Welp, this is by far the corniest joke I’ve ever done, did you make this face (not to be confused with this face) in reading that last panel, because I sure as hell did D:
Also, buying computers is terrifying, completely terrifying for me, but I’m going to a place today and coming home with hopefully something that spits in photoshop’s face with it’s ungodly speed. SO… this might be it for fillers I believe, maybe one more (I do have a trick saved up my sleeve) 😉
Hey Scott, in the 2nd panel you said “warlock you uses” not “who” haha
One of the worst jokes on this comic and yet I could not stop laughing. I’m going to be using that joke next time my gamer buddies get mad at me for selling spells.
And so make the Ipad shop add suddenly sense. Good luck with your computer.
great joke but… weren’t you supposed to have a brand new laptop that spits in photoshop’s face with it’s ungodly speed by now? just asking…
I made neither face. I was content with the fact that he invented a new term which explains something that he does to make money with something awesome. thus it was an awesome word = awesome panel = awesome strip.
Ahh buying computers. Just remember to state at the beginning “I want to buy this computer, and nothing else. Don’t try to sell me anything else or I will shiv you!” If you do this, then you don’t have to talk to the salesman for an hour as he tries to sell you additional crap that you don’t need.
I prefer just buying stuff online… or ordering online for in-store pickup if I can skip shipping charges that way. Although I do believe in buying service plans on laptops, since I’ve had both laptops I’ve owned repaired under such a plan before, so most sales people would probably like me even if I bought nothing else.
I made a face full of joy! That was an awesome punch line lol!
uh oh, Scott has a trick up his sleeve…that can never result in anything good (rather it always results in something amazing!)
good luck sir, and I am glad to hear your quest for a new Lappicus is nearing its conclusion.
I’m loving your gravatar ^o^
thanks, I was waiting for someone to get it. You just made my day 🙂
lol..I went on a Dragonball binge…how could I not get it? And
love every bit of it :3
Interior Crocodile Alligator, Nergil whorelockin’ sellin spells for paper
Now that is the worst joke ever.
Either that or, “What do you call a dog with no legs?”
“Well it doesn’t matter what you call him he’s never going to come”
I actually laughed. It wasn’t the worst joke I’ve ever heard, and certainly not the worst this week. The worst this week was:
What animal set all of the animals in the zoo free? The Monkey!
My sister read it to me from a popsicle stick… Well, great job, Scoot! Can’t wait for tomorrow! ^-^
That’s.. whore-riffic!
The face I made was a combination of both.
Don’t worry, the awfulness of this pales next to the awful joke I heard last Friday:
“What is the leading cause in the creation of pedophiles?”
“Sexy children!”
… The awful thing is that I guessed the punchline immediately.
Oh god….that joke. IT BURNS! (in the most hilarious, most un PC way EVER).
Does he have a pimpgician?