Hey guys, I’m back, sorry about the delay, I’ve been tinkering pretty crazy on these few style changes. I do like how Taryn turned out (I think). Just want to give you guys something better 🙂
Also, one neat project I’m working on is this, I’ll be doing some of the art for it 🙂
Thank goodliness Scott, some of us were worried about your well-being, myself being one of them.
Same here. You disappeared for a week (not even a Twitter update!), we wondered what happened to you.
Taryn is looking great in the fourth panel! You’ve outdone yourself, man! 😀
yeah go monty
lol, monty, being a boss.
dang it sct always when i have to sleep… but amazing style it!
my keyboard hates me. that sct was supposed to be scott. and first!
I’m…marginally upset. We finally get Monty back, and he’s going to spend the entire time somewhere else. I miss my Monty’s shenanigans. I DEMAND MORE SHENANIGANS.
Oh don’t worry, this story is going to be split in two, parts with Monty, and parts with others at the beach, so we’ll see a lot with Monty 🙂
Will we possibly see the return of Snarky as well?
Yeah what happened to snarky? oh and I have this odd feeling koalas at the beach?
That would be awesome… The Koala Assassins and Snarky have both been a LONG time coming…
She’s smiling an awful lot in that last panel, unless she really likes the idea of having socks full of Monty-spoo (or whatever his weird bodily function is)
Maybe she knows it’s the only way to force Chase to do the laundry?
Monty’s back! Woo hoo! 😀 …but why must you leave him at home. I demand his company on this trip. He must be there for Chase’s first beach adventure!
is it just me or anyone else not gotten their Nerf This book in the mail yet? I’m not complaining, I’m just legitimately wondering if I made a mistake.
I have not received mine yet either, i tried finding info and asking, but to no avail :S
Check Scott’s and my comments above. Shouldn’t be TOO much longer till you all get his books.
I’ve tried asking as well, with no real luck. I’m about ready to start asking via email (hopefully that’ll work)
Small hiccups with the printers, they officially start printing this week. Should be about a month and then they will be shipped.
Ah, I’m sorry for the lack of info, but the book is at the printers, I had to make a lot more tweaks to the technical side than I thought. The second they get out, they’re shipping to everyone 🙂
Oh good!! I totally thought I’d Britta’d something. Good deal.
Monty in a threesome… After thinking about what he can do to a koala, the very thought scares me… *shudders*
Glad you’ve escaped the Reaper. I’m very much enjoying the new style, especially Taryn’s look in the last panel.
I’m really loving this new style! It seems to fit the evolution of the story and characters well. And Taryn’s boobs are much better. I could never quite put my finger on what it was, but something about their previous “style” always bothered me to some degree.
I love the look chase has in the last panel… in fact great expressions in the comic all around
Will there be any koala attacks at the beach? I haven’t seen any in a long time.
I like Taryn’s new style, everyone’s for that matter, but I am a bit disappointed that despite the art improving, the actual positioning of people in the panels have been dare I say, boring to look at in my opinion. Standing straight, only upper body visible for the most part does get old to look at no matter how hilarious the dialogue is on a regular basis. If I didn’t already love this comic for its shenanigans from its earlier chapters, I don’t think that Chase’s hilarity or beautiful art alone would have been enough to get me hooked. No harm intended, I just don’t want one of my favourite webcomics to become boring.
Its like having a favourite sitcom on TV thats becoming more and more like standup comedy… or at least The Office, which isn’t bad, but doesn’t really have much going for it asides from a bunch of jokes, I really do look forward to this upcoming beach adventure, which will give plenty of opportunity to make up for being so static lately with what I think is a much needed dose of energy.
Agreed. Love the way it looks now, but getting a little bored with the static viewpoint and posing.
didn’t taryn have a monster too? what happened to that? also great comic, really enjoying it.
I know everyone is ogling Taryn right now, but what caught me eye was Chase in the second panel. I really, really like him there.
Like every straight mans dream, having two at once. Like every mans worst luck, ending up with socks.
Doesn’t seem to phase Monty though…
What ever happened to female Monty??
I like chase’s look, and and haha monty makes me laugh
Love this comic! I just discovered this yesterday and I finished it today. Severely cut into my production at work but I’m very ok with it.
Also, I insist that Zoey date me instead of the evil dude…I love her …Don’t tell my girlfriend.
Love how Taryn looks! Keep up the good work.
I think your tinkering has succeeded~ also, nice project! I think I would buy that game . . .
I look forward to seeing where this goes.
I really like the art in today’s strip, although I feel like Taryn could stand to eat a few burgers–she’s -so- skinny in the waist these days.
I agree with something Mark said down below: the art is looking great, but the posing has become really static. I’m hoping this is just temporary while you adjust to the tweaks you’ve made in your art style, and that we’ll start seeing something a little more dynamic soon. Keep up the good work, Sir.
I really wanna see Monty Shenanigans too! Speaking of Shenanigans…What do you fellow readers imagine Nergil’s(that’s wrong isn’t it?) voice sounding like? Back when he was the shadow man I kind of pictured him sounding like a well spoken ghoul from Fallout 3(Or New Vegas).
Now I’m not so sure what his voice inside my head as I read should sound like as a normal human!
Oooo, good question! I’ll have to think on that one, but the first actor that came to my mind was Terry-Thomas.
I imagine that vaudeville guy from family guy.
i love love love chase in the second panel. and maybe it’s just me, but the shading under chase’s eye in the fourth panel makes him look tired… just an observation.
Chase is perfect in panel 2. Perfect.
Taryn is looking great too, keep it up!
I just spent an ENTIRE day reading these comics. I don’t even remember how I found them either. I just have to say that this was the most amazing thing I’ve ever read. The art style was pretty awesome and the characters are like, relatable to me. Especially Monty.
I like Taryn’s hair in this strip
i missed monty so much :,)
I had a cat that was like that. My socks were never the same.
i just read every comic in the last 24 hours… you are epic! plus monty is a boss
This is my second readthrough for this comic and I love it. The only webcomic I love more is Sinfest, but for the record it’s a close second.
This is my second readthrough for this comic and I love it. The only webcomic I love more is Sinfest, but for the record it’s a close second.
Are you updating weekly now? =(
What is the update schedule by the way? not having a schedule to work is threatening to put my head into critical overload!
Sooo…did something happen to the other monster and I missed it?
Yeah what happened to snarky???