Whorishly Magical
Nergil’s true form is an homage to the creatures of Tri Vuong, who’s comic I HIGHLY recommend checking out 🙂
I’m not quite sure how wizards fight, but if it were me, I’d just throw a jar of spiders at them, in fact I’d just throw a jar of spiders at anything… except bigger spiders.
oh dear merciful satan take me now
That’s a pretty good pick up line for seducing a dark wizard.
(… … I would be much, MUCH more frightened if I was that blob…)
Nergil is quiet. Nergil is never quiet. Even when he was absolutely furious and trying to kill Chase and co. he never got quiet. Bromunculus/Father-in-law doesn’t realize he’s screwed. He’s just getting Nergil pissed off enough to get… creative in how he kills him.
And we’ve all seen how wonderfully creative he can be even when he isn’t so very motivated by a silent, seething rage
Yeah, throwing a jar of spiders at a bigger spider would probably just power it up …
Third panel, do you mean “monstrously”?
Screaming internally, and externally.
He just turned into a different, more condensed monster. Not necessarily and easier one to deal with.
He just turned into a different, more condensed monster. Not necessarily an easier one to deal with.
Please let this not devolve to a game of “this isn’t even my final form,” unless it involves Chase and company crawling out of an orifice that may or may not be an anus. If that be the case, then please, devolve away!
Please let this not devolve to a game of “this isn’t even my final form.” Maybe if it involves Chase and company crawling out of an orifice that may or may not be an anus…
If that be the case, then please, devolve away!
I thought mustaches would only grow on smart people… Father-in-law, not a smart one it seems…prodding Nergil to utterly destroy him in creative ways.
I want that final panel as a desktop. God damn that is amazing.
Is that the mask of Blades? The mask owned by Jack from Fable: The Lost Chapters (and I guess Fable as well, even though most people know that TLC is far better because it has more content ‘n stuff?)
Good eye. Yes, it is. I liked Jack in the first Fable, and was very happy to see more of him in TLC. Didn’t care for the voice change, if only because it removed any sense of humanity from him. I liked the idea of him not being -obviously- evil.
Your wish is granted. You fine gentleman are welcome and have a dapper day.
I tried to send you a copy of the picture but it didn’t go through. What you want to do is right click the image, save it somewhere on your computer then go in and do a basic crop.
That last panel is simply haunting, I can’t help but feel sorry for Nergil. He looks more like a lost soul than anything.
Thank you for linking The Strange Tales of Oscar Zahn, because it was extremely enjoyable and I look forward to following it as it develops from this point forward. At the same time, you suck, because that caused me to fall asleep two hours after I was supposed to because I couldn’t put it down.
Nergil in that last panel would make a very good creepypasta story I’m sure.
Wait wait wait, this is his true form? So normal human looking and normally seen shadow Nergil are just shape changes like that big monster?
It’s perfectly valid to throw a jar of spiders at a larger spider, so long as the jar itself is larger than that spider, unless you miss….
Even if you don’t miss you’ll be killing one spider, but the jar will break and you’ll be faced with an army of small spiders. And if you do miss, the jar will break and the larger spider will lead the army of smaller spiders in a war against you and all human kind.
Is there something in universe that says that wizard-monsters are only allowed to have one eye?
Nergil wears an eye patch, so I would venture to guess that his “true form” should reflect that. Conversely, I would also think he has 2+ eyes in “cursed form” due to his being able to manipulate such things when shape shifting.
I’d very much like the last panel to possibly be made into a wallpaper