physically take Monty away? Because I sure didn’t… O.o
Nice job wearing a “fuck off” t-shirt to a wedding, Tony’s dad. haha
This didn’t click for me until 3 hours after I read the comic. I burst out laughing in the middle of ancient history. The teacher was displeased.
I LOVE that shirt! 😀
Hmmm shirts like that… make me wonder where all the mothers are. Or maybe Tony was hatched from an egg with Jurassic Park-type technological advancements in biology… So badass daddy would then be father and mother…. God I need to stop eating all these marshmallows and reeses cups! XP XD
Scott serious, your comics fricking rule:D Never made a comment but it’s just to awsome
Keep this up (with all your comics) and I love the effects/backgrounds you put in this comic
The best part is he wore that shirt to his sons wedding!
Onlything greater would be if tony replaced his tux with a “free moustache rides” shirt.
Lil Mr. shadow needs a good vacuuming.