Whoopsie Murder
Not like Chase was an important character or anything, at least from the waist up. Remember kids, wizardry and angst don’t mix.
PS: I’d seriously like to thank everyone for reading this comic, it means the world (or a bunch or tamed owls) to me. I was trying to think of a gif to insert for this, but I’m trying to find the best I can D:
NOOOOOOOOoooooooo chase has a serious case of the deads now.
. . . but . . . but plot armor . . .
Wizardry apparently bypasses plot armor
!(◎_◎;) Wha….Chase is gonna get Un-dead right?! Maybe someone can go punch something magical and bring him back?!
I laughed way, way too hard at seeing Chase blow up…
I can explain? LOOK BEHIND YOU! *Runs away even if they don’t look.*
is it bad that I’m trying to stifle a raging erection right now?
Yes, it’s bad. Nothing good ever comes from stifling those things. Or indulging them for that matter.
Yes, yes, Chase dead. So sad.
WHERE IS THAT SECOND GIF FROM?! I feel like whatever it is would be amazingly terrible and must be shared with everyone I know.
Its from the short film “Kung Fury”, it’s half an hour long, available on youtube and is absolutely incredible.
Yeah, I had just found it and was telling myself, ” Screw Walking Dead. Rick and Darryl can wait while I watch this awesomeness.”
Spoiler alert: Nergil tries to fix it by putting Chase back together. Chase becomes Templeton because of dark magicks.
Well, is this comic coming to a close then? Scot can move on to other things?
Come on, this is Chase we are talking about, who beat monsters with Bricks and can go ” Feral” to fight the Matron Mills.
Time to pull that ol’ Chrono Doll out again.
Ah. The Ctrl+Alt+Del “Hard Quit” I love it. Now that this is over go work on MotoKool you fascist.
Ctrl Alt Del is a shit show.
yes. thats the point.
Or maybe a possible update to Scout Crossing…
Wait, so is Lydia still in him? Is that why he has two eyes now, the second eye is actually Lydia? Also Chase officially awarded the most hilarious death scene.
Probably is. She went into his empty socket, and it looked like she started wrapping her wings around him.
Nergil is so adorable in those last two panels.
Is Feral Chase black magic? I don’t think Chase may be dead. I see a future magnetic recombination of chase into feral form. Monser mash might be chases new form if his Monty’s seamingly power based respect means anything.
Well, it’d be nice if you updated more often,
Now I can’t unsee T-Rex paddy cake. Never click links.
You misspelled “always.”
Is it chase? Chase was in front and nergil blew someone on the right and scott is just trolling us?
I for one welcome our new Nergil centered comic. I mean lets be honest, despite appearances Nergil was always the real main character. Now it’ll just be official.
What?? No, nonononononono our love was too young to end like this; shit
I’m sure he’ll be fine. People can live without their top half, right? I read that somewhere…or was that worms… Oh well, most of Chase’s brain was in his penis anyway.
Honestly I’m ok with this.
Guys…guys…guys…I’m afraid I’m going to have to go all logic and perspective on you.
Look at panel 3. Chase is right in front of him, maybe even a little to the left. Now panel 4. Nergil has turned to his right and blasted someone into a fine red mist. I don’t know what poor chap got to experience what it’s like to be ground beef, but I don’t think it’s Chase. Unless Nergil was doing the time warp dance inbetween panels before blasting Chase into itty bitty pieces.
Could have done a pirouette prior to the blast. I believe it of him. 😛
Or he could have just swung the right side of his body towards Chase’s face. Also we see brown hair floating down in the final panel that looks suspiciously like Chase’s hair. It would be nice to think some random bystander just got mulched though.
Also, there’s something wrong with Chase’s eyes. I think he blew up the other wizard.
He’s wearing Chase’s shirt with the torn-off sleeves, has Chase’s hair color, and he kind of looks like an idiot. So, I’m thinking it’s Chase.
I’m sure he’ll be fine. Torsos grow back. Happens all the time.
I’ve only been reading this site for like a 2 years so I have no clue about the significance of this event. I now have to start reading the back issues from the start.