That Was Personal
EDIT: I do apologize once again, the next Nerf This post will update during the day hours again. Sorry about this, but I promise next week things will be less hectic.
Adventurology Rule Eleven: Bears bearly know bear handed combat.
Discussion (60) ¬
you know… its could have been his. But the bear cheated and stole it
That would mean he broke the rules, and I doubt he would stoop so low.
“I’m not intimidating.”
A bear with a knife is extremely intimidating…
What about a bear with chainsaw hands?
What about a chainsaw with bear hands?
What about a shark with chainsaw teeth, but instead of a chain on the saw there are tiny bears.
You sir, have probably given me the most epic mental image…EVAR!!!!
I can’t even describe the strange sensation bearsaw shark teeth is giving me. But I suspect it’s illegal in the continental United States. And Rome.
Can…. can the tiny bears have their own chainsaws?
Mr. Tohat. Please keep this discussion realistic. How would you propose we give all those tiny bears chainsaws? I would be immediately concerned for my safety when reaching into a bearsaw sharks mouth to distribute said chainsaws
But…. but wouldn’t the awesome be worth it?
I am pretty sure breaking a coconut on my head would be awesome. However I would most likely incur a concussion and ruin my dapper appearance.
Hey don’t blame the bear he just tried to…..BEAR it all…eh eh?…yea no lol. I still think her dad looks like a future version of chase :O
Do you have all the bear puns out of your system now? Because, I can’t bear much more. 😛
Seconded. I can bearly think straight as it is… 😛
Sbear me the details.
And all our questionable comments were answered. I wonder if this comic was all for the sake of telling us why the bear had a knife in his head, because we commented about it so much.
^was wondering the same thing. Either way, is was the bears last resort
There is no honorable death for the knife wielders. As is part of the creed of the Kills Things With Their Bare Hands Club.
And now her dad can join the higher echelons, the club-within-the-club: the Kills Things with their Bear Hands Club!
Please don’t tell me he takes the rest of the bears off in the next strip… (Ah ha, see what I did there?! He’s stripping, but in a comic strip?!
Not only that, but he would be bare (or in this case, bare)
Did anyone else think of the koala bears?
Never cheat in a fight where being skinned is the losing penalty: you might end up the codpiece.
Truly these are words to live by
I’ll never stop swooning over Taryn’s dad. Gahhh.
All he needs now is a monocle and a tophat… maybe a cane to twirl to complete maximum dappery, and the swooning singularity can happen, eh?
That must have been a really GRIZZLY scene.
I can BEARly stand to imagine it.
Complete PANDAmonium.
I have a man crush on her dad.
I second that
I think I’ve completely bypassed mancrush and gone somewhere wholly inappropriate…
I could’ve sworn the knife in the earlier strip was a hat
I could’ve sworn the knife in the earlier strip was a hat.
The bear was desperate. I mean Christ, wouldn’t YOU be??
Yea I thought it was a hat, on top of his wang. . .takes the phrase “skull f&%k” to a new dimension.
Not to sound Grammer Nazi here. But on the second panel? Taryn used the wrong form of “its” :O Ohman.
Wow, can’t believe I missed that, thanks for the heads up, Evan 🙂
“grammer”? it’s grammar not to sound like a Grammar Jew looking for revenge.
that’s just a spelling mistake not a misuse of grammar.
Well I’ll be. It IS a grammar mistake. Talk about double standard. I shouldn’t make correction after 13 hours of work. 😀
i was saying his pointing out that you spelled “grammar” wrong wasnt a misuse of grammar.
Oh wow, Taryn looks amazing in that second panel. Scott! Give us a large detailed image of that! Please!
make that “bear”
So I was reading the comics in a college newspaper today. One of the strips mentioned bears and zombie bears…I immediately thought of Nerf This…it was unbearable 😛
Nergil has been defeated. This comic will now consist solely of Chase being terrified by Taryn’s father.
I love how bashful he looks in the last panel – it’s absolutely adorable, like he’s just the slightest bit embarrassed. Don’t know why he’d be embarrassed, but still. Great comic!
Mr Mills would probably have to intervene at this point…
“I’m NOT embarrassed! The knife is just edging closer to my man-parts and the blade is cold.”
Mr. Mills isn’t afraid of cold only the threat to his man-parts and ability to father more Taryn’s if the unthinkable should happen!
MUAHAHAHAHA!!! My gravatar works!!! Now no one will be safe from my witty and often stupid comments!!!
ok fail on first try… how about now?
me no have gravatar… me sad!
Whatever happened to snarky?
actually yeah where’s snarky in all of this?
(chip n dales theme music plays as he un- bears)!
Bring back the koala assassins!
They’re Chase’s specialty, like Mr. Mill is with bears.