Vulture Rescue
Another Journal Comic!
This is a very true story, there was a vulture on my property with a broken wing. During my chase of this eater of all things dead, I had it cornered in a large shrub, now I’ve been trying to catch this legendary creature for weeks now, (and when you live on 12 acres, there is a lot of room to hide). This vulture became my white whale, and I would have my harpoons ready (harpoons equal my hands, and me catching him), and I would not have him elude me again! I never knew a vulture could hiss… or drool, and I underestimated that it’s beak is like a razor blade. But I’m slightly overly optimistic when it comes to wild animals, instead of realizing that I should say, “oh look, it’s a wild animal” I usually say, “I’m SO petting you, forver”. So without gloves, I dived into that damned bush. (did you know vultures will vomit on you as a defense mechanism?)
So if you ever go to Hawk Mountain in PA, you can see him! They renamed him though, they THOUGHT Hannibal was better than Iggy… whatever.
Here he is today 🙂 (this picture is from the Reading Eagle Newspaper, for when they did an article on vultures last week).
I am the same way with animals. I will have to visit Iggy some time. :3
I’ve probably been bitten by over a 3 dozen snakes, because I for some reason need to say “look what I caught” 🙂
I would’ve said the exact same thing.
Scott, we’re a damned amount of similar. I bet you’re even as hungry as I just got <.<
Maybe we’re internet twins? Because that would be awesome 😀
If we were twins our mom would hate me because I’m pretty sure we’re at least five years apart. I must’ve been like, the world’s oldest baby. o.o
P.S. I don’t know if it’s your site, or my bad luck, but I got attacked a couple of minutes ago. Viciously. In a cycle of confusing “Okays” “Cancels” and “X’s.”
I just saw, and I’m getting some emails about it (nice and mean ones) from readers, I may have to rip down my sites, I don’t know what to do, is this a hack? (I’m not very savvy on this 🙁
Mean people can suck it. You’re not to blame for the even MEANER people. Who make dumb viruses.
I have a baby squirrel that I’m taking care of RIGHT now, so yeah..I’m the same way. My parents used to run a wildlife rehab :3
That’s really awesome, and that must be challenging, I’m completely and ginormously jealous that your parents did that 🙂
Lol yeah VERY challenging. One time we had about 20 baby deer, 30 baby opossums a beaver, and a few skunks, all at once. We had to quit because it was so expensive 🙁
It is really expensive, my parents have chickens and I’m surprised at the cost just to support them. If I had to raise baby deer, they would have ot eat what I eat… which would consistently be Cookie Crisp and coffee 😉
As delicious as that sounds, I’m not sure if it would have all the vtamins they needed. lol
“omg iggy ur so cute”
“r u obsessed or what lol”
“babby u lite my fire”
“yeah totes”
Iggy is so the better name, they screwed up.
Dude that’s seriously Bad-ass and awesome but seriously first a bat and now a vulture? Did you have trouble identifying the good animals in Didney films? lawl
*facepalm* I spell good
By far one of the more funny comics I have read in a while…….it made me get kicked out of the library cause I was laughing so hard. >_<
Awww, so cute. I think i would probably be your friend who said it was a bad idea. XD
You are like a real life pokemon master! Also, the heart shaped word bubble around adorable made my day 😀
I’m still disappointed for you that that huge-gantic snapping turtle disappeared when you went to catch it 🙁
I totally went through a shorter, less perilous, version of that with a bird a few weeks ago. It’s awesome that Iggy got a happy ending at Hawk Mt. Hope you know about this place: it’s in the middle of nowhere by Cressona but they take every wild unfortunate animal there is and are so good to them. (Found your comic via a link to the Library Thingies comic, which hooked me as I’ve always wanted to do that too. You’re totally my library hero.)
I’ll join the ranks of the “Aaaww” crowd. He’s a handsome fellow. I had an aviary for a few years so I never got to rescue anything feathered unless you count keeping the budgies from taking off the legs of the canaries.
The last thing I tried to save was a feral kitty a couple nights ago. I got a good hard bite for my troubles. >.< But at least she ended up at the shelter and soon to a barn.
… I kinda like Scott-o-Vision more compared to the Horrible Reality 8<
it looked like it was violently doing horrible things on everything in site with its eyes X<
that and Iggy is a good name =P
I know exactly what you mean about bringing home some poor stray or wild animal that *needs* our help! XD I’m always dragging some poor critter to my parents. “Daddyyyyy…can we keep him? Just til he gets better!” We had several chickens, a tortoise, a cow, a mourning dove that one of the cats mauled, aaaand we almost had a fawn that was hit by a car and barely alive – – – but my dad being the big redneck manly man of manliness that he is, ate the poor thing. >.<
ooooh he got told!!
“You’re a penis with feathers!”
Okay, I just lost a bet. I bet one of my friends twenty bucks I couldn’t find that phrase online. I have a feeling he’s been to this site before…
i definitely understand the snake thing… i never realized just how loud my roommate can scream… 😀
I always inspired by you, your views and attitude, again, thanks for this nice post.
– Joe
Good Lord! It’s great to see there are other people out there like me. I once cornered and snuggled a possum before I brought him down to my parents room IN THE HOUSE to show them. It all would have turned out fine too if my mum hadn’t screamed at it and made it “go” all over the floor. Possum dung is not nice at all. Silver lining *knock on wood* I’ve never been injured by a wild animal…only those supposed tame ones. And on a side note, I was 18 when the possum story happened. Love the comic!
reminds me of the time I found a bat in my friends barbecue. it is still the smallest and most adorable thing ive ever found in a grill! even though he tried to attack me 🙂