Ha! Told everyone he would still be alive. Not how I figured but. Oh, considering he’s all complimenting Nergil, what if he’s there about Marian, what if Marian is gonna be the new villain and not him, and she turned him into that green blob.
Wait a minute! Tubby said Nergil wouldn’t remember any of that after Lydia was done with him, and yet he’s surprised Nergil doesn’t remember him? What?
Wait. It’s his fault Nergil’s the way he is, isn’t he?
I’m pretty sure that’s still Chase’s fault.
Oh, you meant the cursed thing, and not the crazy thing.
I’m still going to find a way to blame Chase anyway.
IS IT THE FAT MAN?! It’s the fat man, isn’t it? With his many glorious chins…
I fucking love Nergil
The Chins! So Many Chins!
Oh dear, it’s his father in law…
Obviously we need an experienced family counselor here. Quick, where’s the real Chase?
When he says that he cleaned his wife off with a towel, was he wiping stuff off of her or wiping her off of stuff?
Ha! Told everyone he would still be alive. Not how I figured but. Oh, considering he’s all complimenting Nergil, what if he’s there about Marian, what if Marian is gonna be the new villain and not him, and she turned him into that green blob.
Shits about to get real…really real.
Wait a minute! Tubby said Nergil wouldn’t remember any of that after Lydia was done with him, and yet he’s surprised Nergil doesn’t remember him? What?
Shhh. We don’t talk about continuity here. Just enjoy the random.
Hey guys! Remember that time people thought Nergil killed Chase? Ahhh, good times.
silly nergil you use a hose for that
or a woodchipper…
He’s got a muffin top that can beat out any other muffin top