That’s Just Me
Sorry this strip is up fairly late, I had a hellish time writing it, actually had to do some emergency tricks (not whore tricks).
Also, a huge thanks to those who are pre-ordering the book, it’s amazing to see how far this is going, I can’t really thank you all enough.  OH, and I’ll be streaming tomorrow afternoon, I’ll throw a link up when that happens 🙂
I am secreting as of now. But it isn’t blood.
Another slice of Awesome! Although I can’t help but wonder what Nergil is going to do now the dastardly dastard that he is!
Methinks Monty is a liiiittle scared of freaky horror-Nergil. I would be too, Monty. I would be, too.
No matter what you may think of him, at least Chase has the decency not to bleed all over other people’s carnivals. Also giant worm tentacle thing + unconscious young mai… Chase=???
And now it’s time for Monty to go Repressed Rage on Nergil >.>
That would be so cool…
Mannn I know how this ends, and I wanna email it to the creator to see if I’m right. Though I don’t see his email anywhere and I don’t wanna spoil it for anyone else who might not actually think of it.
You and I both know what happens. Just wait for tomorrow so you can giggle to yourself happily. Look at all of the butts in the seats. LULZ SPOILERZ.
I realized how it was gonna end about 3 strips ago. Its is going to be interesting. I can’t wait to see how the creator goes about doing it.
For me it was when I saw Nergil’s hair. Btw, anyone else think Nergil is really similar to Nergil from Billy and Mandy?
It was actually Nergal in Billy and Mandy. lol
I mean I realized it awhile ago to, it’s just not started bugging me togo oh oh oh until right now.
My friend and I kept throwing ideas on how it would end back and forth for a while now, but I think that I know now. My question is, WHY ONCE A DAY….. it’s going to kill me till tomorrow morning.
I don’t wanna hear it, I also read scout crossing and it’s at a really good point and he only updates that once a week! I’m so pissed off I wish he’d update it every day.
Now now Nicholas, Scott is a hard working man you little ragamuffin. He can only draw so much, I mean look at the quality of the end product, that can’t be rushed.
Doesn’t mean I wouldn’t think it was awesome if he switched up which ones he did weekly and daily. One week he does Nerf daily and Scout weekly then switch it around the next week. Then everyone is happy and his workload stays the same!
yeah, but Scout Crossing is a larger format. I’m with Allsortsofmeow.
Monty time to unleash whatever special powers you have that makes Nergil so keen on keeping you around!
Eating large volumes of things and being a ferocious little monster?
That, and making googoo eyes at anime monster cards 😉
Chase has lost his berserker powers… not good, not good!
aw, don’t die on us Chase! D:
Get a few pints of blood back in him and he’ll be juuuust fine 😉
Think its time for Nergil to learn what Quackington did this is no dance with danger but a dance with the devil himself!
Ah, so the show’s sooo good, that Nergil loses his shadowguyness just as he’s about to make the finishing move?
Well that’s what we were talking about earlier now that you spoil it for everyone else.
This is why we can’t have nice things. =(
It’s only a spoiler if it’s official 😛 We have no idea what goes on in Scott’s head. Scott, do we WANT to know what goes on in your head..?
GAH Chase was wearing red chucks this whole time!! This just makes me love him more!! (i shall wear my red chucks today to commemorate him)
Caveat: The following applies only if Monty is not a hallucination.
Someone has to say it, so I will: Nergil really sucks at killing people/monsters.
I dunno about that- look back to the wedding- he kills the priest, kills the cousin, almost kills Taryn, lands Chase in the hospital…. I think Chase is honestly just holding his own well- or could it be that Nergil is just holding back?! o.o
But the only person who he really needed to kill was Chase, and Taryn’s father who tried to stop him from taking Monty and killing Chase. And the funny thing is that he said at the time that he killed Chase and probably killed Taryn’s dad.
he pr’bly sees himself in Chase to much. 😀 I kid, but wouldn’t it be nice.
Monty’s little flappy panic arms. Oh god the cute is causing fatal liver failure. That’s how cute.
Anyways, I love this.
One minute you’re unconscious. The next you wake and *BAM*. Snack monster. That’ll ruin your day.
I miss rage-chase. You’re a cruel god Scott.
Can you draw Chase into the logo so he doesn’t die too?
PS great Arrested Development reference!
Anddddd caught up again.
you and your misleading cover page… nerf this is almost nothing like calvin and hobbs. almost.