Hmmmmmm… seems I’ve put myself into a production problem, more on this later, I have a little streamline experiment I want to try tomorrow before I say anything more on this yet.
I love shadow guy….Hes so cool…. Oh and i made a character in Fallout New Vegas that looks like Mr Mills. His Strength is all the way up and i punched a deathclaw to death. it made me smile
Will the wallpapers ever become available again?
I want to be able to show all the people at work something awesome and the only thing I can customize is the wallpapers.
I just realized that Zoey and Adam (a.k.a. Aiden) do *not* have a spot o the cast page! WHY?!?
Btw, Tyxerus – I think you’re on the right track. I totally just realized that they wear the exact same clothes the exact same way, save for the fact that Mystery Meanie wears a pinstriped vest.
Btw, Monty with the Pimp Whip? Spectacular. Fireworks are going off somewhere..and they’re amazing…all for Monty.
Mr. Shadow might be saving that Pimp Whip exclusively for hussies….but you can’t blame Monty for cracking him good with it if the bastard ‘eep!’s like a what? HUSSY. <3
I think it’s caused by Monty – it’s like he infects his current owner with the personality traits of his previous owner. Kinda like what happens if you pal around with a smelly person for too long and the smell latches onto you like a horny orangutan, understand?
His face scares the hell out of me in panel 3. D:
Yeah, it is impressively creepy.
Lol, that’s like my favorite part!
I happen to find his panel three face delightful
I’m totally with ya, there.
Dude I make that face every payday
The best part about him not having a mouth is that when it does show up, it’s somehow ten times as awesome. (Creepiness notwithstanding.)
Nah, not delightful, it just looks like he’s trying too hard to have an evil laugh. Y’know, like one of those awkward supervillans.
Yah, i’m more or less of the opinion that he should never smile.
I think the lack of eyebrows actually makes him look kind of cute. About as cute as Monty.
You, sir, are weird.
I fully agree.
I love the pimp whip.
Well, so does Monty, Mr. Shadow Man.
Hooray for money! 😀
AHHHHHHH OH GOD PANEL 3. That is the creepiest face ever!
I love shadow guy….Hes so cool…. Oh and i made a character in Fallout New Vegas that looks like Mr Mills. His Strength is all the way up and i punched a deathclaw to death. it made me smile
I want to give you a hug now. Just saying. Or hit you with the Pimp Whip, cause I can’t even kill a Deathclaw with my strongest weapon.
I always get the feeling that Mr.Shadow dude & Chase are connected somehow….aside from that, AWESOME CREEPFACE. But why does he have no throat..?
Perhaps they are connected like Harry and Voldemort were?
OMG Monty is a hussy! lol
creepy you say? i disagree. MANIACALLY THRILLED, on the other hand, is a totally different/awesome story.
LOL… Monty likes the pimp whip!!
All in favor say SKEE.
Also, if you look at the lines of his laugh inpanel three, he has a Monty grin!
Will the wallpapers ever become available again?
I want to be able to show all the people at work something awesome and the only thing I can customize is the wallpapers.
Can you make the creep face in panel 3 a wallpaper? For some odd reason…I reeeeaaally want that as my wallpaper O.O
I just realized that Zoey and Adam (a.k.a. Aiden) do *not* have a spot o the cast page! WHY?!?
Btw, Tyxerus – I think you’re on the right track. I totally just realized that they wear the exact same clothes the exact same way, save for the fact that Mystery Meanie wears a pinstriped vest.
Btw, Monty with the Pimp Whip? Spectacular. Fireworks are going off somewhere..and they’re amazing…all for Monty.
Soooo, when are you gonna start selling us Pimp Whips?
I would be willing to pay in large quantities of human soul. Most likely mine.
Mr. Shadow might be saving that Pimp Whip exclusively for hussies….but you can’t blame Monty for cracking him good with it if the bastard ‘eep!’s like a what? HUSSY. <3
Why is he wearing the same clothes as Chase?
I’ve noticed he seems to be dressed like chase, and is acting a lot more like chase lately
I just noticed that, too. Spooky.
I think it’s caused by Monty – it’s like he infects his current owner with the personality traits of his previous owner. Kinda like what happens if you pal around with a smelly person for too long and the smell latches onto you like a horny orangutan, understand?
Hussies be needin’ whippin’?
And obviously this is just Monty telling ShadowMan that he should be Monty’s bitch.
Can a person with no teeth still pull off a Slasher Smile?
Good Gravy man! You must cease this wanton abandon of hilarity that directly causes coffee shortages i.e. undapperly sneezing coffee on my poor mac.
Good Gravy man! You must cease this wanton abandon of hilarity that directly causes coffee shortages i.e. undapperly sneezing coffee on my poor mac.
Panel 3 is So going on a pumpkin.